recruits是什么意思 recruits的中文翻译、读音、例句

recruits是什么意思 recruits的中文翻译、读音、例句



常见的词组搭配包括:recruit soldiers(招募士兵)、recruit volunteers(招募志愿者)、new recruits(新成员)、military recruits(军事新兵)。

相关短语包括:recruit for(为某事招募人员)、recruit from(从某处招募)、recruit into(招募进入某组织)等。





1. The company is looking to hire new recruits for their marketing department. (公司正在寻找新成员加入他们的市场部门。)

2. The army is training its recruits to be the best soldiers they can be. (军队正在训练新兵成为最好的士兵。)

3. The basketball team has some promising new recruits this year. (篮球队今年有一些很有前途的新秀。)




例句:Somewhere in America, the United States is developing hundreds of recruits for this specialized service. (我想过 在美国的某个地方,联合国 正在发展几百名兵)


例句:First, the CIA has to screen the recruits better in Miami before they get here. (第一. 请中情局先把在迈阿密招来的兵 筛选一下再送到这儿来)


例句:(narrator) As the war went on, the Germans stepped up appeals for recruits to fight with them in Russia. (随着战争继续, 德国人加紧了征召新兵 与他们一起去俄国战斗的呼吁)


例句:In addition to these new recruits, you will be granted command of their ship as well. (翻译:除了这些新成员的加入 他们还将尊奉你为船长)


recruits一般作为名词、动词使用,如在military recruits([网络] 军事招募\n(military recruit 的复数))、new recruits([网络] 新兵;新进人员;新聘人员)、raw recruits(新手)等常见短语中出现较多。

military recruits[网络] 军事招募\n(military recruit 的复数)
new recruits[网络] 新兵;新进人员;新聘人员
raw recruits新手


1. (narrator) As the war went on, the Germans stepped up appeals for recruits to fight with them in Russia. (翻译:随着战争继续, 德国人加紧了征召新兵 与他们一起去俄国战斗的呼吁)

2. In addition to these new recruits, you will be granted command of their ship as well. (翻译:除了这些新成员的加入 他们还将尊奉你为船长)

3. But he also had in mind a more daring use for his new recruits. (翻译:但在他心中 他对他的新兵 还有一个更大胆的用途)

4. We used it at the agency to test the aptitude of potential recruits. (翻译:我们以前是用来测试... 新成员的智商和潜力)

5. The founder recruits six people to start, and each of them recruits six more. (翻译:创始人招募六个人来开始计划, 每一个人再招募六个人。)

6. And all this TV and Internet exposure has led to a great many recruits to our cause. (翻译:所有这电视和网上曝光 使得我们团队有了 很多优秀招募人员的机会 )

7. In exactly 10 days, our first recruits and volunteers arrive. (翻译:整整10天后 我们的第一批新兵和志愿者将到达)

8. Its recruits must go elsewhere. (翻译:那么只能换个地方培训 Its recruits must go elsewhere.)

9. Here's what happened when it was tested on army recruits. (翻译:你会看见被用作实验的军人 在实验时的情况)

10. Fernandez studied the socioeconomic backgrounds of new recruits. (翻译:费尔南德斯研究了新成员们的社会经济背景。)

11. But, as Mr Cele has himself admitted, many of the recruits are of a low standard. (翻译:但是,正如切莱先生自己所承认的,许多新警察素质并不高。)

12. Recruits seem to think their rooms hide behind an invisible force field. (翻译:新兵总天真地以为他们的房间 能躲过一切法眼)

13. They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force. (翻译:他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。)

14. At Kajaki the Royal Marines are training local army recruits. (翻译:英国皇家海军陆战队正在卡加克训练当地的新兵。)

15. They claim Flint will be returning tomorrow east of the bay to take on recruits. (翻译:他们声称弗林特明天会回来 在海湾东边接收船员)



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