popular是什么意思 popular的中文翻译、读音、例句

popular是什么意思 popular的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:受欢迎的,流行的,普及的。

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 常用场景:用来形容人、物或事物受到广泛欢迎或喜爱的情况。比如说,一首歌或一部电影可能会很受欢迎;一位名人或运动员可能会很受欢迎;一个餐厅或咖啡馆可能会很流行等等。

4. 词组搭配:popular with sb. (对某人来说很受欢迎);a popular choice (一种受欢迎的选择);popular culture (流行文化);popular science (科普知识)等。

5. 相关短语:be popular among/in (在…中很受欢迎);gain/popularity (获得/增加了受欢迎程度);popularize (使普及,使流行)等。

6. 发音拼写:['pɒpjʊlə]。




1. This song is very popular in the UK. (这首歌在英国非常流行。)

2. She is one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. (她是好莱坞最受欢迎的女演员之一。)

3. Pop music is more popular than classical music among young people. (流行音乐比古典音乐更受年轻人欢迎。)

4. The latest iPhone is very popular among consumers. (最新的iPhone在消费者中非常流行。)

5. This movie became very popular after winning several awards. (这部电影在获得多项奖项之后变得非常受欢迎。)

6. Football is the most popular sport in the world. (足球是全球最受欢迎的运动。)

7. The popular vote determined the winner of the election. (普选决定了选举的胜者。)

8. This game app is gaining popularity among teenagers. (这个游戏应用正在赢得青少年的流行。)

9. The band's popular songs were played on the radio all the time. (这个乐队的流行歌曲一直在广播中播放。)




1. This song is really popular among young people. (这首歌在年轻人中非常流行。)

2. The movie was so popular that it sold out in just one week. (这部电影非常受欢迎,仅仅一周就卖光了。)

3. She is a popular TV host who has a large fan base. (她是一位受欢迎的电视主持人,拥有大量的粉丝。)

4. The restaurant is always busy because it serves popular dishes. (这家餐厅总是很忙,因为它供应的菜肴都很受欢迎。)




例句:A great chance to be popular with the voters and he says no. (这是多好的挣选票机会 他却不要 你不惊讶吗? A great chance to be popular with the voters and he says no.)


例句:Very popular with the public. (Very popular with the public.)


例句:What about the popular press? (这是高端的 大众媒体呢? What about the popular press?)


例句:Mac was very popular. And I like to think I was pretty popular myself. (翻译:麦克以前是很受欢迎 而且我也觉得自己过去很受欢迎)


popular一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在popular will(n. [法]民意)、popular with(在…中有声望〔受好评〕)、most popular([网络] 最受欢迎;最受欢迎的;最热门)等常见短语中出现较多。

popular willn. [法]民意
popular with在…中有声望〔受好评〕
most popular[网络] 最受欢迎;最受欢迎的;最热门
popular action[法]民众诉讼
popular administration全民管理
popular among在…中有声望〔受好评〕
popular art波普艺术; 流行艺术
popular assembly[网络] 公民大会;行政权则是由人民议会;行政权则赋予了由民众议会
popular astronomy大众天文学


1. What about the popular press? (翻译:这是高端的 大众媒体呢? What about the popular press?)

2. Mac was very popular. And I like to think I was pretty popular myself. (翻译:麦克以前是很受欢迎 而且我也觉得自己过去很受欢迎)

3. Yes, and public executions are very popular. (翻译:可是公开枪决多抓眼球啊 Yes, and public executions are very popular.)

4. What maturities are the most popular? (翻译:哪一种存款期限最受欢迎呢? )

5. It certainly would be very popular. (翻译:Prime Minister. 这绝对会大受欢迎的 It certainly would be very popular.)

6. - Two of our most popular displays. (翻译:这是我们馆最受欢迎的展品 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Two of our most popular displays. yeah?)

7. Give him a popular role in the biggest current news story. (翻译:让他在时下头条新闻中大出风头 Give him a popular role in the biggest current news story.)

8. And there are other strips that are very, very popular, (翻译:而且,还有其它条 这是非常,非常受欢迎,)

9. But the most popular dish is scallops. (翻译:但是最有名的美食还是贝类。)

10. Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular? (翻译:then why do you work so hard at being popular?)

11. People just want to be in the popular zone. (翻译:人们只是喜欢待在一个 受欢迎的圈子里 People just want to be in the popular zone.)

12. I might become popular. I might get in with the popular kids. (翻译:我可能会小有名气 也许能混进名人学生堆里)

13. Teaching of Vocalism for Popular Song and Relative Issues--Oppugn One Idea on Vocalism for Popular Song (翻译:通俗唱法教学及相关问题的思考--兼对一种通俗歌曲演唱观念的质疑)

14. The restaurant is deservedly popular. (翻译:这餐馆为大众喜爱是理所当然的。)

15. Pingpang is a popular sport in the world. (翻译:乒乓球是世界流行的运动。)



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