interpolation是什么意思 interpolation的中文翻译、读音、例句

interpolation是什么意思 interpolation的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和基本原理:介绍Interpolation的含义、作用、数学模型和相关算法。

2. 应用领域:解释Interpolation在哪些领域中得到了广泛的应用,如地理信息系统、计算机图形学、金融分析等。

3. 重要性和优势:说明Interpolation在数据处理、模拟和预测中的重要性,以及其能够提供的精度和效率优势。

4. 实现方法和技巧:介绍实现Interpolation的方法和技巧,如Kriging、径向基函数等,以及在具体场景中的应用注意事项。


1. The interpolation method is commonly used to estimate missing values in datasets. 插值方法通常用于估算数据集中的缺失值。

2. In computer graphics, interpolation is used to create smooth curves and surfaces based on discrete data points. 在计算机图形学中,插值技术用于根据离散数据点创建平滑的曲线和曲面。

3. Interpolation is an important tool in geostatistics for modeling spatially correlated data. 插值方法在地统计学中是研究空间相关数据建模方面的重要工具。

4. Linear interpolation assumes that the relationship between data points is linear, while polynomial interpolation uses higher order functions to fit the data. 线性插值假设数据点之间的关系是线性的,而多项式插值则使用高阶函数来拟合数据。

5. By using Kriging interpolation, we can predict the distribution of mineral resources in a given area. 通过使用Kriging插值,我们可以预测在一个给定区域内矿物资源的分布。




1. 欧拉曾经提出了一种基于拉格朗日插值的数值逼近法。

Euler proposed a numerical approximation method based on Lagrange interpolation.

2. 在这个问题中,我们需要使用三次样条插值来近似原始数据。

In this problem, we need to use cubic spline interpolation to approximate the original data.

3. 这个算法使用了一种称为插值搜索的技术,可以高效地查找一个有序数据集中的元素。

This algorithm uses a technique called interpolation search to efficiently locate an element in an ordered dataset.

4. 插值函数可以用来计算任意位置的像素值,以便在数字图像上进行平滑缩放。

Interpolation functions can be used to compute pixel values at arbitrary locations for smooth scaling on digital images.

5. 太阳黑子数量的插值预测可以帮助天气学家预测太阳活动的周期性变化。

Interpolation prediction of sunspot numbers can help meteorologists forecast cyclical variations in solar activity.

6. 该算法需要使用插值法推测受监控设备的状态,以确保其正常运行。

The algorithm requires the use of interpolation to infer the status of monitored equipment, ensuring proper operation.

7. 通过将已知的数据点与其邻近点之间的曲线进行插值,我们可以得到平滑的多项式拟合曲线。

By interpolating curves between known data points and their neighbors, we can obtain a smooth polynomial fitting curve.

8. 傅里叶插值可以用来在频率域中恢复丢失的信号信息。

Fourier interpolation can be used to recover lost signal information in the frequency domain.

9. 空间插值技术可以用于在大气模型中预测降水量和其他气候变量。

Spatial interpolation techniques can be used to predict precipitation and other climate variables in atmospheric models.




1. This data is insufficient to make a precise estimate, so we are using interpolation to fill in the gaps. (这些数据不足以做出精确的估计,因此我们正在使用插值法来填补空白。)

2. Interpolation is a useful tool in data analysis and modeling. (插值法是数据分析和建模中的一个有用工具。)

3. The software uses advanced interpolation algorithms to create realistic images. (该软件使用先进的插值算法来创建逼真的图像。)




例句:An improved QRD-LSL interpolation algorithm based on QR-Decomposition is proposed for Narrow-Band-Interference (NBI) suppression in DSSS. (该文提出应用基于QR分解技术的最小二乘格形插值算法-QRD-LSL插值算法来抑制直扩系统中的窄带干扰;)


例句:Calculate the arrival time of ultrasound by linear interpolation algorithm used in ADSP-BF531, and then we can get velocity information. (通过在ADSP-BF531上使用线性插值的算法计算超声波的到达时刻,进而可以得到流速信息。)


