wince是什么意思 wince的中文翻译、读音、例句

wince是什么意思 wince的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:wince 意为痛苦地退缩、畏缩不前。

2. 词性:动词。

3. 词组搭配:wince at sth.(因某事而退缩)、wince in pain(因疼痛而退缩)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[wɪns]。


1. She winced at the thought of the painful injection.


2. His face winced with pain as the dentist drilled into his tooth.


3. I winced when I heard the sound of the chalk scratching the blackboard.


4. The child winced when his mother scolded him.


5. He winced at the sight of blood.




1. Every time she heard a loud noise, she would wince and cover her ears. (每次听到响声,她都会畏缩并捂住耳朵。)

2. He winced in pain as the dentist drilled his tooth. (牙医在给他钻牙时,他因疼痛而畏缩。)

3. The news of the accident made her wince with distress. (意外事故的消息让她因悲伤而苦恼。)

4. She couldn't help but wince at the thought of confronting her ex-boyfriend. (想到要面对前男友,她不禁畏缩。)




例句:WinCE running in a very slow, but I have several parameters it had not quite understand, and the exchange of line with what. (在WinCE上运行很慢,同时我有几个参数弄的不太明白,发上来和大家交流一下。)


例句:The difference between coffee at 60 and coffee at 78 is a difference between coffee that makes you wince, and coffee that makes you deliriously happy. (这 60 分的咖啡和 78 分的咖啡之间的差别 就是让你望而却步的咖啡 和让你喜形于色的咖啡之间的差别。)


例句:They took a malicious pleasure in emphasizing this point and in watching me wince. (他们刻意强调这一点并看着我退缩而幸灾乐祸。)


例句:People can wince, cry, beg, but eventually they do what I want. (翻译:人可以WINCE,哭泣,乞求, 但最终他们做什么升希望。)


wince一般作为名词、动词使用,如在wince at((因疼痛,窘迫等)畏缩;退缩;面部肌肉抽搐)等常见短语中出现较多。

wince at(因疼痛,窘迫等)畏缩;退缩;面部肌肉抽搐


1. They took a malicious pleasure in emphasizing this point and in watching me wince. (翻译:他们刻意强调这一点并看着我退缩而幸灾乐祸。)

2. People can wince, cry, beg, but eventually they do what I want. (翻译:人可以WINCE,哭泣,乞求, 但最终他们做什么升希望。)

3. Some readers might wince a little at the word philosophy, thinking that it belongs in academia, not the real world. (翻译:有些读者可能对“哲学”这个词有点皱眉蹙额,认为它是个学术用语而非现实生活用语。)

4. So for me, a few years ago, my mom used to send me texts in capital letters -- and she can now do emojis and everything, she's fine -- but as soon as I'd see this text, I'd wince and think, "Ooh, it's capital letters, it's too much." (翻译:所以,对于我来说,几年以前, 我的妈妈用大写字母给我发消息— 现在她能用表情符号和其他的工具, 她非常健康— 但是当我一看到这个消息的时候, 我会退缩并且在想,“哇,这么多大写字母,太多了” )

5. And for the leaders in Bejing to shrink and wince and draw back in the presence of these individuals and their ideas sends a clear message. (翻译:北京的领导人对他们的催促显的畏畏缩缩,并不让这些人抛头露面,政府的以对理念给外界发出了一个清晰的信号。)

6. The difference between coffee at 60 and coffee at 78 is a difference between coffee that makes you wince, and coffee that makes you deliriously happy. (翻译:这 60 分的咖啡和 78 分的咖啡之间的差别 就是让你望而却步的咖啡 和让你喜形于色的咖啡之间的差别。)

7. When you sit, you favor your right side. (翻译:你每次把重量放在左臀 你会缩一下 Every time you put weight on your left butt cheek, you wince,)

8. Dave lost his job at the plant, and he is now handing out flyers at a chicken restaurant, and-- prepare to wince-- there is a chicken suit involved. (翻译:Dave丢了工厂的工作 他现在在一家炸鸡店发传单 而且... 坐稳了...)

9. The sight of sawdust, even pencil shavings, made him wince, his own kind being known to use it for hushing sick transmissions. (翻译:他一看到锯屑,甚至连削铅笔的木屑,立即退缩,因为据说他的同行专用这种东西封住出毛病的传播。)

10. Grimace of Doom, Sneer of Despair, Wince of Guilt, (翻译:末日的鬼脸、绝望的冷笑 内疚的吓人的漠视)

11. Some readers might wince a little at the word philosophy, thinking tht it belongs in academia, not the real world. (翻译:有些读者看到“哲学”这个词时可能会有些退缩,认为它属于学术界而非现实生活。)

12. It made him wince, but he made up his mind to go on and fill the money-bag. (翻译:它叫他想撤离,但他决心继续下去,好把钱袋装满。)

13. He smiled-but it might as well have been a wince. (翻译:他笑了但也有些许退缩。)

14. I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said. (翻译:我想到我说过的蠢话时仍懊悔不已。)



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