elysium是什么意思 elysium的中文翻译、读音、例句

elysium是什么意思 elysium的中文翻译、读音、例句

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对于 "elysium" 这个单词或者缩写词,以下是五个方面的说明:

1. 词性和定义

"Elysium" 是一个名词,通常指梦幻般的天堂或者乐土,类似于希腊神话中的神域(Olympus)或者天上人间(Heaven)等概念。它也可以引申为理想、完美或者幸福的境地或状态。

2. 词源和文化背景

"Elysium" 源于古希腊语,原意是 "神之居所" 或者 "快乐的住所"。在古希腊神话中,它被描述为人类灵魂在死后所去的神圣领域,是由美丽的草地、和平的湖泊和美食佳肴所构成的。后来,这个概念被传到罗马帝国和基督教文化中,并有不同的解读和表现。

3. 同义词和反义词

与 "Elysium" 相关的同义词包括 Paradise、Heaven、Utopia 等;反义词则可能包括 Hell、Hades、Inferno 等。

4. 艺术和娱乐作品中的应用

"Elysium" 这个概念在许多艺术和娱乐作品中得到了应用,例如:

- 电影《Elysium》(2013),描述了未来地球上的社会贫富差距和科技发展,以及一个富有的太空站 Elysium 的存在。

- 游戏《Genshin Impact》中,Elysium 是一个仙境和神话题材中的地方,作为游戏的重要背景和剧情线索之一。

5. 中英例句

以下是五个中英例句,以展示 "Elysium" 这个单词的用法和意义:

1. The concept of Elysium is often associated with paradise or heaven in different religions and cultures. (Elysium 这个概念在不同的宗教和文化中常常与天堂或者乐土相联系。)

2. The movie Elysium depicts a futuristic world where the rich and powerful have their own utopia, while the rest of humanity struggles to survive on a polluted and overcrowded Earth. (电影《Elysium》描述了一个未来世界,富有的人们拥有自己的乌托邦,而人类其他部分在污染和过度拥挤的地球上苦苦生存。)

3. Many people pursue financial success and fame, hoping to reach a personal Elysium where they can enjoy all the pleasures and luxuries of life. (许多人追求财富和名利,希望达到一个个人的 Elysium,在那里他们可以享受生活的所有乐趣和奢侈品。)

4. For some people, nature itself is a kind of Elysium, where they can find peace, beauty and inspiration. (对于一些人来说,自然本身就是一种 Elysium,他们可以在那里找到平静、美丽和灵感。)

5. The myth of Elysium and its imagery have inspired many artists and writers throughout history, from ancient Greek poets to modern filmmakers and game designers. (关于 Elysium 的神话和形象已经启迪了许多艺术家和作家,从古希腊诗人到现代电影制作人和游戏设计师。)




1. For many people, achieving financial freedom is like reaching Elysium.


2. The ancient Greeks believed that Elysium was a beautiful afterlife reserved for the heroic and virtuous.





例句:And if you have lived an extraordinary life, you will be welcomed to Elysium, or what the French call "Champs-Elysees" -- (Laughter) -- the heaven of the heroes. (如果你的一生精彩非凡,极乐世界的大门就会为你打开 如果你的一生精彩非凡,极乐世界的大门就会为你打开 用法国人的话说,你就可以踏上极乐的“香榭丽舍大道” 用法国人的话说,你就可以踏上极乐的“香榭丽舍大道” 那是英雄的天堂之地 )


例句:The Count saw in them the spirits from Elysium, not subject to pain or cares, wandering at peace, but gloomy. (伯爵从极乐世界看到他们的精神 不遭受痛苦或者关怀,在宁静中排徊,但很阴沉 看起来像是世界的!)


例句:If you fall in the service of a just cause, your souls will go to elysium, where they will dwell forever among the shades of heroes, like theseus. (如果你是因为正义而捐躯 你的灵魂将会前往天堂, 将永远住在英雄的庇荫下, 如同特修斯)


例句:There is something, someone, I need access to in the Elysium building. (翻译:那儿有我想要的东西和人,我要进入极乐公寓.)


elysium一般作为名词使用,如在Elysium(n. 极乐世界, 天堂)等常见短语中出现较多。

Elysiumn. 极乐世界, 天堂


1. If you fall in the service of a just cause, your souls will go to elysium, where they will dwell forever among the shades of heroes, like theseus. (翻译:如果你是因为正义而捐躯 你的灵魂将会前往天堂, 将永远住在英雄的庇荫下, 如同特修斯)

2. There is something, someone, I need access to in the Elysium building. (翻译:那儿有我想要的东西和人,我要进入极乐公寓.)

3. To enter the Gates of Elysium , more than perseverance and strength is required, Step forward to attempt Judgement and prove your worth. (翻译:为了能够踏入极乐世界,仅仅依靠坚韧和力量是不够的,上前接受审判来证明你的价值。)

4. For you are in Elysium, and you already dead! (翻译:那是因为你已经去了天堂,阵亡了! )

5. First-time novelist Davidson is a nudist, winemaker and full-time resident of an intentional community in Northern Georgia called Elysium, worlds away from the corridors of power he so piercingly chronicles in his books. (翻译:第一次写小说的大卫森 是个喜欢酿酒的裸体主义者 他是那里的成员 在在北乔治亚的极乐世界)

6. Whenever I'm here, I imagine this is what elysium must look like. (翻译:每当我在这里 我总在想 极乐世界必须看起来就像这样好)

7. The reason Qunny joined Axe and Spear is still unbeknown, some people guess it's because he's interested in the treasure of Elysium , too. (翻译:而奎尼加入斧与矛的理由仍然未知,有些人猜测可能是他也对净土的无尽财宝有兴趣。)

8. On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator, two distinct types and ages of lava are visible. (翻译:在火星的净土平原区域,接近这个星球的赤道地区,两个类型和年代不同的熔岩层清晰可见。)

9. You wanted to dive headfirst into everything that Elysium represented, we did that. (翻译:是你一头想钻进极乐世界这个社区来的 我们就来了)

10. This volcano is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars and is the northernmost of three volcanoes within Elysium Planitia. (翻译:它位于火星北半球,是ElysiumPlanitia地区三座火山中最北边的一座。)

11. I fear I cannot picture America as altogether an Elysium--perhaps, from the ordinary standpoint I know little about the country. (翻译,或许也可以说站在普通的角度上,我对这个国家知之甚少。)

12. I'm going to take her away from here and start a new Elysium in Miami. (翻译:我要带着她远走高飞 到迈阿密 再盖一个极乐世界)

13. A month later, he broke ground on Elysium Phase One. (翻译:he broke ground on Elysium Phase One.)

14. Your daughter is well, she lives among the pure souls in the Elysium Fields. (翻译:你的女儿很平安,她在极乐世界与一群纯洁的灵魂生活在一起。)

15. Luckly to human kingdom, an information says that Axe and Spear has diverted its focus to the treasures of Elysium recently. (翻译:人类王国会相当高兴的是,最近的情报指出斧与矛已经将他们的注意力转向净土的财宝。)



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