mace是什么意思 mace的中文翻译、读音、例句

mace是什么意思 mace的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 基本含义



- I added a pinch of mace to the soup for extra flavor. (我在汤里加了一点肉豆蔻增加味道。)

- The knight swung his mace at the enemy with great force. (骑士用力挥舞着他的狼牙棒攻击敌人。)

- The contract included a mace clause, which gave the buyer the right to cancel the deal under certain circumstances. (合同中包含了一个mace条款,这个条款赋予买方在特定情况下取消交易的权利。)

2. 缩写词含义



- The MACE index is a measure of cardiovascular events in clinical trials. (MACE指数是衡量临床试验中心血管事件的一种指标。)

- MACE Training provides self-defense courses for women. (MACE Training为女性提供自卫课程。)

- The Speaker of the House of Commons holds the Mace when presiding over debates. (下议院议长在主持辩论时手持Mace掌管会议。)

3. 特殊用法



- She always carries a can of Mace in her purse. (她总是在手提包里带着一罐Mace喷雾器。)

- The victim used Mace to defend herself against the attacker. (受害者用喷雾器自卫,攻击者被迫撤退。)

- It's legal to carry Mace in most states, but restrictions vary. (在大多数州,携带Mace是合法的,但具体限制各不相同。)




1. The police officer was carrying a mace for self-defense. (这位警察携带着一把权杖以防身。)

2. A mace is a type of weapon often used in medieval warfare. (狼牙棒是一种在中世纪战争中经常使用的武器。)

3. The dish was seasoned with mace and other spices for added flavor. (这道菜加入了权杖和其他香料,使其味道更加浓郁。)

4. Mace oil is commonly used in traditional medicine for its therapeutic properties. (麻油花椒油常用于传统医学,因其具有疗效。)

mace的意思是"权杖 、权标",在英美地区还有"钉头槌"的意思,单词读音音标为[meis],mace常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到67个与mace相关的句子。



例句:I Iove you, I Iove you, I Iove you (Sebastian Dani和Mace在不知名的地方开了家潜水商店 # 我爱你 爱你 爱你 #)


例句:Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms. (肉豆蔻、肉豆蔻衣及豆蔻。)


例句:Precursors to the Mamluks, these slave soldiers make excellent infantry, equipped with heavy mail and a mace. (古拉姆部队为马穆鲁克前身,这些步行骑兵装备重型链甲和狼牙棒,作战极为剽悍。)


例句:No, you know what, uh, we'd love to, but we promised Mace and Kimi we'd go to dinner tonight. (翻译:不用了 嗯 我们很乐意去 但是我们答应了Mace和Kimi今晚一起吃晚餐)


mace一般作为名词、动词使用,如在mace bit(冲击回转站)、mace butter([化] 肉豆蔻油)、mace camphor([医] 肉豆蔻衣脑)等常见短语中出现较多。

mace bit冲击回转站
mace butter[化] 肉豆蔻油
mace camphor[医] 肉豆蔻衣脑
mace head[网络] 双头羚羊饰物
mace heads[网络] 锤头
mace oil[化] 肉豆蔻油\n[医] [压制]肉豆蔻油
nutmeg mace[肉]豆蔻干皮,[肉]豆蔻干皮花
oil of mace[网络] 豆蔻肉油;肉豆蔻衣油
Papua mace[医] 马卡刹肉豆蔻衣


1. Precursors to the Mamluks, these slave soldiers make excellent infantry, equipped with heavy mail and a mace. (翻译:古拉姆部队为马穆鲁克前身,这些步行骑兵装备重型链甲和狼牙棒,作战极为剽悍。)

2. No, you know what, uh, we'd love to, but we promised Mace and Kimi we'd go to dinner tonight. (翻译:不用了 嗯 我们很乐意去 但是我们答应了Mace和Kimi今晚一起吃晚餐)

3. Mr. Tang agreed to do commercials endorsing our sneakers... food products and cigarettes, whiskey, mace, switchblades... rat poison. (翻译:唐先生同意这样做商业广告 赞同我们的运动鞋... 第561 00: 41:)

4. His preferred weapon was a craggy hunk of stone attached to a chain that he wielded like a primitive mace. (翻译:他的首选武器是一块带着一根铁链的粗糙巨石,这东西挥舞起来就像原始的钉头锤。)

5. I think MAF, then WEKA. Or WEKA then MAF. (翻译:我想应该打给Mace,Wicker,Mace Wicker。)

6. The borra was a pet of the Gorax, and the Ewoks explained to Mace and Cindel that their parents must be held captive by the giant. (翻译:这只豚狼是哥拉克斯巨人的宠物,伊渥克人告诉梅斯和辛德尔,他们的父母一定是被巨人抓走了。)

7. ♪ I like cracking skulls with my mace just for fun ♪ (翻译:? 我喜欢开裂头骨 我只是为了好玩狼牙棒?)

8. Director Mace, just to be sure I'm hearing you correctly, you're saying you are literally Inhuman? (翻译:梅斯局长 我没听错吧 你是说 你真的是个异人吗)

9. Alright. Fix-a-flat, road flares, sunblock, mace? (翻译:好吧 备胎 危险警告标志 防晒霜 催泪喷雾)

10. -No, Mace. Mace, not again, no. (翻译:- 不行 Mace Mace 不能再帮你了 没门儿)

11. Humans: Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1%. (翻译:人类:“锤技能”特长现在增加锤和双手锤的致命一击率1%。)

12. He was one of a group of Jedi Masters gathered together by Mace Windu to arrest Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. (翻译:梅斯·温杜率领几名绝地大师前去逮捕最高议长帕尔帕廷时,他也是其中之一。)

13. The Tornado was about thirty feet from Mace's right wingtip. (翻译:“龙卷风”离“梅斯”的右机翼尖约三十英尺。)

14. And with him Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. (翻译:和他一起王子Oberyn 众议院的马爹利 和主锤 众议院泰瑞尔的。)

15. Yeah, well you're about to get an eyeful of Mace if you don't start answering my questions. (翻译:好啊 如果你还不开始回答我的问题的话 我就喷你满眼防狼喷雾)



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