prowl是什么意思 prowl的中文翻译、读音、例句

prowl是什么意思 prowl的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:prowl是一个动词,意为巡逻、潜行、徘徊。

2. 同义词:roam, wander, patrol, sneak, stalk。

3. 反义词:station, stay, settle。

4. 词源:prowl源于古法语的“prôler”,意为潜行、潜藏,在13世纪时首次出现在英语中。

5. 用途:prowl通常用于描述动物或人在潜行、寻找目标或进行巡逻;也可以用在形容词中,如prowling eyes表示追踪的目光。


1. The jaguar was seen prowling through the jungle at night.(豹在夜间徘徊穿过丛林。)

2. The detective decided to prowl the neighborhood in search of clues.(侦探决定潜行在附近寻找线索。)

3. The thief was caught prowling around the house.(小偷在房子周围潜行时被抓住了。)

4. The lion was prowling around the edge of the savannah, looking for prey.(狮子在平原边缘徘徊,寻找猎物。)

5. The journalist had a prowling look in his eyes as he searched for the next big story.(记者的眼神中带着追踪的目光,寻找下一个大新闻。)




1. The lion prowls through the grasses, searching for its next meal.(狮子在草丛中潜行,寻找下一个猎物。)

2. The burglars were caught prowling through the neighborhood at night.(盗贼在晚上徘徊于社区,被逮捕。)

3. The cat likes to prowl around the house at night.(猫喜欢在晚上巡游在屋子里。)




例句:Mysterious, wild... a world of giants... where great bears and wolves prowl. (神秘而又狂野... 是巨人的世界... 那里有大熊和野狼出没)


例句:He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining numbers. (他指的是该国生存的这种斑纹动物的数量正在锐减。)


例句:You started to prowl around condos just like Amy's. (但你踩过了界 你开始在像Amy家那样的公寓附近游荡)


例句:The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control. (翻译:该地区的生态环境使得武装侵略者在周围的荒漠中潜行,国家几乎难以控制这些荒漠。)


prowl一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on the prowl(徘徊, 四出寻觅)、prowl car([法] 巡逻者)、prowl cars(巡逻者;警备车)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the prowl徘徊, 四出寻觅
prowl car[法] 巡逻者
prowl cars巡逻者;警备车
take a prowl荡来荡去,徘徊


1. You started to prowl around condos just like Amy's. (翻译:但你踩过了界 你开始在像Amy家那样的公寓附近游荡)

2. The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control. (翻译:该地区的生态环境使得武装侵略者在周围的荒漠中潜行,国家几乎难以控制这些荒漠。)

3. They prowl the earth like ravenous wolves, consuming everything in their path. (翻译:他们巡游着土地,就像贪婪的恶狼... 用他们的方式来毁灭一切)

4. And a lot of bronco Apaches on the prowl, after anybody and everybody. (翻译:有很多骑著野马的阿帕契族人在四处潜伏跟踪人 And a lot of bronco Apaches on the prowl, after anybody and everybody.)

5. The legendary Taipei funnyman and all-around entertainment impresario Jacky Wu was always on the prowl for new talent. (翻译:吴宗宪是台北传奇式的滑稽演员,也是多才多艺的乐队经理,他经常网罗新秀。)

6. Microsoft is expected to soon be on the prowl for other acquisition targets since it has not given up its goal for online advertising. (翻译:微软预计不久将与开始寻找另一个并购目标,因其并没有放弃发展网络广告的计划。)

7. Prepare yourselves, because the cougars are on the prowl. (翻译:- 自己准备好了,因为美洲狮在寻找。你看那个。)

8. Further south, other bigger predators prowl the tundra. (翻译:在北极苔原更远的南边有更大的掠食动物出没)

9. I prowl the rooftops and alleyways at night... watching from the darkness. (翻译:边иǖ笴郴䉤刁... 癣ㄓㄓ堵穞い)

10. So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action? (翻译:因此,当男人们伺机想要一夜情,并煞费苦心地寻找他们心仪的女孩的时候,这种行为真的毫无意义吗?)

11. What happens to all these stretched limousines that prowl the throbbing city all day long? (翻译:这些整日在忙碌的城市中逡巡 的加长轿车都去哪了)

12. Gaby: Or a prowl around Marcels room! (翻译:戈比:或者是在马赛尔的房间游荡! )

13. Okay, well, let's say that, uh, Gary here's on the prowl, but he's playing it safe because dude's married. (翻译:好的 那看起来 呃 Gary四处寻花问柳 但是他小心翼翼的 因为... 他有老婆了)

14. Australia's wild dog, the dingo, is on the prowl. (翻译:澳大利亚的野狗在游荡。)

15. But the mugger is back on the prowl. (翻译:可是现在这条巨鳄又重新回来觅食了。)



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