lixiang是什么意思 lixiang的中文翻译、读音、例句

lixiang是什么意思 lixiang的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:‘lixiang’ 是一个汉语词语,常作为人名使用,表示“理想”。



发音拼写:li (l-i) xiang (xi-ang)


1. 李向有一个远大的‘理想’,希望成为一名优秀的科学家。

Li Xiang has a grand ‘ideal’, hoping to become an excellent scientist.

2. 我们应该为自己的‘理想’而努力奋斗,不要放弃追求。

We should strive for our ‘ideal’ and never give up pursuing it.

3. 她的‘理想’是成为一名医生,她正在努力学习医学知识。

Her ‘ideal’ is to become a doctor, and she is working hard to study medical knowledge.

4. 只有坚持自己的‘理想’,才能取得真正的成功。

Only by sticking to their ‘ideal’ can people achieve real success.

5. 他一直追求自己‘理想’的生活,最终成功了。

He has been pursuing his ‘ideal’ life and has succeeded in the end.

6. 实现‘理想’需要勇气和毅力,这不是一件容易的事情。

Realizing one's ‘ideal’ requires courage and perseverance, which is not an easy thing.

7. 她对自己的‘理想’非常坚定,从未改变过。

She is very firm in her ‘ideal’ and has never changed it.


读音:lí xiāng


1. 他离乡多年,但对家乡的思念从未减少。

Translation: He has been away from his hometown for many years, but his longing for his hometown has never diminished.

2. 离乡背井的经历让他更加珍惜现在的生活。

Translation: The experience of leaving his hometown made him cherish his current life even more.




例句:However, Wanzi loved Lixiang at that time. Only he did not know valuing of her. (不过,那时完治也爱着莉香,只是他不懂得珍惜。)


例句:Lixiang like such a good girl, she belongs to the well-being in the final. (因为像莉香这样的好女孩,最终还是会找到她的幸福! )


例句:However, the men remains likes looks aggradevoled woman. Therefore, Lixiang was only lost. (可是男人还是喜欢那些看上去惹人怜爱的女人,所以莉香只有输。)


1. However, the men remains likes looks aggradevoled woman. Therefore, Lixiang was only lost. (翻译:可是男人还是喜欢那些看上去惹人怜爱的女人,所以莉香只有输。)

2. However, Wanzi loved Lixiang at that time. Only he did not know valuing of her. (翻译:不过,那时完治也爱着莉香,只是他不懂得珍惜。)

3. LiXiang is a disputed women, and to tell the truth, most of my friends don't like her because they think she is a affected person. (翻译:李湘是一个备受争议的女人,说实话,我的大部分朋友都不喜欢她,因为他们认为她是一个做作的人。)

4. And LiXiang either, more given "fashion, beautiful budding ptti" brand identity. (翻译:而李湘的代言更赋予了“时尚蕾琪,呈现美丽”的品牌特性。)

5. Lixiang like such a good girl, she belongs to the well-being in the final. (翻译:因为像莉香这样的好女孩,最终还是会找到她的幸福!)

6. Only bad outcome, Lixiang lonely in finally. Wanzi promised not to let a person of her. He did not achieve the end. (翻译:只是结局不好,莉香最后还是一个人了,完治对她的承诺——不会再让她一个人,最后还是没有实现。)

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