saris是什么意思 saris的中文翻译、读音、例句

saris是什么意思 saris的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:saris通常指印度传统的女性长袍,是一种非常常见的印度文化元素。它们通常由精美的纺织品制成,可以有许多不同的图案和颜色。

2. 文化背景:saris在印度文化中占据着重要地位,被视为女性的传统服饰,透露着印度文化中对女性美和优雅的赞美。在特殊的场合,如婚礼和庆祝活动中,女性通常会穿着华丽的saris。

3. 时尚搭配:saris也可以是时尚搭配的一部分,与其他服饰、首饰和鞋子搭配,可以展现出不同的风格和气质。

4. 商业价值:saris也是印度文化的重要出口商品之一,许多印度制造商将其出口到全球各地,并在其他国家的市场上出售。


1. She wore a beautiful sari for the wedding ceremony.(婚礼仪式上,她穿了一件漂亮的sari。)

2. The sari is one of the most recognized symbols of Indian culture.(sari是印度文化最具代表性的符号之一。)

3. In some parts of India, women wear saris as everyday clothing.(在印度某些地区,女性将sari作为日常服装。)

4. The designer created a stunning collection of saris featuring intricate embroidery and vibrant colors.(设计师创造了一系列精美的sari,特点是纷繁复杂的刺绣和鲜艳的颜色。)

5. The online store sells a wide range of saris, from traditional to modern styles.(这家在线商店销售各种sari,从传统到现代款式都有。)




1. She wore a beautiful silk sari to the wedding. (她在婚礼上穿了一件漂亮的丝绸sari。)

2. The market was full of colorful saris. (市场上到处都是色彩缤纷的sari。)






例句:These include carpets, shawls, waistbands, stitched garments, saris and so on. (陈列品包括地毯、披巾、腰带和纱丽服等。)


例句:One earns cash by sewing fancy beads on to cheap, plain saris. (其中一个赚钱的方式,就是把花俏的珠子缝在普通的廉价纱丽上。)


例句:With every handful of the powder they throw into the air, their white saris slowly start to suffuse with color. (每当她们向空气中洒出一捧粉末, 她们的白色纱丽就多了一点颜色。)


例句:She emphasised her Indian identity above her Italian, wearing only saris in public and adopting local mannerisms. (翻译:她强调自己的印度身份比意大利血统更重要,在公开场合只穿着纱丽,并遵循印度本国习俗。)


1. With every handful of the powder they throw into the air, their white saris slowly start to suffuse with color. (翻译:每当她们向空气中洒出一捧粉末, 她们的白色纱丽就多了一点颜色。)

2. She emphasised her Indian identity above her Italian, wearing only saris in public and adopting local mannerisms. (翻译:她强调自己的印度身份比意大利血统更重要,在公开场合只穿着纱丽,并遵循印度本国习俗。)

3. From her grandmother, she had learned that emeralds looked better with pink saris rather than green. (翻译:她在她祖母身上就曾学到,绿宝石和粉红色而不是绿色的莎莉服更搭配。)

4. Wherever they went, they had the feeling that they were surrounded by old buildings in warm colors and an array of multi-colored saris. (翻译:不论去到哪里,他们都感觉自己被暖色调的古老建筑以及色彩各异的莎丽服包围。)

5. From her grandmother, she had learned that emeralds looked better with pink saris rather than green. (翻译:她在她祖母身上就曾学到,绿宝石和粉红色而不是绿色的莎莉服更搭配。)

6. At polling stations long segregated queues, with many women in their finest saris, waited patiently to vote. (翻译:在投票站,各式选民队伍排得长长的,很多女性裹上家中最漂亮的莎丽,耐心地等待投票。)

7. Women in bright saris crowd together as they walk in a bridal procession in Mandawa, Rajasthan. (翻译:身穿新娘沙丽服的妇女聚焦在一起,参加拉贾斯坦邦Mandawa的新娘游行。)



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