1. 含义及历史背景:'Kimono'是日本文化中的传统服装,通常是指由长袍、袍带、袜子和木屐组成的套装。Kimono在日本文化中被视为一种艺术,对于日本人来说,穿着Kimono也是一种表达尊重和社交礼仪的方式。
- She wore a beautiful kimono to the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. (她穿着一件漂亮的和服参加了传统的日本茶道仪式。)
- The bride's kimono was intricately embroidered with cherry blossoms. (新娘的和服上绣着精美的樱花图案。)
- Many people wear kimono during the annual festival in Kyoto. (在京都的年度节日中,许多人穿着和服。)
2. 用途和变化:随着时代的变迁,Kimono在不同场合和社交活动中的穿着方式也在发生着变化。从传统的日本婚礼到现代时装秀,Kimono都体现了其多样性和艺术性。
- She wore a casual kimono to the tea party with her friends. (她在跟朋友们一起喝茶的时候穿着一件休闲的和服。)
- The designer created a modern kimono dress for the fashion show. (设计师为时装秀设计了一款现代化的和服连衣裙。)
- Kimono rental shops are popular among tourists who want to experience Japanese culture. (租和服的店铺非常受想要体验日本文化的游客欢迎。)
3. 相关词汇和文化传承:Kimono在日本文化中扮演着重要的角色,涉及到各种与之相关的词汇和文化传承,如着带、千鸟格、富士山图案等。
- She tied the obi around her waist to secure the kimono. (她用着带系紧了和服。)
- His kimono had a classic chidori pattern. (他的和服上有经典的千鸟格图案。)
- The artist painted a beautiful kimono with a Mt. Fuji motif. (画家用富士山的图案画了一件漂亮的和服。)
1. 'kimono'是日语中的词语,中文翻译为“和服”。
2. “和服”是日本传统的服装之一,通常指长袍式的衣服,有着独特的颜色、图案和大小。
3. 常见翻译:和服、日式服装、传统和服等。
4. 用法:穿着和服是日本传统文化的一部分,通常被用于特殊场合,如婚礼、成人仪式等。
5. 例句1:彼女は和服を着て祖母の家に行った。(她穿着和服去了奶奶家。)
6. 例句2:和服は着物の一種です。(和服是着物的一种。)
7. 例句3:和服の柄の種類はたくさんあります。(和服的花纹种类很多。)
8. 例句4:和服は着付けが難しいです。(穿和服很难打理。)
9. 例句5:和服を着るときは、帯も重要です。(穿和服时,腰带也很重要。)
10. 例句6:和服は、着物と違って地味な色が多いです。(和服与着物不同,通常颜色比较素雅。)
11. 例句7:和服を着るときは、髪型も大事です。(穿和服时,发型也很重要。)
12. 例句8:和服が似合う人は、美人に見えます。(适合穿和服的人看起来很美丽。)
13. 例句9:和服は、日本の伝統文化を体現しています。(和服体现了日本的传统文化。)
读音:kē mò nuó
1. 她今天穿了一件很漂亮的kimono。
(She wore a beautiful kimono today.)
2. 在日本,人们穿着kimono参加传统的节日活动。
(In Japan, people wear kimonos to participate in traditional festivals.)
例句:"What am I wearing?" It's called a kimono, James. (-你问我穿的是什么? 这叫和服 这是给男人穿的)
例句:Then she cut off his genitalia and carried it around in her kimono until she was arrested three days later. (将他的生殖器割下藏在自己的和服里,直到3天后她被逮捕。)
例句:I rented... a wedding kimono! ({\fn微软雅黑\bord1\shad0\1cHC8C8C8\b0} - 我租了...)
例句:Taiko drums bang while fireworks blaze overhead, delighting kimono-clad onlookers. (翻译:太鼓声伴着烟花在头顶绽放,令身着和服的观众欣喜洋洋。)
kimono一般作为名词使用,如在kimono flannel(和服法兰绒)、kimono sleeve(和服袖)、new kimono(新式和服)等常见短语中出现较多。
kimono flannel | 和服法兰绒 |
kimono sleeve | 和服袖 |
new kimono | 新式和服 |
open kimono | [网络] 敞开和服 |
open the kimono | [网络] 打开和服 |
opened the kimono | 打开和服 |
opening the kimono | 打开和服 |
opens the kimono | 打开和服 |
wooden kimono | wooden kimono\n[口语]棺材 |
1. I rented... a wedding kimono! (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\bord1\shad0\1cHC8C8C8\b0} - 我租了...)
2. Taiko drums bang while fireworks blaze overhead, delighting kimono-clad onlookers. (翻译:太鼓声伴着烟花在头顶绽放,令身着和服的观众欣喜洋洋。)
3. The thermic rays emitted by the explosion burned the pattern of this woman's kimono upon her back. (翻译:爆炸释放的热辐射将她所着和服背后的花纹烧毁。)
4. The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child. (翻译:这些腰带、和服和其他衣服都做得适合孩子穿。)
5. Every year, he buys her a new, beautiful kimono. (翻译:每到那时, 她都会收到华丽的和服 是父亲送的)
6. Surely... you didn't expect a Korean princess to wear the kimono you sent over. (翻译:难道 送来的和服 是让我这个大韩帝国的翁主穿吗)
7. The kimono had to be picked up at the boutique. (翻译:但必须亲自去到那家专卖店才能拿到和服。)
8. [I couldn't do anything for you until now, but I'm sending you a Kimono to commemorate this occasion.] (翻译:至今为止也没送过你什么好东西 就送一套和服给你做为纪念)
9. And there are culture practices such as KABUKI, BONSAI, SUMO, SADOU, KIMONO and ORIGAMI, all of which have developed into distinctly Japanese traditions. (翻译:文化方面则有歌舞伎、盆栽、相扑、茶道、和服和折纸,都源于日本独特的文化传统。)
10. I want both hands on the kimono, not this loose hand. (翻译:我要你两只手都抓住道服 不要有手是闲着的)
11. The formal Kimono was replaced by the more convenient Western clothes and Yukata as everyday wear. (翻译:正式的和服作为日常穿着的地位,被更为便捷的西服和浴衣所取代。)
12. They say the likely treatment is radiation and kimono ferity chemotherapy . (翻译:他们说可能的治疗方式是射线疗法和化学疗法。)
13. A kimono like this, made of Tatsumura silk it would take a lifetime to earn. (翻译:像这种龙村织和服 要赚一辈子的钱才买得起)
14. That was the first time I saw Madam changing kimono during the day. (翻译:只要一想到夫人的腰带在那天不是第一次被解开)
15. Any streetwalker with a painted face and silk kimono could call herself a geisha. (翻译:只要穿上和服,脸上浓妆艳抹 就能自称为艺伎)