obligated是什么意思 obligated的中文翻译、读音、例句

obligated是什么意思 obligated的中文翻译、读音、例句




- feel obligated to:感到有责任做某事

- be obligated to do:有责任做某事

- be obligated by law:法律责任

- be morally obligated to do:道义上有责任做某事




1. I felt obligated to help the old lady cross the road.(我感到有责任帮助老妇人过马路。)

2. The company is obligated to provide their employees with a safe and healthy work environment.(公司有责任为员工提供安全健康的工作环境。)

3. I am morally obligated to report this crime to the authorities.(我有义务向当局报告此次罪行。)

4. The restaurant is obligated by law to post its health inspection report.(餐馆有法律责任公布其健康检查报告。)

5. He felt obligated to attend the funeral even though he did not know the deceased.(尽管他不认识死者,但他感到有责任参加葬礼。)

6. The landlord is obligated to return the security deposit to the tenant within 30 days.(房东有责任在30天内将押金退还给租户。)

7. As a parent, I am obligated to provide my children with a good education.(作为父母,我有责任为我的孩子提供良好的教育。)





1. I feel obligated to help my friend in need.


2. The company is obligated to follow safety regulations.


3. I am not obligated to attend the party if I do not want to.





例句:Mr. Facher, please inform your client that he's obligated to answer my question. (Facher先生 请告诉你的当事人 他有义务回答我的问题)


例句:You know, she said that wouldn't have proved that you loved her only that you felt obligated. (她说那样不能证明你爱她 只是你觉得要负责任)


例句:But, uh, please don't feel obligated if you have anything else... (不过千万不要太勉强 如果你有别的事的话...)


例句:With that kind of money, I'd feel obligated to use it for something useful, like put it on the rent. (翻译:有了这么多钱 我会觉得我有责任 用它来做一些有用的东西 像 把它放在租赁)


obligated一般作为名词使用,如在feel obligated to([网络] 使负义务;感觉应该)、obligated balance(保留余额)、obligated blance([经] (待付款的)保留余额)等常见短语中出现较多。

feel obligated to[网络] 使负义务;感觉应该
obligated balance保留余额
obligated blance[经] (待付款的)保留余额


1. But, uh, please don't feel obligated if you have anything else... (翻译:不过千万不要太勉强 如果你有别的事的话...)

2. With that kind of money, I'd feel obligated to use it for something useful, like put it on the rent. (翻译:有了这么多钱 我会觉得我有责任 用它来做一些有用的东西 像 把它放在租赁)

3. I don't want you to feel responsible or obligated to do anything. (翻译:我不希望你觉得是你的责任 或有义务去做任何事)

4. How can you not feel obligated... to help them when they can't get help anywhere else? (翻译:她们没法在别的地方得到帮助 你怎可以不加援手呢?)

5. Most feel obligated, either ethically or out of loyalty, to tell their employers about their second jobs. (翻译:多数人出于道德感和忠诚心感到有义务告诉雇主他们有第二份工作。)

6. Legally, sir, we are obligated to process his asylum request. (翻译:从法律上讲 先生 我们有义务处理他的庇护请求)

7. No matter what kind of nourishment it absorbed a rose is obligated to atone for its beauty (翻译:无论吸收了什么养料 玫瑰有责任为了它的美丽赎罪)

8. I have to go and meet... Look, you're not obligated to act on... (翻译:Eli 现在不方便 我要挂了 约了...)

9. - No, no, it's not a problem, but please don't feel obligated. (翻译:没 没问题只是希望你 不是因为责任感被迫过来)

10. Well, he probably obligated to solve his problems. (翻译:好吧 他有可能 让你觉得有义务去解决他的问题)

11. Even if the commission members oppose the sale of the prison, Governor Quinn is not obligated to follow their recommendations. (翻译:即使这个委员会成员反对出售这所监狱,奎因州长仍然可以做出自己的决定。)

12. If you ask a cop if he's a cop, he's, like, obligated to tell you. (翻译:嗯 如果你问一个条子 他是不是条子 他有义务要告诉你真相)

13. You're legally and morally obligated to this girl. (翻译:签你的报告 你知道你在法律上及道德上 要对那女孩尽义务,你知道吗?)

14. I don't know what she's talking about, but I'm obligated to agree with her. (翻译:我不知道她在说什么 不得不同意她说的)

15. She's never gonna give me one thing she's not legally obligated to. (翻译:只要不是法律强制的 她什么东西都不会给我的)



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