blend是什么意思 blend的中文翻译、读音、例句

blend是什么意思 blend的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:混合、融合、调和。

2. 词性:动词、名词。

3. 常用场景:在饮料、食品制造、油漆、化妆品、音乐、艺术等领域中常用。

4. 词组搭配:

- blend in:融入、适应环境;

- blend together:混合在一起;

- blend with:与...混合、融合。

5. 相关短语:blend off(停止混合)、blend in well(混合均匀)、blend smoothly(混合顺畅)。

6. 发音拼写:[blend]。

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这个词语在英语中有多种用法,可用作名词、动词或形容词。作为名词时,指混合物或混合的东西,如咖啡的混合咖啡豆称为“coffee blend”;作为动词时,指将两种或多种物质混合在一起,如将几种不同的颜色混合在一起就成为“blend the colors”;作为形容词时,指某种东西混合的程度,如“well-blended”表示混合得很好。


1. I like to blend different types of tea leaves to create my own unique tea blend.(我喜欢混合不同种类的茶叶创造出自己独特的茶叶混合物。)

2. He blended in with the crowd so well that nobody noticed him.(他融入了人群中,以至于没有人注意到他。)

3. The music was a perfect blend of jazz and rock.(这种音乐是爵士和摇滚的完美融合。)

4. The artist used a wide range of colors and skillfully blended them together.(艺术家使用了广泛的颜色并巧妙地将它们混合在一起。)

5. The chef blended the ingredients to create a delicious sauce.(厨师混合了材料创造出美味的酱汁。)

6. The two cultures blended together and created a unique fusion.(这两种文化融合在一起,创造出独特的融合。)

7. She blended her own essential oils to create a relaxing aroma.(她混合了自己的精油,创造出一种放松的香气。)

8. The company strives to blend innovation with tradition.(该公司努力将创新与传统融合在一起。)

9. The smoothie is a perfect blend of fruits and vegetables.(这种冰沙是水果和蔬菜的完美混合。)




1. This smoothie is made by blending strawberries, banana, and yogurt. (这个冰沙是由草莓、香蕉和酸奶混合而成的。)

2. The colors of the sunset blended together beautifully. (日落的颜色美丽地融合在一起。)

3. She tried to blend in with the crowd so she wouldn't be noticed. (她试图融入人群中,以免被注意到。)




例句:These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos. (这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。)


例句:I'm after a modern essence, daring, like a blend. (我在找一个 现代精髓,冒险精神,就像个混合物。)


例句:And remember, try to blend in. (记着 努力融入其中 And remember, try to blend in.)


例句:Fast determination of distance to the object, right blend and the diaphragm, (翻译:快速判断自己和目标物的距离, 迅速按下快门。)


blend一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to blend([网络] 搅和法;绘画工具可以用来混合;融合)、dry blend(干混和; 干混料)、elastomer blend(弹性体掺和物)等常见短语中出现较多。

to blend[网络] 搅和法;绘画工具可以用来混合;融合
dry blend干混和; 干混料
elastomer blend弹性体掺和物
fibre blend纤维混合,混纤
finished blend混成油
fuel blend混合燃料
Gold Blend[网络] 金牌;金色调配;金牌低因速溶咖啡
heterogeneous blend不均匀混和
idiom blend[网络] 成语混合


1. And remember, try to blend in. (翻译:记着 努力融入其中 And remember, try to blend in.)

2. Fast determination of distance to the object, right blend and the diaphragm, (翻译:快速判断自己和目标物的距离, 迅速按下快门。)

3. This is a 2001 cabernet merlot blend. (翻译:这是xx年的Merlot红葡萄酒 混合了)

4. My vision was a perfect blend of elegance and technology. (翻译:我的蓝图是优雅和技术的完美结合 My vision was a perfect blend of elegance and technology.)

5. This wine is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Franc from the areas of Castillon. (翻译:这款酒融合了来自卡斯蒂隆地区的梅洛和赤霞珠。)

6. All right, soldiers, we gotta blend in. (翻译:好的 勇士们 我们要入乡随俗 大河之舞! All right, soldiers, we gotta blend in.)

7. To blend means to puree, or turn to a thick liquid, in a liquidizer. (翻译:混合成浓汤,或是在榨汁机里变成浓浓的液体。)

8. The kids' Dozer is the perfect blend of form and function. (翻译:孩子们的推土机是完美的形式和功能。)

9. You can almost taste the Chicory in this hearty coffee blend. (翻译:你几乎可以品尝到菊苣在此衷心的咖啡混合。)

10. Now blend the herbs, saute over a high heat. (翻译:sauté over a high heat.)

11. The dead then blend seamlessly in with the landscape. (翻译:这些死者就这样 完全融入到了这片风景中 )

12. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition. (翻译:它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。)

13. Our signature blend is an intoxicating combination of lavender, tangerine and cananga. (翻译:我们的招牌是薰衣草,橘子和卡南加的令人陶醉的组合。)

14. Oil does not blend with water. (翻译:油不融于水。)

15. We blend that tea by mixing chamomile with pekoe. (翻译:我们用甘菊和香红茶混合调制成那种茶。)

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