gouge是什么意思 gouge的中文翻译、读音、例句

gouge是什么意思 gouge的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:

- 割,挖,刨或用力刮去(通常是不合理或过度的)。

- (价格等)过高,剥削性的。

- 以不正当或欺诈性的方式获取利润或资金。

2. 词性与变形:

- 动词形式:gouge

- 名词形式:gouge

3. 用法示例:

例句1:The hotel gouged us with a huge bill for room service.


例句2:The sculptor gouged the stone with a chisel.


例句3:The company was accused of gouging customers by charging exorbitant prices for basic goods.


例句4:The skateboarder gouged the edge of the ramp with his board.


例句5:The airline was fined for gouging passengers with fees for checked baggage and seat selection.





1. 名词,指一种凿子,可以用来雕刻或挖掘。

2. 动词,指使用凿子切削、刻划或挖掘。

3. 过去分词“gouged”,在俚语中指被人欺骗或过度收费。


1. He gouged his initials into the tree trunk with his pocketknife. (他用口袋刀在树干上刻上了自己的名字)

2. The sculptor used a gouge to create intricate patterns in the wood. (雕塑家使用凿子在木材上创造复杂的图案)

3. The construction worker gouged a trench in the ground with his shovel. (建筑工人用铁锹在地上挖了一个沟)

4. The mechanic gouged the customers with exorbitant repair fees. (机修工通过高额的维修费欺骗了顾客)

5. The company was accused of gouging consumers by overcharging for their products. (该公司被指责因产品定价过高而剥削消费者)

6. The politician was accused of gouging the public with unethical conduct. (这位政治家因不道德的行为被指责剥削公众)

7. The hiker used a gouge to carve out a makeshift shelter in the side of the mountain. (徒步旅行者用凿子刻出了一个临时的避难所)

8. The woodworker was able to create a beautiful design using only a chisel and a gouge. (木工只用一把凿子和一把凿子就能创造出一种美丽的设计)

9. The archaeologist used a gouge to unearth the ancient artifacts. (考古学家使用凿子发掘古代文物)

gouge的中文翻译:v. 挖掘;撬开;敲竹杠;n. 螺旋凿;刻度刀



1. The company is accused of gouging customers with high prices.


2. The soldiers used their bayonets to gouge out the eyes of their enemies.


3. He used a gouge to carve out the intricate patterns on the wood.





例句:We can gouge your cheating eyes out. ({\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}要么挖出你那欺骗的眼睛 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}We can gouge your cheating eyes out.)


例句:Don't turn round, or I'll gouge your eyes out (眼睛不准滴溜溜乱转, 不然把你眼珠子挖出来)


例句:He then fine-tuned the shape with gouges while leaving the texture of the gouge marks on them like feathers on the wings. (他刻意把刀痕迹留在木片上,好像是翅膀上片片的羽毛,独特而富趣味。)


例句:I'll gouge your eyes out so you can't read faces anymore. (翻译:要让你再也无法看面相 挖掉双眼 丢到大街里)


gouge一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fault gouge(断层泥)、firm gouge(【机械装置】 木工用弧口凿)、firmer gouge(半圆凿)等常见短语中出现较多。

fault gouge断层泥
firm gouge【机械装置】 木工用弧口凿
firmer gouge半圆凿
flat gouge弧口薄凿
gouge ... outna. 凿制(软木塞子等);(用大拇指)抠出(眼珠子);挖开\n[网络] 挖出;剜;凿槽
gouge bit槽钻头
gouge bits[网络] 凿钻头
gouge carving[木] 凿槽
gouge channel槽状水道


1. He then fine-tuned the shape with gouges while leaving the texture of the gouge marks on them like feathers on the wings. (翻译:他刻意把刀痕迹留在木片上,好像是翅膀上片片的羽毛,独特而富趣味。)

2. I'll gouge your eyes out so you can't read faces anymore. (翻译:要让你再也无法看面相 挖掉双眼 丢到大街里)

3. In the Middle Ages, a favourite punishment was to gouge out a prisoner's eyes. (翻译:在中世纪,最受欢迎的惩罚是剜出囚犯的眼睛。)

4. Aren't you the notorious Crotch-Gouge suspect? (翻译:你不是那个臭名昭著的裤裆蛾眉凿谋杀嫌疑犯吗?)

5. He'd better get lost, or I'll clobber him, whap him, gouge his blinkers out! (翻译:否则我扯断他的角,撕烂他的嘴, 抠出他的眼!)

6. First thing you do is gouge the dude's eyes out so he can't see to fight. (翻译:你要做的第一件事就是... 挖出他的眼睛 ,让他无法打架)

7. Fault rocks with a random fabric include fault breccia, fault gouge, pseudotachylyte and cataclastic rocks. (翻译:具有紊乱组构的断层岩包括断层角砾岩,断层泥,假玄武玻璃以及碎裂岩。)

8. The antibodies in yummy Mummy only protect the kid for six months, which is why these companies think they can gouge you. (翻译:母乳中的抗体仅可以保护孩子半年 所以这些公司认为他们可以欺诈你)

9. Listen, is what I read true that the paring knives for pitting olives are used to gouge people's eyes out '? (翻译:告诉我,报纸上的那些关于用去橄榄核的刀子 挖人眼的消息都是真的吗?)

10. Your pathetic corpse will be an invitation for a fight to the guys that set me up as the Crotch-Gouge suspect. (翻译:你的尸体会成为 对那些栽赃给我的人挑战书)

11. If you're lying, I'm gonna take my thumbs, and I'm gonna gouge out your sad little eyes out of your sad little head! (翻译:如果你撒谎 我就用我的拇指 将你那可悲的小眼睛 从你那可悲的小脑瓜里挖出来)

12. He has accused her of threatening to gouge his eyes out. (翻译:他控告她威胁要挖出他的眼睛。)



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