例句:And then an interpolation scheme. (然后要做个插值方案。)

4.插入 、篡改

例句:The longitudinal resolution and alias at off-isocenter locations are related to factors of distance from the isocenter, interpolation algorithm, reconstruction interval and pitch. (翻译:纵向分辨率和混淆失真与偏离成像中心的距离、插值算法、重建间隔和螺距等因素有关。)


interpolation一般作为名词使用,如在difference interpolation(差值内插(法))、direct interpolation(直接插值法)、double interpolation(二重插值)等常见短语中出现较多。

difference interpolation差值内插(法)
direct interpolation直接插值法
double interpolation二重插值
exponential interpolation[计] 指数插值
extrapolation and interpolation外推插值
forward interpolation前向插值
frame interpolationun. 肋骨插值\n[网络] 画面内插;画面插补;画面插补技术
Gauss interpolation[数] 高斯插值
geometric interpolation[计] 几何插值法


1. And then an interpolation scheme. (翻译:然后要做个插值方案。)

2. The longitudinal resolution and alias at off-isocenter locations are related to factors of distance from the isocenter, interpolation algorithm, reconstruction interval and pitch. (翻译:纵向分辨率和混淆失真与偏离成像中心的距离、插值算法、重建间隔和螺距等因素有关。)

3. Multiple half-pixels and multiple quarter-pixels are generated concurrently during the subpixel interpolation. (翻译:多个半像素和多个四分之一像素在子像素内插期间同时产生。)

4. But arc interpolation can be carried out on the condition that the center coordinates of a circle are known in CNC. (翻译:但是,在数控系统内部必须知道圆心的坐标,才能进行圆弧插补。)

5. For subpixel precision, it supports quarter-pel motion vectors with a 6-tap interpolation filter. (翻译:对于亚像素精度,它支持与六抽头插值滤波器四分之一像素运动矢量。)

6. Secondly, linear and bilinear formulas are selected to be interpolation function. (翻译:其次,选用线性和双线性多项式作为内插函数模型;)

7. At last, we have discussion about existence of bivariate osculatory rational interpolation and produce its explicit expression. (翻译:最后,对二元切触有理插值存在性也进行了讨论,并给出有理插值函数的显式表示。)

8. Based on geostatistics regionalization variable and variogram, kriging interpolation technology was described in detail. (翻译:在地质统计学区域化变量、变差函数理论基础上,介绍了克里格插值技术。)

9. And since we don't want any jittering in the camera, increase the interpolation to 20, and de-check Optimize. (翻译:因为我们不想在摄像机中看到任何抖动,将插值调到20,关闭最优化选项。)

10. And it given out the program flow chart of DDA straight line and the arc interpolation. (翻译:最后设计出DDA直线、圆弧插补的程序流程图,写出插补源程序。)

11. In particular embodiments, the interpolation units are formed from adders and shifters and do not include any multipliers. (翻译:在特定的实施方式中,该内插单元由加法器和移位器形成,而且不包括任何乘法器。)

12. Take the part of Liugongdao highway for instance, computed the earthwork volume use different spatial interpolation when building DEM. (翻译:以部分路段为例,在建模时通过采用不同的插值方法计算出土石方量。)

13. Angle domain signals are resampled from time domain signals through using interpolation algorithm. (翻译:对等时间间隔采样的齿轮箱振动信号,利用插值算法实现角域重采样。)

14. To process chroma interpolation, a parallel structure with a realization of 2-level multiplications for each row reference data is put on, that makes the reusage of the mulplicator. (翻译:对于色度插值,文中同样提出了一种并行处理结构,复用乘法器单元对每一行的参考数据处理进行2级乘法实现。)

15. The chroma interpolation along edges produces noticeable haloing artifacts. (翻译:沿边缘的色度插值会产生明显的光晕伪像。)



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