outsourcing是什么意思 outsourcing的中文翻译、读音、例句

outsourcing是什么意思 outsourcing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:外包,委外

2. 词性:名词

3. 常用场景:商业、经济领域,指将某些业务或活动委托给外部公司或个人来完成,以降低成本、节省资源或提高效率。

4. 词组搭配:outsourcing services(外包服务)、outsourcing company(外包公司)、business process outsourcing(业务流程外包)

5. 相关短语:offshore outsourcing(离岸外包)、nearshore outsourcing(近岸外包)、knowledge process outsourcing(知识流程外包)

6. 发音拼写:[aʊtˈsɔːsɪŋ],注意最后的“ing”要读出来。



1. Outsourcing is one way for companies to save money. (外包是企业节省成本的一种方式。)

2. My company is considering outsourcing its customer service department. (我的公司正在考虑将客户服务部门外包。)

3. Outsourcing can be a good solution for small businesses with limited resources. (外包对于资源有限的小型企业来说是一个好的解决方案。)

4. Many IT companies outsource their software development to countries such as India and China. (许多IT公司将他们的软件开发外包给印度和中国等国家。)

5. Outsourcing allows companies to focus on their core competencies. (外包让企业能够专注于他们的核心竞争力。)

6. Our company's outsourcing strategy has helped us to reduce costs and improve efficiency. (我们公司的外包策略帮助我们减少了成本并提高了效率。)

7. Outsourcing has become a popular trend in today's business world. (外包已经成为了当今商业世界的一个流行趋势。)

8. The outsourcing of manufacturing jobs has been a source of controversy in many countries. (制造业就业的外包在许多国家引起了争议。)

9. Outsourcing can be a risky business if you choose the wrong partner. (如果选择了错误的合作伙伴,外包可能是一项风险很大的业务。)





1. Many companies are outsourcing their customer service operations to countries with lower labor costs.


2. Outsourcing has become a popular practice among businesses looking to cut costs and stay competitive.


3. The decision to outsource production to a third-party manufacturer saved the company a significant amount of money.





例句:Demands for further substantial discounts come as the outsourcing industry is facing something of a mid-life crisis. (企业要求外包商进一步大幅降价之际,外包行业正面临类似于中年危机的局面。)


例句:Point-Corp, the controversial private military contractor, is said to be the biggest beneficiary in the Defense Department's outsourcing in Iraq and Afghanistan. (备受争议的军事承包商尖端集团 是国防部在伊拉克和阿富汗 军事外包政策的最大受益者)


例句:The fundamentals of cost efficiency boundary related to logistics outsourcing are expounded. It is proposed that in which situati… (运用物流外包的费用效率理论,阐述了商业企业在什么情况下采取物流外包策略或物流自营的策略。)


例句:Start-up managers were outsourcing their customer contact. (翻译:初创公司的管理者把 联系消费者的工作外包出去, )


outsourcing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在domestic outsourcing([网络] 国内外包;国内公司外生产)、global outsourcing([网络] 全球外包;全球搜寻;全球外包作业)、nearshore outsourcing([网络] 近岸外包;近岸委外;近海外包)等常见短语中出现较多。

domestic outsourcing[网络] 国内外包;国内公司外生产
global outsourcing[网络] 全球外包;全球搜寻;全球外包作业
nearshore outsourcing[网络] 近岸外包;近岸委外;近海外包
offshore outsourcing离岸外包
onshore outsourcing在岸外包
open outsourcing[网络] 开放外包服务
outsourcing agreement[网络] 外包合同;外部采购协议;外购契约
outsourcing business外包业务
outsourcing of preservation典藏外包


1. The fundamentals of cost efficiency boundary related to logistics outsourcing are expounded. It is proposed that in which situati… (翻译:运用物流外包的费用效率理论,阐述了商业企业在什么情况下采取物流外包策略或物流自营的策略。)

2. Start-up managers were outsourcing their customer contact. (翻译:初创公司的管理者把 联系消费者的工作外包出去, )

3. But today, with globalization, with outsourcing, English has become a language of aspiration. (翻译:但如今 全球化的背景下 外包业务增加 英语语言帮助人们实现抱负 )

4. As a leader of China outsourcing industry, Neusoft is planning to step into the BPO market formally. (翻译:作为中国软件外包行业的领头羊,东软集团也正在规划正式进军BPO市场。)

5. logistics alliance; SMSs; bulit-in outsourcing alliance; trust relationship; profit distribution. (翻译:物流联盟;中小企业;内置外包联盟;信任关系利润分配。)

6. Shenzhen Zhufeng Technology Development Co. , Ltd. is an IT service provider centering on IT outsourcing service. (翻译:深圳市珠峰科技开发有限公司是一家以IT服务外包为中心的IT服务提供商。)

7. I say that's just a long-winded way of saying you're outsourcing my work to another person. (翻译:把你的工作外包给另一个人,只是用来表达外包业务的一种啰嗦表达方式。)

8. "International Standard Certification Assist Outsourcing Industry" by Ms. Sharon Guo, General Manager, DNV Industry Greater China (翻译:DNV工业部大中国区总经理郭晓英女士:“国际标准认证助力服务外包产业”)

9. Warton: I think that outsourcing this part of our operation to another company is a good decision. (翻译:我想,把我们的这项业务转交给其它公司确定是一个好决定。)

10. software outsourcing; medium and small enterprise; software testing management; testing improvement; Testing Maturity Model (TMM) (翻译:软件外包;中小企业;软件测试管理;测试改进;软件测试成熟度模型。)

11. I once worked at a company that was the result of a merger of a large IT outsourcing firm and a small design firm. (翻译:我曾在一家 由一家大型IT外包公司 和一家小设计公司 合并而成的公司工作过。)

12. Some populists emphasize the destructive forces of globalization, outsourcing and predatory capitalism. (翻译:一些民粹主义者强调全球化破坏性的力量、外包以及掠夺式的资本主义这些因素。)

13. Dalian is determined to ensure Mr Maekawa's recruiting woes do not slow its growth as an outsourcing centre. (翻译:大连市已经下定决心,不能让前川充留遇到的人才方面的问题放慢大连成为外包中心的步伐。)

14. Then we'll minimize ourfront-end expenditures by outsourcing to a flex manufacturer in China. (翻译:这样我们就能从中国生产商外购 从而最小化整个过程的支出)

15. The majority of tenants are service-outsourcing oriented, as BPO and KPO service types occuping single floors at the lower building portion. (翻译:大多数租户以服务外包为主,像业务流程外包和知识流程外包服务类型则占据着大厦较低部分的单独楼层。)



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