palliative是什么意思 palliative的中文翻译、读音、例句

palliative是什么意思 palliative的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:palliative care(缓解性治疗),palliative treatment(缓解治疗),palliative medicine(缓解性药品)




1. Palliative care can alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by chronic or terminal illnesses.


2. The palliative treatment made her feel more comfortable in her final days.


3. The doctor prescribed a palliative medicine to relieve the patient's pain.


4. Palliative measures were taken to make the dying process easier for the patient.


5. Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses.


6. The palliative treatment helped to manage the patient's symptoms and improve their overall well-being.


7. Palliative care can be provided in a hospital, hospice, or in the patient's home.




1. Palliative care aims to improve quality of life for patients who are suffering from a long-term illness.


2. Painkillers are sometimes used as a palliative measure to ease the pain of a terminally ill patient.





例句:My first experience with methadone was when I worked in palliative care. (我的第一次有关镇静剂的经历还是我在救护中心工作的时候。)


例句:The power of motherland so fundamental to that part of the world seems palliative. (乡土的力量, 对于那部分的人来说 似乎是缓和的。)


例句:If palliative care were a cancer drug, every cancer doctor on the planet would write a prescription for it. (如果安宁护理是一种癌症药物, 地球上的每一位 癌症医生都会开这个处方。)


例句:But this is a temporary palliative. (翻译:但是这是一个暂时的缓和措。)


palliative一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dust palliative([化] 吸尘油)、palliative care([网络] 缓和医疗;姑息治疗;缓和疗护)、palliative excision(姑息性切除手术)等常见短语中出现较多。

dust palliative[化] 吸尘油
palliative care[网络] 缓和医疗;姑息治疗;缓和疗护
palliative excision姑息性切除手术
palliative operation[医] 姑息手术, 治标手术
palliative shunt姑息性分流手术
palliative treatment[医] 矫形疗法
palliative care unit[主加拿大英语] (加拿大医院中治疗晚期病人的)姑息治疗部;治标护理机构 [亦作 PCU]
palliative dust laying减轻积尘(措施)


1. If palliative care were a cancer drug, every cancer doctor on the planet would write a prescription for it. (翻译:如果安宁护理是一种癌症药物, 地球上的每一位 癌症医生都会开这个处方。)

2. But this is a temporary palliative. (翻译:但是这是一个暂时的缓和措。)

3. Palliative operation includes palliative surgery and debulking surgery. (翻译:姑息性手术包括减状手术和减瘤手术。)

4. And while we were talking about her life and her health care, she said, "I love my palliative care team. (翻译:当我们讨论她的生活和医疗计划时, 她提到,“我爱我的姑息治疗小组。)

5. With care and palliative care, we can probably keep you comfortable for maybe six months, at the very most. (翻译:至少可以减轻你最后大约六个月 疾病所带来的痛苦)

6. Now, palliative medicine is not just for the elderly, it is not just for the middle-aged. (翻译:现在安宁护理已经不仅限于老人, 也不仅限于中年人。)

7. So please know that you don't have to be dying anytime soon to benefit from palliative care. (翻译:所以不一定是在病人临终前 才能得到安宁缓和医疗。)

8. This is a picture of the George Mark Children's House, the first pediatric palliative respite care center to open in the United States. (翻译:这是乔治马可儿童疗养院, 美国的第一家 儿童善终护理中心, )

9. All the evidence that is related to palliative care these days demonstrates with absolute certainty people live better and live longer. (翻译:最近所有和安宁护理相关的证据 论证了人们绝对活得更好和更久。)

10. And in depression and PTSD -- here we have your stress exposure -- we only have palliative care. (翻译:对于抑郁和创伤后应激障碍 我们看到你的焦虑 我们只能保守治疗, )

11. Palliative care helped with many aspects of cancer therapy, which put her in remission for two years, Cooney says. (翻译:她说姑息疗法对癌症治疗过程中的各个方面都有助益,两年来她的病情已经得到缓解。)

12. I'd also like to talk to you about palliative medicine: a paradigm of care for this population, grounded in what they value. (翻译:我也想和你们谈谈安宁护理: 一个基于一类人群价值观念的治疗方法, )

13. While Harold's time was limited, palliative care's is not. (翻译:虽然哈罗德的时间是有限的, 但安宁护理的不是。)

14. The loan was a palliative, not a cure, for ever-increasing financial troubles. (翻译:贷款对于日益增长的财政困难是一种权宜而非根治。)

15. This was what Marshall had meant when he talked of "a cure rather than a palliative, " nothing less. (翻译:而这正是马歇尔“要治本而不要治标”的本意。)



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