grenade是什么意思 grenade的中文翻译、读音、例句

grenade是什么意思 grenade的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:grenade是一种手榴弹,通常由金属外壳和炸药组成,用于军事和警察行动中。

2. 派生词:grenadier是一个名词,指的是使用手榴弹的士兵或特种部队成员。

3. 历史:手榴弹是在第一次世界大战期间发明的,用来攻击壕沟中的敌人或者掩体。

4. 使用场景:手榴弹通常用于战斗中的防御或攻击,也用于执法部门的特殊行动中。


1. Soldiers were ordered to throw grenades at the enemy fortifications.


2. The terrorist was carrying a grenade when he was apprehended.


3. The grenade exploded, causing extensive damage to the building.


4. The grenadier threw the grenade towards the enemy's position.


5. The police used a grenade to force the suspect out of the building.





1. The soldier threw a grenade at the enemy bunker. (士兵向敌人掩体投掷了一枚手榴弹。)

2. The police have found a grenade in a supermarket. (警方在一家超市发现了一颗手榴弹。)

3. The terrorist threatened to throw a grenade if his demands were not met. (恐怖分子威胁说如果他的要求得不到满足就会扔手榴弹。)

grenade在中文中有"手榴弹 、人名"的意思,在英美地区还有"枪榴弹"的意思,在线读音是[gri'neid],grenade来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到64个与grenade相关的句子。



例句:I'm losing a fight, Sophie. I'm not diving on a grenade. (我只是要输掉比赛Sophie 不是冲向手榴弹)


例句:I could make out the grenade on his belt and the bayonet poking out of its sheath. (我可以弄到他带子上的手榴弹 和外套上的刺刀)


例句:I got my grenade launcher, I got my M-4. (-16 我得到了我的枪榴弹发射器 我得到了我的M)


例句:Do it now, or I lose the pin to this grenade... permanently. (翻译:快打 否则我就扔掉这手榴弹的保险栓 一了百了 你不明白)


grenade一般作为名词、动词使用,如在extinguishing grenade(灭火手雷)、grenade instrumentation((探空火箭的)发射装置)、grenade thrower([网络] 掷弹筒)等常见短语中出现较多。

extinguishing grenade灭火手雷
grenade instrumentation(探空火箭的)发射装置
grenade thrower[网络] 掷弹筒
grenade throwers[网络] 掷弹筒\n(grenade thrower 的复数)
grenade whistles吹口哨
magnetic grenade磁性手雷
rifle grenade discharger枪榴筒
rifle grenade launcher枪榴筒


1. I got my grenade launcher, I got my M-4. (翻译:-16 我得到了我的枪榴弹发射器 我得到了我的M)

2. Do it now, or I lose the pin to this grenade... permanently. (翻译:快打 否则我就扔掉这手榴弹的保险栓 一了百了 你不明白)

3. - Miller, foam grenade. - Whatever this plan is, (翻译:Miller 泡沫手榴弹 不管计划是什么)

4. What seems like a benign moment at the post office is actually an anger grenade. (翻译:在邮局看似无害的一幕, 其实是一枚愤怒的手榴弹。)

5. On one particular occasion, one of the guards threw a grenade into the prisoners' lavatory while it was full of prisoners. (翻译:特别是有一次, 一个守卫朝犯人的厕所里扔了枚手榴弹, 里面满是犯人。)

6. Mujahideen grenade fragment is lodged in my hip to this day. (翻译:圣战者手榴弹碎片 被卡在我的臀部到今天。)

7. There's Chavo with a grenade in his mouth. (翻译:还有的Chavo在他的嘴里了一枚手榴弹。)

8. Abby's checking the grenade fragments for prints. (翻译:Abby正在检查手榴弹残片 上有没有指纹)

9. He carries a grenade on him (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}他身上有个炸弹)

10. A lad I know saved a grenade at Dunkirk. (翻译:我知道的一个青年在敦克尔克解救了一颗手榴弹。)

11. -You're the one missing a grenade. -Anybody could have taken that out. (翻译:你的手雷不见了 任何人都可能偷了我的手雷)

12. Witnesses said the insurgents launched a rocket-propelled grenade against one of the cars. (翻译:目击者说,武装分子朝着其中一辆汽车发射了火箭弹)

13. One of my most memorable grenade tosses was at my sister's wedding. (翻译:让我印象最深刻的一次爆发 是在我姐姐的婚礼上 )

14. So you do not have permission to go belly-flop on a grenade. (翻译:所以,你没有权限 去肚皮翻牌一枚手榴弹。)

15. Okay, if the competition used an implosion grenade to steal the sword, (翻译:好吗 如果我们的对手用内爆手榴弹 来偷刀的话)



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