median nerve graft是什么意思 median nerve graft的中文翻译、读音、例句

median nerve graft是什么意思 median nerve graft的中文翻译、读音、例句

median nerve graft的中文解释是"正中神经移植术",其次还有"正中神经移植术"的意思,发音音标为[mediannervegraft],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到64个与median nerve graft相关的例句。

Median nerve graft的词典翻译


例句:Manipulation, intrigue, wire-pulling, evasion, graft, rabble-rousing... (煽动 阴谋 操纵 推脱 贪赃枉法 蛊惑人心 Manipulation, intrigue, wire -pulling, evasion, graft, rabble -rousing...)


median nerve graft一般作为名词使用,如在nerve graft([医] 神经移植物)、median nerve(正中神经)、fascicular nerve graft(神经束移植物)等常见短语中出现较多。

nerve graft[医] 神经移植物
median nerve正中神经
fascicular nerve graft神经束移植物
femoral nerve graft股神经移植术
median nerve compression正中神经挤压症
median nerve cord中神经索
median nerve injury正中神经损伤
median nerve test正中神经检验法
graft in将...嫁接于


1. The skin graft failed to take. (翻译:皮肤移植未能成功。)

2. The mortality rate at follow-up period was 7%, the total patency of graft was 86% and the patency of cavo-atrial graft was 93%. (翻译:随访期死亡率为7%。总人工血管通畅率为86 % ,而腔房人工血管的通畅率为93%。)

3. The median fee for a birth doula is $700 per birth. (翻译:一位助产师的中等工资为每助产一个宝宝将获得700美元的酬劳。)

4. The living periosteum of a graft contains progenitor cells that have an important role in graft healing. (翻译:移植物上的活骨膜包含了在愈合中扮演重要角色的祖细胞。)

5. Relationship between MNCV and the Change of Limb Muscle Power Due to Median Nerve Injury (翻译:MNCV与正中神经损伤后肢体肌力变化的关系)

6. Can you believe his nerve? (翻译:你能相信有这种人吗 {\3cH202020}Can you believe his nerve?)

7. The ulnar nerve is the largest nerve in the human body that is unprotected. (翻译:尺骨神经是人体内 没有防护的最大一个神经丛)

8. Conclusion EGF can preserve the mucosal structure of the graft, maintain the integrity of the ultrastructure of graft enterocyte after small bowel transplantation in rat. (翻译:结论EGF能较好保护大鼠移植小肠黏膜结构,维持移植肠上皮细胞超微结构的完整。)

9. Surgery is recommended to decompress the median nerve, to confirm the diagnosis, and for immediate improvement of flexor tendon excursion. (翻译:手术建议解正中神经,以确认诊断,并立即改进屈肌腱游览。)

10. This is more nerve racking than a trip to the vet! (翻译:他们一定会赢的, 上天保佑呀 This is more nerve racking than a trip to the vet!)

11. Let me know if you work up the nerve. (翻译:鼓起勇气的时候告诉我一声 Let me know if you work up the nerve.)

12. Comparative study on sectional anatomy of the abducent nerve, facial nerve and vestibulocochlear nerve with MRI and plastination (翻译:对脑神经生物塑化薄片断层解剖与MRI对照研究)

13. The nerve which innervated the platysma was the cervical branch of the facial nerve. (翻译:支配颈阔肌的神经是面神经的颈支。)

14. let me know if you work up the nerve. (翻译:- - let me know if you work up the nerve.)

15. After placement of the graft material-enriched PDGF, a coat of PRP plasma is placed over the graft area and the flaps closed. (翻译:在富含PDGF的移植材料放置好后,将PRP血浆膜覆盖在移植区并关闭瓣膜。)

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