whipple是什么意思 whipple的中文翻译、读音、例句

whipple是什么意思 whipple的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Whipple是一个英文姓氏,没有具体的词义。

2. 词性:Whipple是一个名词,或者是一个姓氏。

3. 词组搭配:无特殊的词组搭配。

4. 短语:无相关的短语。

5. 发音拼写:Whipple的发音为 /ˈwɪpəl/,拼写为w-h-i-p-p-l-e。


1. I met a man named Whipple at the conference yesterday.(我昨天在会议上遇到了一个名叫Whipple的男士。)

2. Dr. Whipple is a renowned cardiologist who has published numerous papers on heart health.(Whipple博士是一位著名的心脏病专家,已经发表了许多与心脏健康相关的论文。)

3. The Whipple procedure is a complex surgical operation used to treat pancreatic cancer.(Whipple手术是一种用于治疗胰腺癌的复杂手术。)

4. The Whipple family has been living in this town for generations.(Whipple家族数代人一直居住在这个城镇。)

5. The Whipple Museum of the History of Science is a fascinating place to visit.(Whipple科学史博物馆是一个惊人的参观地点。)


1. Whipple手术是一种常见的胰腺切除术。

2. 约翰·A·韦佩尔是美国的一位国际关系学者。

3. 湖泊中的小船像一只轻盈的Whipple鸟滑翔。




例句:DR.WEBBER,DID YOUCONSIDER DOING A whipple on mrs.clark? (Webber医生 需要对Clark夫人 实施胰头十二指肠切除术吗?)


例句:Whipple on a stage-four patient. (有一个癌症晚期病人的手术 Whipple on a stage -four patient.)


例句:"If we get all this corn planted here in the next week or so, I'm not too concerned about it, " Whipple explained. (“如果我们得到这一切的玉米种植在未来一周左右在这里,我不是太不担心,”惠普尔解释。)


例句:"He speaks better than I do, " John Whipple whispered. (翻译:“他说得比我象样,”约翰·惠普尔悄声说。)


whipple一般作为名词使用,如在Whipple disease(惠普尔病)、whipple hammer(摆动锤)、Whipple procedure([网络] 惠普尔手术;胰脏十二指肠切除手术;惠普手术)等常见短语中出现较多。

Whipple disease惠普尔病
whipple hammer摆动锤
Whipple procedure[网络] 惠普尔手术;胰脏十二指肠切除手术;惠普手术
Whipple triad惠普尔三联征
Whipple truss惠普尔桁架
Whipple bumper shield惠普尔缓冲屏
Whipple's disease[医] 惠普耳氏病(肠原性脂肪代谢障碍)
Whipple's operation[医] 惠普耳氏手术(根治性法特尔氏壶腹切除术)
Whipple's penstemon[网络] 惠普的penstemon


1. "If we get all this corn planted here in the next week or so, I'm not too concerned about it, " Whipple explained. (翻译:“如果我们得到这一切的玉米种植在未来一周左右在这里,我不是太不担心,”惠普尔解释。)

2. "He speaks better than I do, " John Whipple whispered. (翻译:“他说得比我象样,”约翰·惠普尔悄声说。)

3. I'll tell you one thing your friend is going to be bigger than Mr. Whipple. (翻译:и璶禗 ê狟ね盢穦ゑWhippleネ岸.)

4. That part, at least, seemed to go well, Whipple said. (翻译:这一步骤至少看起来进行得很顺利,维普说。)

5. The latest setback is not expected to further delay the shuttle mission, Whipple said. (翻译:最近的这次挫败预计不会造成航天飞机升空修复计划的进一步推迟,维普说。)

6. Hmm. Take her to Radiology for the MRI. Beep me when you're done. You want the Whipple, right? (翻译:恩。带她去放射科做核磁共振,做好了之后呼我,你想参加那个手术,对吗。)

7. "She was a generous person, " says another friend, Elizabeth Whipple, "and it came back to her in truckloads. " (翻译:“她为人大方,”另一位朋友伊丽莎白•怀普ElizabethWhipple说,“也得到了许多回报。”)

8. He did not have a full "Whipple procedure, " which removes a large part of the stomach and intestine as well as the pancreas. (翻译:他接受的不是完整的“惠普尔程序”,即切除大部分胰腺的同时切除大部分胃、肠。)

9. "You are fortunate to live here," Whipple reflected. (翻译:“你们生活在这里真幸运,”惠普尔若有所思地说。)

10. Took my whipple And is having meredith grey do the pancreatic dissection-- (翻译:拿走了我的胰十二指肠切除术 还让Meredith Grey做胰腺剥离)

11. Whipple is planting corn at a time when demand for his product is strong. While demand is up, so is the cost of doing business. (翻译:惠普尔是在同一时间种植玉米时,他的产品需求强劲。而需求,所以是做生意的成本。)

12. The doctors considered it, but decided instead on a less radical approach, a modified Whipple that removed only part of the pancreas. (翻译:医生们考虑过这么做,但是最终决定不采取这样激进的治疗方法,仅仅是切除了胰腺。)

13. You're--You're taking Dr. Bailey's whipple? (翻译:你是说Bailey医生的十二指肠切除术吗?)



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