copious是什么意思 copious的中文翻译、读音、例句

copious是什么意思 copious的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. copious amounts/quantities of something:大量的某物

2. copious notes:详尽的笔记

3. copious evidence:丰富的证据

4. copious tears:大量的眼泪

5. copious rainfall:丰沛的雨量

6. copious praise:赞美的话语

7. copious apologies:诚挚的道歉


1. copious amounts of blood:血流不止

2. copious amounts of time:充裕的时间

3. write in copious detail:详细地写

4. copious sweating:大量出汗



1. His copious notes will be a valuable resource for future research.(他详尽的笔记将成为未来研究的宝贵资源。)

2. She shed copious tears during the sad movie.(她看悲伤的电影时流了很多眼泪。)

3. The copious evidence presented by the prosecution secured a conviction.(检察官提出的丰富证据确保了定罪。)

4. The copious rainfall has caused some flooding in low-lying areas.(丰沛的降雨导致低洼地区出现了一些洪水。)

5. The writer provides copious descriptions of the scenery in her novel.(作家在小说中提供了大量的风景描写。)

6. The restaurant received copious praise for its exceptional service.(这家餐厅因其出色的服务而受到了大量的赞扬。)

7. Sheila made copious apologies for the delay in the delivery of the package.(谢拉因为包裹送达耽误而诚挚地道歉。)




1. The garden was filled with copious amounts of colorful flowers.(这个花园里有大量的彩色花卉。)

2. The writer's copious notes provided valuable insight into his thought process.(作家丰富的笔记提供了有价值的洞见,揭示了他的思考过程。)

3. She drank copious amounts of water to stay hydrated during the marathon.(她在马拉松期间喝了大量的水以保持水分。)




例句:His first act was to kneel down on a large stone beside the row of vessels, and to drink a copious draught from one of them. (他首先跪在那排水桶旁的一块大石头上,俯在一个桶,把水喝了个饱。)


例句:With copious lungfuls of that "life-prolonging air" inside them, they would be themselves again. (吸足了“延年益寿”的新鲜空气之后,他们就会重获健康。)


例句:I went out for dinner last night and drank copious amounts of red wine. (昨晚我出去吃饭,喝了许多红酒。)


例句:And when the sun shines, you get copious quantities of these things, called neutrinos, pouring out. (翻译:当太阳发光的时候,大量的 中微子被放射出来)


1. I went out for dinner last night and drank copious amounts of red wine. (翻译:昨晚我出去吃饭,喝了许多红酒。)

2. And when the sun shines, you get copious quantities of these things, called neutrinos, pouring out. (翻译:当太阳发光的时候,大量的 中微子被放射出来)

3. If the etchant is accidentally splashed into the eye, flush with copious amounts of water and seek medical attention immediately. (翻译:如果意外的溅到眼睛,立即用大量的水冲洗并寻求医疗帮助。)

4. The Orangery will be decorated with copious topiaries, flowers, trelisses etc. (翻译:“橘园”会用大量的灌木,鲜花以及花架等来装饰。)

5. The more copious life's social behaviors are, the more likely they are to be subverted into mutually beneficial interactions. (翻译:生物的社会行为越丰富,就越有可能形成互惠互利的关系。)

6. I took copious notes. (翻译:我做了详尽的笔记。)

7. And when the sun shines, you get copious quantities of these things, called neutrinos, pouring out. (翻译:当太阳发光的时候,大量的 中微子被放射出来 )

8. They were reasonable portions of protein served with copious quantities of vegetables and small amounts of starch, usually rice. (翻译:它们有由大量的蔬菜所 提供的合理定量的蛋白质 和少量的淀粉,通常是大米。)

9. But, I am convinced, for he has given me copious proof, from also out of love and affection and true personal loyalty. (翻译:相信 有充足的证据表明 他服侍我也是出于爱慕 和感情以及他个人的忠心)

10. So these off-balance-sheet entities were able to go to the banks, borrow copious amounts of money so that they built themselves up into enormous borrowing entities. (翻译:开始作为补充出现在市场上 这些资产负债表外的实体 有能力从银行贷到大量的资金)

11. 0nce selected, the lucky or unlucky loach are tipped into wooden tubs and served copious amounts of sake - the Japanese rice wine. (翻译:被选中的幸运或者说不幸的泥鳅被塞进一个小木盆里, 加入很多Sake--日本米酒。)

12. This species can be recognized by its elongate, narrow panicle of small, pointed, long-awned spikelets sunk among copious long hairs. (翻译:本种可能是承认以它拉长,狭窄圆锥花序小,指,在大量长毛中下沉的长芒小穗。)

13. I took a rubbing, recorded his information into one of my copious notebooks, and then stood examining the fancy stone for a few moments. (翻译:我在摩擦,他的信息记录到我的一个丰富的笔记本电脑,然后站在审查花式石一会儿。)

14. He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated. (翻译:他坚持认为,在其卷轶浩繁的科幻小说里,他不是在预测未来,而仅仅是在推理。)

15. Darwin kept these copious notebooks, where he wrote down every little idea he had, every little hunch. (翻译:达尔文保留下丰富的笔记, 他写下了他的每一点想法,每个小预感。)

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