projection是什么意思 projection的中文翻译、读音、例句

projection是什么意思 projection的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Projection指的是预测或估计某些事物或现象的发展趋势,也可以指向外面的突出物或凸起部分。

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:

- Projection screen:放映屏幕

- Projection mapping:投影映射

- Projection booth:放映室

- Projectionist:放映员

4. 短语: make a projection (做出预测)

5. 发音拼写:/prəˈdʒekʃən/

6. 中英例句:

- The company's quarterly sales projection was disappointingly low. (公司季度销售预测令人失望。)

- The map had a three-dimensional projection of the mountain range. (地图上有一座山脉的三维投影。)

- He used a projector to show the audience his presentation on the projection screen. (他用投影仪在放映屏幕上向观众展示他的演示文稿。)

- The architect's model had a clear projection of the building's design. (建筑师的模型清晰地展示了建筑的设计。)

- The financial analyst made a projection of the company's profits for the next quarter. (财务分析师对公司下个季度的利润作出了预测。)



1. The company's sales projection for this quarter is quite optimistic.


2. The projection of the film was delayed due to technical problems.


3. The shadow on the wall is a projection of the object placed in front of the light.





例句:Such a projection is called axonometric projection. (这样的投影图称为轴测图。)


例句:Japan is not the only neighbour to be concerned by the projection of Chinese naval power. (日本不是唯一密切关注中国规划海军力量的国家。)


例句:An oblique projection is a sort of parallel one inclining to the projection plane. (斜投影是投影方向倾斜于投影面的一种平行投影。)


例句:It is the easternmost projection of the African continent. (翻译:它是非洲大陆最东面的突出地带。)


projection一般作为名词使用,如在dimetric projection([计] 正二侧投影, 二轴侧投影)、direct projection(直接投影)、directional projection(向投影)等常见短语中出现较多。

dimetric projection[计] 正二侧投影, 二轴侧投影
direct projection直接投影
directional projection向投影
dual projection对偶投影
double projection双像投影;双重投影
eaves projection檐口出挑
eccentric projection[医] 牵涉性[感觉]投射
Eckert projectionun. 艾克尔特役影\n[网络] 爱凯特投影
economic projection[经] 经济预测


1. An oblique projection is a sort of parallel one inclining to the projection plane. (翻译:斜投影是投影方向倾斜于投影面的一种平行投影。)

2. It is the easternmost projection of the African continent. (翻译:它是非洲大陆最东面的突出地带。)

3. Astral projection this is not. (翻译:这不是星状体的影像。)

4. The projection of digital fabrication isn't a projection for the future; we are now in the PDP era. (翻译:而数字制造本身 并非就是未来。我们现在是在PDP的年代)

5. If John Wheeler calls, switch him to projection room 7. (翻译:如果约翰・惠勒来电话 给我转到7号放映室)

6. The outlook does not represent projection of rate, occupancy or RevPAR growth. (翻译:该前景展望并不代表任何房价、入住率或每间可出租客房收入增长的预测。)

7. But the self is a projection based on other people's projections. (翻译:但是这个自我实际上是一个投影 以其他人的投影为基础 )

8. The concept of stereographic projection originated in 330 B.C. (翻译:赤平投影的理论大约是形成于 公元前xx年。)

9. It is a Strebe equal-area projection, polyconic. (翻译:它是一幅斯特·雷贝等积多圆锥投影图。)

10. Your compensatory projection of menace is a guarantor of its lack. (翻译:你对暴力的补偿性措施 Your compensatory projection of menace 恰恰表明你没那么暴力 is a guarantor of its lack.)

11. What is your, uh, projection for the C.I. A? (翻译:构建新的情报部门 你对中情局有什么样的规划?)

12. The projection of digital fabrication isn't a projection for the future; we are now in the PDP era. (翻译:而数字制造本身 并非就是未来。我们现在是在PDP的年代 )

13. A fine, sharp projection, as a spine of a sea urchin or a crystal. (翻译:精细尖锐的突出物,如海胆的脊椎骨或水晶球)

14. The color of movies and the way light makes the colors, light from behind the projection, or light from the projection, makes the colors look so impossible. (翻译:电影里的颜色以及灯光照亮颜色的方式, 来自放映机后面的光线, 或者来自于放映机本身的光线,让这些色彩看起来这么的不真实。)

15. But the self is a projection based on other people's projections. (翻译:但是这个自我实际上是一个投影 以其他人的投影为基础)



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