resurrection是什么意思 resurrection的中文翻译、读音、例句

resurrection是什么意思 resurrection的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. spiritual resurrection:精神复活

2. resurrection of the dead:死者复活

3. the resurrection of Christ:耶稣基督的复活

4. the resurrection of the body:身体的复活

5. the resurrection of hope:希望的复苏

6. the resurrection of a tradition:一种传统的复兴

7. a resurrection plant:复苏草

短语:bring back to life (使复活)



1. The Bible tells us the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (圣经告诉我们耶稣基督的复活故事。)

2. The idea of resurrection has long been a topic of interest and debate among scholars. (复活的概念长期以来一直是学者们感兴趣和争论的话题。)

3. The resurrection of hope can bring people out of despair. (希望的复苏能让人们走出绝望。)

4. Resurrection plants can survive for long periods without water. (复苏草可以在长时间无水的情况下生存。)

5. The resurrection of an old tradition can bring new life to a community. (一种传统的复兴可以给社区带来新的生机。)

6. The doctrine of bodily resurrection has been a central belief in many religions. (身体的复活教义是许多宗教的核心信仰。)

7. The scientist's discovery of a way to bring back to life extinct species is being hailed as a resurrection of the animal kingdom. (科学家们发现了一种复活灭绝物种的方法,正在被誉为动物王国的复苏。)



1. The singer's new album is a resurrection of her career. (这位歌手的新专辑让她的职业生涯复活了)

2. The company's financial results showed a resurrection in profits. (公司的财务业绩显示出利润再生)

3. The city is seeing a resurrection of interest in its historic architecture. (这座城市正在复兴对其历史建筑物的兴趣)

4. The plant's resurrection after a period of drought was a miracle. (这棵植物在经历干旱期后的复苏是一个奇迹)

5. The team's resurrection in the second half of the game was impressive. (这个队在比赛后半段的崛起令人印象深刻)

6. The novel is a resurrection of the author's writing style from her earlier works. (这部小说是作者早期作品中写作风格的复兴)

7. The church sees Easter as a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (教堂将复活节视为耶稣基督复活的庆典)

8. The band's reunion tour was a resurrection of their old hits. (该乐队的重组巡演是对他们旧歌的再现)

9. The political party's new leader promised a resurrection of the country's economy. (政党的新领袖承诺复兴国家的经济)




1. Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


2. The story of the Phoenix tells of a creature that achieves resurrection through fire.


3. The garden is a symbol of resurrection and new life.





例句:The hugest one is Christ Resurrection Cathedral. (其中最大的是基督复活教堂。)


例句:Travelers gone, resurrection spell starts, loved ones return. (旅行者走了 复活咒语开始 我们爱的人回来了)


例句:It is like two bookends: Cross and Resurrection. In between is the rest of our Christian faith. (十字架和复活就像两个书档﹐两个书档当中所夹的就是我们基督教的信仰。)


例句:On the day of his resurrection, he met with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. (翻译:祂复活的那xx日,与两个门徒在往以马忤斯的路上相遇。)


resurrection一般作为名词使用,如在resurrection bone([医] 骶骨)、resurrection fern([网络] 复苏蕨;复活蕨)、resurrection ferns([网络] 复苏蕨;复活蕨\n(resurrection fern 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

resurrection bone[医] 骶骨
resurrection fern[网络] 复苏蕨;复活蕨
resurrection ferns[网络] 复苏蕨;复活蕨\n(resurrection fern 的复数)
resurrection man盗尸者
resurrection men[网络] 死后复生的人;掘墓盗尸人;掘尸人
resurrection pie再生馅饼
resurrection plant还魂植物
resurrection plants[网络] 复苏植物
historical resurrection model历史回流模式


1. It is like two bookends: Cross and Resurrection. In between is the rest of our Christian faith. (翻译:十字架和复活就像两个书档﹐两个书档当中所夹的就是我们基督教的信仰。)

2. On the day of his resurrection, he met with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. (翻译:祂复活的那xx日,与两个门徒在往以马忤斯的路上相遇。)

3. And we've used it to drive antioxidant genes from resurrection plants. (翻译:我们使用启动子驱动 复苏植物的抗氧化剂基因 )

4. To what rank does Helena Cain promote Kara Thrace for her pictures of the Resurrection Ship? (翻译:海伦娜·该隐因为卡拉·瑟瑞斯拍得的复活船照片而将她晋升为什么?)

5. There are resurrection themes in every society that has ever been studied, and it is because not just only do we fantasize about the possibility of resurrection and recovery, but it actually happens. (翻译:每个社会都有重获新生的故事 这是因为我们不仅是幻想 重生和康复的可能性 而且它确实发生,而且它多有所闻。)

6. According to the Book of Mormon, after his resurrection, Jesus came to the Americas to preach to the Indians. (翻译:根据摩门经所说, 耶稣复活之后来到了美洲 向印第安人布道)

7. In a separate post, Blumenthal also noted the "resurrection" of Google Coupons from the dead. (翻译:在另一篇文章中,Blumenthal还提到Google让Google优惠券起死回生。)

8. Avant la resurrection son language c'est celui decheveux, -Before the resurrection, the way she spoke was with the hair, with the perfume. (翻译:在重造玛丽前,他们谈论她的头发,她的香味)

9. If an infected Cylon dies, and carries this disease with him into a Resurrection Ship, it could rapidly spread. (翻译:如果一个感染的赛昂人死亡 把病毒带着一起返回了复活船 那可能会快速蔓延)

10. Is sinking, Myxomycetes captured it, and take it to travel to here and with it sleep and resurrection. (翻译:是那颗黏菌俘虏了它,并且带着它旅行到这里,又带着它休眠和复活。)

11. Some say he has been alive since the last resurrection. (翻译:有人说 不知道上次的复活祭之后不知道他还活着没)

12. - I think God must owe me a resurrection. (翻译:- 我觉得上帝肯定还欠我一次复活的机会.)

13. His claim to fame came later when he refused to acknowledge the resurrection. (翻译:他之后来才出名的... ...当他拒绝承认耶稣复活)

14. You have no memory of your resurrection? (翻译:关于复活 你一点记忆都没有吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}You have no memory of your resurrection?)

15. I am the resurrection and the life. (翻译:我代表掌管生命的神 复活之神 I am the resurrection and the life.)



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