watchful是什么意思 watchful的中文翻译、读音、例句

watchful是什么意思 watchful的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:be watchful for 对...保持警惕。

短语:keep watchful 留意,保持警觉。

发音拼写:/ˈwɑːtʃ.fəl/ (英式发音),/ˈwɑːtʃ.fəl/(美式发音)。


1. He kept a watchful eye on the children as they played in the park.(他在孩子们在公园里玩耍时保持着警觉。)

2. The security guard was very watchful and didn't allow anyone to enter the building without proper identification.(保安非常警觉,没有让任何人在没有适当身份证明的情况下进入大楼。)

3. The watchful dog barked loudly at the stranger who approached the house.(留意的狗对接近房子的陌生人大声叫喊。)

4. The watchful sailor spotted the approaching storm and warned the captain to change course.(警觉的水手发现了渐近的风暴,并警告船长改变航向。)

5. She always kept a watchful eye on her finances and made sure to save money every month.(她一直注意着自己的财务状况,并确保每个月都要存钱。)





1. Be watchful when you walk at night.


2. The guard is always watchful for any suspicious activity.


3. She kept a watchful eye on her children at the playground.





例句:They are watchful of affirmation to the point sometimes of attempting to disprove their point of view. (有时候他们是如此专心要证明他们的观点以致试图去反驳自己的观点。)


例句:They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." (他们知道有一股力量那么有组织 那么机敏警惕 环环相扣 那么有渗透力)


例句:The watchful Allied generals will build her up, but only in order to make good again what she has destroyed. (警惕的盟军将领将重建她, 但只是为了把她所摧毁的东西重新造好)


例句:Socially there appears to be bit of drama brewing, so be watchful - it may erupt in mid-September. (翻译:社交上,会出现戏剧性的事情,所以要小心。它可能发生在xx月中旬。)


watchful一般作为形容词使用,如在watchful waiting(na. 待机\n[网络] 观察等待;等待观察;观察等待治疗)、watchful waitings([网络] 注意等待)等常见短语中出现较多。

watchful waitingna. 待机\n[网络] 观察等待;等待观察;观察等待治疗
watchful waitings[网络] 注意等待


1. The watchful Allied generals will build her up, but only in order to make good again what she has destroyed. (翻译:警惕的盟军将领将重建她, 但只是为了把她所摧毁的东西重新造好)

2. Socially there appears to be bit of drama brewing, so be watchful - it may erupt in mid-September. (翻译:社交上,会出现戏剧性的事情,所以要小心。它可能发生在xx月中旬。)

3. I had left you four messages already, but she's been under my watchful eye all the while. (翻译:我给你留4个口信了 但她一直被我小心看着)

4. At first, she was very nervous and the robin himself was indignantly watchful. (翻译:一开始,她很紧张,知更鸟自己愤怒地警惕着。)

5. Under the watchful eye of a banker named Omri Nellas. (翻译:一个叫Omri Nellas的银行家帮我管理着 under the watchful eye of a banker named Omri Nellas.)

6. Human rights groups are keeping a watchful eye, as many suspect abuses might occur. (翻译:人权组织正在保持密切观察 因为会有一些可疑的虐待行为发生)

7. "I thank you from my heart, most watchful friend, " said the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, with a solemn smile. (翻译:“我衷心地感激你,我最尽心的朋友,”丁梅斯代尔牧师先生说着,郑重地一笑。)

8. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (翻译:务要谨守,警醒。因为你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。)

9. The best thing is to be watchful and see the family doctor for any change in your normal health. (翻译:最好的做法就是保持警惕,身体一有变化就去看家庭医生。)

10. There be no hiding from your truth and your ever-watchful eye. (翻译:你的真实和警惕的眼睛之下谎言毫无隐蔽之处)

11. Gandalf... for four hundred years, we have lived in peace, a hard won watchful peace! (翻译:甘道夫... ... 四百年来,我们都和平地生活)

12. "Please forgive your loving devoted & watchful Clemmie. " (翻译:“请宽恕爱你的、忠诚并忧心忡忡的克莱米。”)

13. Gaia : Rhea commanded the eagle to secretice on her way. He was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of Cronos. (翻译:盖亚:瑞亚命令一只鹰把宙斯带到一个远离克罗诺斯的岛屿上。)

14. At least the phenomenon tells the truth that we are keeping a watchful eye on practical things but not someting fancy. (翻译:至少代表人们关注着实际生活而非一些奇特的事。)

15. The contamination is already spreading up the East Coast, so be watchful anywhere the Gulf waters may have contact with you. (翻译:污染已经扩展到东海岸,所以请戒备海湾任何地区可能接触到你的海水。)

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