humiliating是什么意思 humiliating的中文翻译、读音、例句

humiliating是什么意思 humiliating的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'humiliating' 一般指令人感到羞辱或丢脸的情境或经历,通常涉及到对个人尊严或形象的侮辱或伤害,或被迫承认或做出令人难堪的事情。

2. 词源:'humiliating' 源自拉丁语 'humilis',意为低下的,卑微的。

3. 用法:'humiliating' 可以作为形容词或动词,形容词意义上的 'humiliating' 常用来形容事情本身,动词意义上的 'humiliate' 则更加强调其作用力和实际效果。

4. 相关词汇:与 'humiliating' 相关的词汇有 shame, embarrassment, contempt, disgrace, humiliation, degradation 等。


1. He felt deeply humiliated by his boss's reprimand. 他被老板的斥责深深地羞辱了。

2. Losing the game in front of his friends was a humiliating experience for him. 在朋友面前输球对他来说是一次丢脸的经历。

3. The politician's embarrassing scandal was highly humiliating for his family. 政治家尴尬的丑闻对他的家人来说是极为难堪的。

4. My supervisor's condescending attitude towards me was a humiliating reminder of my low status in the company. 我主管对我的居高临下的态度让我深感卑微,这让我觉得很受羞辱。

5. The team's humiliating defeat was a wake-up call for the coach, who realized that he needed to make some serious changes. 队伍的惨败是教练的一记警钟,他意识到需要做出一些重大的改变。





1. It was a humiliating experience for him to be fired in front of his colleagues. (被同事们面前解雇对他来说是一次丢脸的经历。)

2. The team suffered a humiliating defeat in the final game. (这支队伍在决赛中惨败,让人感到难堪。)




例句:They also used words like "depressing," "humiliating," "degrading." (她们还用到了诸如“沮丧”, “羞耻”, “屈辱”这样的词汇。)


例句:They could have made us go through an expensive and humiliating trial. (他们可以让我们 通过昂贵的 和屈辱的审判。)


例句:Everybody's staring, bree It's humiliating (Bree,每个人都在盯著我们 这是一种羞辱)


例句:A humiliating defeat for Geeta in the Istanbul World Championship! (翻译:伊斯坦堡世界锦标赛对吉塔来说是场耻辱的战败)


1. Everybody's staring, bree It's humiliating (翻译:Bree,每个人都在盯著我们 这是一种羞辱)

2. A humiliating defeat for Geeta in the Istanbul World Championship! (翻译:伊斯坦堡世界锦标赛对吉塔来说是场耻辱的战败)

3. They forecast a humiliating defeat for the president. (翻译:他们预言总统蒙受羞辱的一次失败。)

4. Admitting that Keynes was largely right , after all, would be too humiliating a comedown . (翻译:毕竟,承认凯恩斯大体上正确将会使人颜面尽失。)

5. I will tell you my most humiliating story. (翻译:{\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Okay,how about this? {\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}我来告诉你们我最丢脸的故事 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}I will tell you my most humiliating story.)

6. I dozed off, but was haunted by vivid and humiliating dreams. (翻译:我打了瞌睡 做了些恶梦 历历在目 深感耻辱)

7. Any comment on the absolutely humiliating near loss your bot suffered tonight? (翻译:对于你们今晚这场那么羞辱的比赛 被惨痛的修理... ...还差点输了 你有没有话要说?)

8. It is humiliating for a Chinese man to be married to a woman with a higher or even equal income. (翻译:娶一个收入比自己高或是收入平等的女人对中国男人来说是可耻的。)

9. How is it possible that every father perfects the art of humiliating their offspring? (翻译:怎么可能每个父亲... 羞辱后代的功夫都这么炉火纯青啊?)

10. If it was someone she met on a dating site like they say, it'd be humiliating (翻译:假如是电视说 什么交友网认识的男人 那就丢脸了)

11. Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted. (翻译:受船刑而死给受刑人带来的是无尽的痛苦和羞辱. )

12. Being forced to prove whether or not you are a virgin is degrading, humiliating and belittling. (翻译:被强迫去验证你是不是处女,这是有辱人格的,丢脸的,也是一种贬低。)

13. It's humiliating, I know, but take it like a man! (翻译:而且觉得丢脸 但你要学着像个 真正的男子汉一样接受这个事实)

14. Oh, this is so humiliating. (翻译:Oh, this is so humiliating. 我 哦,这真的是太丢脸 我)

15. Delgado, it was so humiliating. You won't believe... (翻译:狄卡多 我真的好丢脸 你都不会相信...)



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