1. 定义:'dld'可以是一个缩写词,代表"Distributed Ledger Technology",也可以是一个拼音缩写,代表"地理位置数据"。
2. 意义:作为“分布式账本技术”,dld是一种去中心化的数据库技术,可以保护数据的完整性和安全性。而作为“地理位置数据”,dld可以用于定位服务和地理信息系统。
3. 应用:'dld'作为分布式账本技术可以被应用于金融行业、物流行业、医疗行业等领域,助力数据安全和管理。而作为地理位置数据,则可以被应用于导航、地图、气象预报等领域。
4. 特点:'dld'作为分布式账本技术有去中心化、防篡改、透明度高等特点;作为地理位置数据则拥有实时性、精准度高等特点。
5. 未来:随着技术的不断发展和应用场景的不断扩大,'dld'作为分布式账本技术和地理位置数据都将有更广阔的应用前景。
1. DLD is an innovative and secure way to manage digital assets. (分布式账本技术)
2. Blockchain, a type of DLT, has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry. (分布式账本技术)
3. The DLD system can provide real-time location data for vehicles and goods in transit. (地理位置数据)
4. With DLD, businesses can better manage their assets and improve supply chain efficiency. (分布式账本技术)
5. DLD technology is being explored for use in healthcare to securely store and share patient data. (分布式账本技术)
例句:我正在学习dld,它是一门重要的电子工程课程。 (I'm studying dld, which is an important course in electronic engineering.)
例句:Serve as a starting point from which to generate the DLD. (作为生成dld的起点。)
例句:We've created a technology that we call nano-DLD that is capable of precisely this: automated exosome isolation to aid rapid cancer diagnostics. (我们称这个科技为nano-DLD, 它的功能是: 通过自动的将外泌体分离, 实现快速癌症诊断。)
例句:Characteristics of Binding to the Glycine- Extended Gastrin Receptor on DLD-1 Cells (DLD-1细胞上甘氨酸延伸型胃泌素受体的结合特性)
例句:But, 'in terms of paradigm shifts, in terms of big innovation, I think China will have a hard time, ' said Mr. Lee from the stage at DLD. (翻译:但李开复在DLD大会上发言时也说,在思考模式转换、重大创新方面,我认为中国还将经历艰难时期。)
1. Characteristics of Binding to the Glycine- Extended Gastrin Receptor on DLD-1 Cells (翻译:DLD-1细胞上甘氨酸延伸型胃泌素受体的结合特性)
2. But, 'in terms of paradigm shifts, in terms of big innovation, I think China will have a hard time, ' said Mr. Lee from the stage at DLD. (翻译:但李开复在DLD大会上发言时也说,在思考模式转换、重大创新方面,我认为中国还将经历艰难时期。)
3. Next door, the nightcap staged by DLD, the European forum for digerati, was packed and rocking. (翻译:而在隔壁由欧洲数字文人论坛DLD举办的酒会则是热火朝天,人满为患。)