1. I need to check my debit card balance before I make this purchase.
2. The company recorded a debit for the purchase of new equipment.
3. The computer is currently undergoing a debit operation to read data from the hard drive.
Debit card是一种银行卡,可以使用借记卡直接从银行账户中扣除资金进行消费。它通常不需要支付额外的利息(与信用卡不同),并且只能使用所拥有的资金来进行消费。
1. I prefer to use my debit card instead of my credit card to avoid overspending.
2. You can withdraw cash from an ATM with your debit card.
3. The store offers a discount if you pay with your debit card instead of cash.
方面三:Debit vs. Credit
1. The accountant recorded a debit for the purchase of inventory.
2. The credit for the sale was recorded in the income account.
3. The company's balance sheet showed a large debit in the expenses account.
读音:dé bì
1. When you use your debit card, the money is deducted from your account immediately. (当你使用借记卡时,资金会立即从账户中扣除。)
2. The bank allows me to make up to five debit transactions per month without any fees. (银行允许我每月进行最多五次借记交易而不收取任何费用。)
3. Please remember to bring your debit card with you when you go shopping. (购物时请记得携带你的借记卡。)
例句:The act of recording a debit in an accounting is called debiting the account. (在帐户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。)
例句:Credit card and debit card purchases of the victim and of Marilyn Starkel intersect several times. (受害人和Marilyn Starkel的信用卡 还有借记卡记录有几次重合)
例句:If you are paying using eNETS Credit or eNETS Debit, please click here! (他们也有时可以接受国际信用卡的网上支付,比如这个网站。)
例句:We returned their debit cards, sir... their cards don't work online, so we returned it. (翻译:我们把银行卡都还给他们了 因为上面没有网上电话的消费记录)
debit一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to debit(借记)、direct debit([经] 直接借记)、home debit([经] 内部借项)等常见短语中出现较多。
to debit | 借记 |
direct debit | [经] 直接借记 |
home debit | [经] 内部借项 |
suspense debit | 暂付款,暂记借项 |
temporary debit | 暂付款 |
direct debit authorization | 直接付款授权书 |
equity debit ratio | [网络] 股本负债比率 |
export debit a/c | [经] 出口支出帐户(科目) |
export debit account | 出口支出账户 |
1. If you are paying using eNETS Credit or eNETS Debit, please click here! (翻译:他们也有时可以接受国际信用卡的网上支付,比如这个网站。)
2. We returned their debit cards, sir... their cards don't work online, so we returned it. (翻译:我们把银行卡都还给他们了 因为上面没有网上电话的消费记录)
3. And you see someone at CVS or -- not CVS -- like, Christian Dior -- (Laughter) I don't know. I don't have a black card; I've got a debit card. (翻译:你会见到在财富五百强工作的人或者—— 不是财富五百强——在迪奥或者别的什么精品店,这张卡会出现, 我不大清楚,我只有一张借记卡。)
4. It takes just a few seconds for this machine to identify your unique fingerprint and debit your account. (翻译:这台机器只需要花费几秒钟就可以识别出你的指纹,并从记入你的帐户。)
5. This entry will debit Cash and credit Accounts Receivable -- Solarwind Company. (翻译:这个会计分录是借记“现金”和贷记“应收账款款- 太阳风公司”。)
6. Even if they carry a MasterCard or Visa logo debit cards typically do not include CDW coverage. Don't use a debit card. (翻译:有些借记卡卡面也有万事达和维萨的logo,但借记卡通常有不附带车损险。不要使用借记卡。)
7. Even if they carry a MasterCard or Visa logo, debit CARDS typically do not include CDW coverage. (翻译:有些借记卡卡面也有万事达和维萨的logo,但借记卡通常有不附带车损险。)
8. SCU 'a' will then wait for the token to be reintroduced to verify the debit was complete. (翻译:然后SCU“A”将等待令牌被再引入,以核实转帐是否完整。)
9. That means you can do all banking transactions -- send and receive money, pay with your debit card -- all with no additional charge. (翻译:这意味着你可以进行 所有的银行交易—— 汇款、收款、用借记卡付款—— 而不需要支付任何额外的费用。)
10. We undercharge Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount. (翻译:我们少收了史密斯先生的钱,只得给他寄去一张借条所要欠款。)
11. You can pay it with credit, debit, or you can come another day. (翻译:可以用信用卡,借钱,或者改天再来 You can pay it with credit, debit, or you can come another day.)
12. Annual tuition fees are to be paid in full at the beginning of each academic year, or by direct debit instalments from a UK bank account. (翻译:学费须在每年学年开始的时候全额交纳,或者由一家英国银行以借记贷款交纳。)
13. We have a search warrant for your credit and debit card records. (翻译:我们有搜查证来搜查 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}We have a search warrant for your credit 你们的信用卡和负债记录 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and debit card records.)
14. Whenever you hand your credit or debit card to a salesperson or waiter, watch to see where your card is taken and what is done with it. (翻译:无论在你把你的信用卡或借记卡递给售货员还是服务员,留心看看他们把你的卡拿到哪里,并用它做什么。)
15. The act of recording a debit in an account is called debiting an account. (翻译:在账户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。)