motal是什么意思 英文名motal[莫塔尔]的翻译、发音、来源

motal是什么意思 英文名motal[莫塔尔]的翻译、发音、来源

1. 词义:mortal是形容词,表示人类或其他生物将死的、有限制的或致死的。

2. 词性:mortal是形容词,其名词形式为mortality。

3. 词组搭配:

- mortal sin:致命罪过

- mortal wound:致命伤

- mortal enemy:死敌

- mortal coil:人世间的烦恼

- mortal remains:遗体

4. 短语:no more mortal coil,表示不再有人世间的烦恼,也就是死亡。

5. 发音拼写:mortal的发音为ˈmɔːrtl,重音在第一音节。


1. He was a mortal man but will always be remembered as a great leader. (他是一个凡人,但将永远被视为一位伟大的领袖。)

2. The wound was so severe that it was a mortal wound. (这个伤口太严重了,是致命伤。)

3. The king had a mortal enemy who was always trying to overthrow him. (国王有一个死敌,总是试图推翻他。)

4. He committed a mortal sin by cheating on his partner. (他背叛了伴侣,犯了一个致命罪过。)

5. Death is the only thing that can free us from this mortal coil. (死亡是唯一能让我们摆脱人世间烦恼的东西。)

motal 的中文翻译为“动机的,动机性的”,读音为[məʊtəl]。


1. The police investigated the motal behind the crime.


2. It is important to understand the motal behind someone's actions.





例句:An essential element of a MOT is an array of six laser beams that bathe the atoms on all sides and from above and below. (MOT的主要部份是六道雷射光束所形成的阵列,从上下四方照射在原子云上。)


例句:The target was Saudi Prince Fawwaz al Aziz. (目标是沙特阿拉伯王子Fawwaz al Aziz The target was Saudi Prince Fawwaz al Aziz.)


例句:Because I'm afraid you might end up being famous as the lawyer (因为我怕你会因为输掉Al Gore的选举)


1. Because I'm afraid you might end up being famous as the lawyer (翻译:因为我怕你会因为输掉Al Gore的选举)

2. To improve your writing, try to find the mot juste for each idea and avoid cliches. (翻译:为了提高你的写作水平,试着去找适当的字眼表达每一个想法,避免陈辞滥调。)

3. We now believe that they're under the control of Margot Al-Harazi. (翻译:我们认为它们正受Margot Al -Harazi控制)

4. Margot Al-Harazi does not think for one second that I'm gonna give myself up. (翻译:Margot Al -Harazi 根本没有指望我会自首)

5. Al-jebr finally came into English as algebra. (翻译:后来“Al-jabr”变成了英文中的代数。)

6. So this is al-shalan -- the unknown thing. (翻译:这是 al-shalan, 代表着“未知的东西”。)

7. - Al Khabiri's a collector. - Girls? (翻译:Al Khabiri 是个收藏家 姑娘?)

8. Start with Surat al-Nisa, Ayat 59. (翻译:从Surat al Nisa Ayat 59开始)

9. Nadia Al-Sakkaf: See Yemen through my eyes (翻译:Nadia Al-Sakkaf :我看也门)

10. Mr. Al Zahrani, I'd like to remind you... (翻译:- Al Zahrani先生 我提醒你...)

11. We call this operation Risala Shukra Al-hiba. (翻译:这次行动代号为Risala Shukra Al)

12. Margot AI-Harazi knows you're alive. (翻译:Margot Al -Harazi知道你还活着)

13. It's only our men that have a big engine and full MOT, eh? (翻译:我们这边的男人只有个大引擎跟整个运输部, 不是吗?)

14. But even one of the mot theocratic governments in the world, the US government, is in favour of the death penalty. (翻译:但连世界最神权政治的政府之一,美国,都支持死刑。)

15. Sidney, Al and I talked it over and we want you to handle our account. (翻译:Sidney Al和我谈了 我们希望你来管理账户)

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