uneasiness是什么意思 uneasiness的中文翻译、读音、例句

uneasiness是什么意思 uneasiness的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'Uneasiness'是形容一种不稳定的、不舒服的心理状态,通常与担忧、不安、紧张等情绪相关。

2. 同义词:anxiety, restlessness, discomfort, agitation, anxiousness。

3. 造成原因:Uneasiness可以由多种因素引起,如心理压力、紧张的环境、健康问题等。

4. 影响:Uneasiness会影响一个人的专注力、情绪和生活质量,甚至可以导致焦虑症等心理问题。

5. 应对方法:通过定期锻炼、放松、寻求帮助等方法来缓解紧张的情绪状态。


1. The uneasiness in my mind kept me awake all night. (我的心情不安让我整夜无法入眠。)

2. The constant replay of the event in her mind caused uneasiness and anxiety. (这个事件一直在她脑海里重现,导致她感到不安和焦虑。)

3. The uneasiness in the atmosphere was palpable as tensions rose. (气氛中的不安定感越来越明显,紧张氛围也逐渐加重。)

4. The potential danger of the situation made him feel a sense of uneasiness. (这种情况可能带来潜在的危险,让他感到了一种不安。)

5. She couldn't shake the uneasiness that she was being watched. (她无法消除一直被盯梢的不安感。)

'Uneasiness'的中文翻译是“不安”,读音为 [ʌnˈi:zɪnɪs]。


1. The uneasiness in the room was palpable as they waited for the test results. (房间里的不安气氛令人感到明显,当他们等待测试结果时。)

2. She couldn't shake off the uneasiness she felt after the argument with her best friend. (在和她最好的朋友争吵后,她无法摆脱自己感到的不安。)

3. The noise outside brought a sense of uneasiness to the normally peaceful neighborhood. (外面的噪音给平常安宁的社区带来了一种不安的感觉。)




例句:When I first landed on the land, I could feel no sense of the uneasiness in a strange place, but some familiarity. (当我第一次踏上那片土地是,我完全没有感觉到来到一个陌生地方的那种不安,而是一种很熟悉的感觉。)


例句:Thus, he go to the appointment, in a puzzle mood. He is very uneasiness with such a view, ... (结果是,他来约会, 却带着为难困惑的情绪。)


例句:Vague European uneasiness was congealing into panic. (欧洲各国先是隐约不安,后来逐渐惊慌失措起来。)


1. Vague European uneasiness was congealing into panic. (翻译:欧洲各国先是隐约不安,后来逐渐惊慌失措起来。)

2. Let us stop for a moment and feel this uneasiness. (翻译:让我们先稍微停一下 来感受一下这种不适感)

3. As the Galactic Starships land, millions of you will be reuniting with your Twin Flames. This Trut h brings uneasiness to many. (翻译:当银河星际飞船降落,你们中的数百万将拾回你们自己的双生火焰。这个真理给很多人带来了不安。)

4. I tolerate the shame and regrets accompanied by uneasiness (翻译:我承受着耻辱和悔恨的臭味 陪同不安静地晃荡)

5. His uneasiness arose from a misgiving that the old man had some secret store of money which he had not suspected. (翻译:他的不安是因为他怀疑老人有一些秘密积蓄,没有被他猜到。)

6. The past is a colonus and grow mesitylene every day, the earths in now all developed and had no matter to commit and used to commit before, carefree come down now, on the contrary uneasiness. (翻译:以前是农民,天天种菜,如今的土地都开发了,没有事做了,以前做惯了,现在闲下来,反而不自在。)

7. He did not tell his daughter this; but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it. (翻译:他没有把这件事告诉他女儿,但是娜塔莎明白父亲的恐惧心理和急躁情绪,她觉得自己受到了侮辱。)

8. So there's a sense of judgment and capriciousness and uneasiness involved. (翻译:所以这是一个判断, 涉及反复无常和不安。)

9. over usage causes headache and uneasiness in stomach . it may irritate sensitive skin . do not use on skin inflammation or eczema. (翻译:使用过度可能导致头痛和反胃。可能会刺激敏感皮肤。不可用在发炎的皮肤状态和湿疹上。)

10. May my hand not tremble now that I start to relive the past... and revive the feelings of uneasiness that oppressed my heart... as we entered the battlements. (翻译:愿我的手不要颤抖, 因为我要重新体验过去... ...并且唤醒压抑在我心中不安的感觉... ...在我们进入城堡的时候.)

11. Never during our marital bliss did she cause me a moment's uneasiness. (翻译:在我们幸福的婚姻中 她从来没有给我带来担忧)

12. "Really? " answered Edmond, with a smile which had in it traces of slight uneasiness. (翻译:“真的吗?”爱德蒙虽微笑着回答,但微笑里却流露出一点的不安。)

13. He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him. (翻译:他试着睡去,可是一种不安的感觉牵扯着他。)

14. Let us stop for a moment and feel this uneasiness. (翻译:让我们先稍微停一下 来感受一下这种不适感 )

15. I put aside my uneasiness and said, "We need to put the landing gear down now!" (翻译:我把不安放在一边,说:”我们现在需要放下起落架!“ )



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