bwo是什么意思 bwo的中文翻译、读音、例句

bwo是什么意思 bwo的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'bwo'是一个缩写词,通常指的是“by way of”或者“business week online”等含义。


- You can reach me bwo email if you have any questions.(如果你有任何问题,你可以通过邮件联系我。)

- BWO, we will have to take the scenic route to avoid traffic.(通过这条路线,我们能避开拥堵的交通。)

2. 语法用法:bwo通常是用作介词或缩写形式的名词出现,与其他词汇组成短语或句子。


- They arrived bwo helicopter.(他们乘坐直升机到达。)

- BWO, we need to work on your English pronunciation.(从英语发音的角度来看,我们需要进行一些改进。)

3. 历史背景:'bwo'这个缩写词出现的时间并不是很早,在20世纪晚期才逐渐流行起来。


- In the 1990s, bwo fax was still the most popular way to send documents.(在xx年代,传真仍然是发送文件的最流行方式。)

- With the rise of the internet, bwo communication has become faster and more convenient.(随着互联网的兴起,通过网络进行交流变得更快更方便了。)

4. 地理位置:'bwo'也可以指代某个地理位置,特别是在指示方向和行程路线时。


- To get to the park, you need to go bwo the bridge and turn left.(要去公园,你需要经过桥并向左转。)

- The hotel is located bwo the airport and the city center.(酒店位于机场和市中心之间。)

5. 专有名词:'BWO'也可以是某个组织、公司、机构的名称缩写,例如'British Waterways Operations'等等。


- BWO is responsible for managing the canals and rivers in the UK.(British Waterways Operations负责管理英国的运河和河流。)

- The BWO conference is held annually in London.(BWO年度会议在伦敦举行。)





例句:Multitudinous of the back, in stop porphyrin Wo mind wandering. (沵的背影、在硪脑海里卟停的徘徊。)


1. You will not drive nails into me, not you ! B flat, B flat, B flat! (翻译:你不能给我钉钉子,决不能是你 降B调,降B调,降B调!)

2. Tell us what we need to know, wo... man. (翻译:告诉我们什么,我们需要知道,禾... 男子。)

3. Wo kommt Herr Wang her? (翻译:王先生是哪里人? )

4. Nano-WO3 film is the better optical gas sensor material. (翻译:WO3薄膜是良好的光学气敏传感器材料。)

5. If A equals B, then b equals a... (翻译:- 如果A等于B 那么B等于A - 对称性)

6. Listen to me, that Lau Law Wo says he will never admit that is his son. (翻译:先听我说 那个刘罗锅说绝不承认那个私生子)

7. Akemi told me... there was a guy up there wo really liked her curry. (翻译:明美之前告诉我 有个吃她咖哩的人 真的吃得津津有味)

8. We think Wo Fat abducted McGarrett this morning. (翻译:我们认为Wo Fat今早绑了McGarrett)

9. Well, Detective Williams here told me you might know where we can find a man named Wo Fat. (翻译:Williams警探和我说你可能知道 我们能上哪去找到个叫Wo Fat的家伙)

10. In this example, you would encode the string a + b as a%20%2B%20b. (翻译:在本例中,可以将字符串 a + b 编码为 a%20%2B%20b。)

11. Heckling is disrespectful to the person wo is trying to talk. (翻译:当别人要说话的时候起哄是很无礼的。)

12. I don't even live in Tai Wo... (Reciting the Amitabha Sutra) (翻译:我根本不是住在太和... 南无阿弥多婆夜咚 阿弥利咚,悉耽婆毗)

13. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c. (翻译:设a = b,b = c,则a = c。)

14. Gay wo kan ni de jud zi pee. (翻译:Gay wo kan ni de jud zi pee.)

15. 300)}wake mo naku kimi wo okoraseta 300)}I was teasing you for no reason (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs14\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}无缘无故地惹你发脾气 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}訳も无く君を怒らせた)

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