tripoli是什么意思 tripoli的中文翻译、读音、例句

tripoli是什么意思 tripoli的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源及含义:


2. 地理位置:


3. 历史背景:


4. 文化现象:



1. We're planning to take a trip to Tripoli this summer to explore the historic city.


2. The conflict in Tripoli has caused many people to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries.


3. The Italian colonial influence can still be seen in the architecture of Tripoli's old town.


4. The furniture maker used tripoli powder to polish the wooden legs of the chair.


5. Tripoli was the main location for filming the action-packed movie about international espionage.





1. Tripoli是利比亚最大的城市,也是该国的首都。

(Tripoli is the largest city in Libya and also serves as its capital.)

2. 洛杉矶市的一条街道被命名为'Tripoli Road'。

(A street in Los Angeles was named 'Tripoli Road'.)

3. 网络上有一个旅游网站叫做'Tripoli Travel'。

(There is a travel website online called 'Tripoli Travel'.)

4. 在美国,许多城市和地区都使用'Tripoli'这个名字。

(In the United States, many cities and areas use the name 'Tripoli'.)

5. 利比亚的历史可以追溯到Tripoli的建立。

(The history of Libya can be traced back to the founding of Tripoli.)

6. Tripoli是一个经济和文化中心,吸引了许多游客和商人。

(Tripoli is an economic and cultural center that attracts many tourists and businessmen.)

7. 美国曾经与Barbary皇室海盗作战,其中就包括打击Tripoli的海盗。

(The United States once fought against the Barbary pirates, including those from Tripoli.)

8. 在达芬奇的绘画作品中,有一件叫做'The Battle of Tripoli'。

(In Leonardo da Vinci's artwork, there is a piece called 'The Battle of Tripoli'.)

9. 虽然这个城市历经战争和摧毁,但Tripoli仍然保持了它的历史和文化遗产。

(Despite wars and destruction, Tripoli has retained its historical and cultural heritage.)





1. The metal surface was polished with tripoli powder.


2. Tripoli is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of silica.





例句:The British were accused of trying to curry favor with Tripoli for oil and arms deals. (世界指责这是英国与的黎波里的石油和武器交易黑幕。)


例句:South Africa was also loth to unfreeze funds controlled by the colonel to bolster the new rulers in Tripoli. (言下之意,是南非不愿意去动用卡扎菲手里的资金去支持的黎波里的新统治者。)


例句:Baroin's remarks come as the United States pushes for stronger international action against Tripoli. (巴胡恩的言论来自于美国对的黎波里日益猛烈的国际行动。)


例句:A government official in Tripoli said there was no sign Ghanem had defected. (翻译:卡扎菲政府的一名官员则表示,并没有迹象显示加尼姆已叛逃。)


tripoli一般作为名词使用,如在Tripoli(n. 硅藻土\n[医] 硅藻岩)、New Tripoli([地名] 新的黎波里 ( 美 ))、tripoli earth(硅藻土)等常见短语中出现较多。

Tripolin. 硅藻土\n[医] 硅藻岩
New Tripoli[地名] 新的黎波里 ( 美 )
tripoli earth硅藻土
tripoli powder[网络] 矽藻土


1. Baroin's remarks come as the United States pushes for stronger international action against Tripoli. (翻译:巴胡恩的言论来自于美国对的黎波里日益猛烈的国际行动。)

2. A government official in Tripoli said there was no sign Ghanem had defected. (翻译:卡扎菲政府的一名官员则表示,并没有迹象显示加尼姆已叛逃。)

3. But his security service is still cracking down on Tripoli's restive suburbs. (翻译:然而,卡扎菲的安全部门仍然在对的黎波里那些有反抗迹象的郊区地带进行镇压。)

4. Tripoli was part of the jurisdiction of the military province of Damascus. (翻译:的黎波里是大马士革军事省管辖的一部分。)

5. He said the army troops had been "cut off the armed opposition in Tripoli last weekend scored the posterior. " (翻译:他说,政府军部队已经“截断了上周末攻入的黎波里反对派武装的后路”。)

6. Col. Gadhafi had been expected to address his supporters at his fortified compound in Bab Azizya in Tripoli. (翻译:此前人们预期卡扎菲会在他位于的黎波里BabAzizya区的带防御工事的豪宅向支持者发表讲话。)

7. Maybe so. But his security service is still cracking down on Tripoli's restive suburbs. (翻译:也许是这样,但卡扎菲的安全部队仍在镇压着的黎波里的动荡郊区。)

8. IOM says people, trapped in Tripoli because of fighting on the Western fronts, are desperate to leave the city. (翻译:该组织说,由于利比亚西线的战斗而被困在的黎波里的人们拼命想离开这个城市。)

9. This was the standard form of punishment for traitors in Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and Salee during the Middle Ages. (翻译:这是中世纪在在阿尔及尔,突尼斯,的黎波里和赛利【鳄鱼注:Salee不知道怎么翻】对叛国者标准的处罚形式。)

10. His former deputy, Abdel Salam Jalloud, has called on the people of Tripoli to rise up against the government. (翻译:他的前副手阿卜杜勒。萨拉姆。贾卢德呼吁的黎波里民众挺身起义反对政府。)

11. The Afriqiyah Airways plane was slated to fly from southwestern Sabha to Tripoli before being diverted to Malta. (翻译:这架泛非航空的飞机在转向马耳他之前,原定是从塞卜哈市西南部飞往的黎波里。)

12. Tripoli, we're here, getting on the oil executive's jet. (翻译:的黎波里,我们到了,正在准备登上石油公司的飞机)

13. Soon, she was on her way to Tripoli. (翻译:不久,她就在去的黎波里的途中。)

14. Tripoli, which had seemed to be a safe, stable place to invest, now bore the risk of anarchy. (翻译:的黎波里,刚才还似乎是一个安全,稳定的地方去投资,现在承担了无政府状态的危险。)

15. The first team of MARSOCs were overrun by Taliban fighters, and a second wave of Marines came in on a helicopter a minute later and dropped gas. (翻译:但是 的黎波里争夺战... But the battle for Tripoli and... -是我)



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