1. 定义:CSLS 可以是许多不同事物的缩写词,但最常见的意思是“中央服务语言学校”(Central Service Language School),它是为军人和民用人员提供语言培训的机构。
- I completed my Mandarin training at the CSLS before being deployed to China.(我在被部署到中国之前完成了在CSLS的普通话培训。)
- The CSLS offers courses in a variety of languages, including Arabic, Korean, and Russian.(CSLS提供多种语言的课程,包括阿拉伯语、韩语和俄语。)
2. 商标:CSLS 也可以是许多公司或产品的商标缩写,例如“中国卫星导航定位系统”(China Satellite Navigation and Location System)。
- The CSLS product line includes GPS devices, mapping software, and location tracking systems.(CSLS产品线包括GPS设备、制图软件和位置跟踪系统。)
- The Chinese government has invested heavily in the development of the CSLS as a rival to the US GPS system.(中国政府已经大力投资开发CSLS,以成为美国GPS系统的竞争对手。)
3. 计算机科学:CSLS 也可以是计算机科学领域的缩写词,例如“基于支持向量机的联合学习策略”(Cooperative Learning Strategy Based on Support Vector Machines)。
- The CSLS algorithm has been used to improve accuracy in image classification tasks.(CSLS算法已被用于提高图像分类任务的准确性。)
- Researchers are exploring the potential of CSLS for natural language processing and text analysis.(研究人员正在探索CSLS在自然语言处理和文本分析方面的潜力。)
4. 教育:CSLS 也可以是许多学校的缩写词,例如“加拿大语言学习服务中心”(Canadian Student Leader Services)。
- The CSLS program helps students develop leadership skills through volunteer and community service opportunities.(CSLS计划通过志愿服务和社区服务机会帮助学生发展领导技能。)
- The CSLS office provides resources and support for student organizations and clubs on campus.(CSLS办公室为校园中的学生组织和俱乐部提供资源和支持。)
5. 体育:CSLS 也可以是体育领域的缩写词,例如“捷克共和国足球超级联赛”(Czech Super Liga Soccer)。
- The CSLS is the top professional soccer league in the Czech Republic.(CSLS是捷克共和国最高级别的职业足球联赛。)
- The CSLS championship game will be held next month in Prague.(CSLS冠军赛将于下月在布拉格举行。)
csls的中文翻译是"加拿大社会研究所联盟"(Canadian Social Science Research Council),读音为[kæ'nædiən 'soɔʃl 'saɪəns rɪ'sɜrt 'kaʊnsəl]。
1. csls是一个由加拿大社会科学研究机构组成的联盟。
2. csls致力于推动社会科学研究的发展,促进加拿大社会的进步。