walnut是什么意思 walnut的中文翻译、读音、例句

walnut是什么意思 walnut的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇意义:walnut是一个名词,表示“胡桃”,是指一种坚果,外层是硬壳,内部是核仁,味道香甜,营养丰富。

2. 词源起源:walnut一词来自于古英语的“wealhhnutu”,意思是“外国人的坚果”,由于胡桃原产于波斯地区,被古英国人视为外来品种。

3. 词汇用法:除了具有实际含义外,这个单词也常常出现在英语的习语和成语中,如“a tough nut to crack”(难以解决的难题)等。


1. I love adding walnuts to my salads for an extra crunch and nutty flavor.(我喜欢在沙拉中加入胡桃,增加咀嚼感和坚果风味。)

2. The walnut tree in my backyard always produces a lot of nuts in the fall.(我后院的胡桃树在秋季总是结出很多坚果。)

3. She made a delicious walnut cake for our dinner party.(她为我们的晚宴做了一款美味的胡桃蛋糕。)

4. He's a tough nut to crack, but I'm determined to get him to open up to me.(他是一个难以解决的难题,决心让他向我敞开心扉。)

5. The old house had a beautiful staircase with a walnut banister.(旧房子有一个长得很漂亮的楼梯,上面有一个胡桃木的扶手。)


1. 词汇意义:WN可以是许多缩写词的缩写,例如“wireless network”(无线网络)、“Washington”(华盛顿)、“weather notification”(天气预警)等。

2. 词汇用法:这个缩写词经常出现在科技、政治以及天气预报等方面的场合中。

3. 词汇变形:WN也可以是其他词的缩写,如“won't”(will not)等。



2. WN state is home to many famous landmarks, such as the Space Needle and Pike Place Market.(华盛顿州是许多著名地标的故乡,例如太空针和派克市场。)

3. Make sure to check the WN forecast before planning your outdoor activities.(在计划户外活动之前一定要检查天气预报。)

4. She said she WN go to the party, but then she changed her mind.(她说她不会去参加聚会,但后来改变了主意。)

5. WN you be able to finish the project by the deadline?(你能否在截止日期前完成这个项目?)



1. I love putting walnuts in my oatmeal. 我喜欢在燕麦粥里加核桃。

2. She made a delicious walnut cake for the party. 她为派对做了一个美味的核桃蛋糕。

3. The recipe called for chopped walnuts. 配方要求切碎核桃。

4. Walnut wood is often used in furniture making. 核桃木经常用于家具制造。

5. He cracked open the walnut with a nutcracker. 他用夹子把核桃扣开。

6. She added a handful of walnuts to the salad. 她在沙拉里放了一把核桃。

7. The ice cream shop offered a special flavor with caramel and walnuts. 冰淇淋店提供了一种特别的口味,里面有焦糖和核桃。

8. The walnut tree in the backyard produced a lot of nuts this year. 后院的核桃树今年结了很多果子。

9. The chocolate brownie had a layer of walnuts on top. 巧克力布朗尼上面有一层核桃。

英文单词"walnut"的意思是核桃。它的中文翻译为"hé táo",读音为[huh-tou]。


1. The cake is topped with chopped walnuts.


2. He cracked open the walnut shell with a nutcracker.


3. Walnut oil is often used in cooking and salad dressings.





例句:I feel that the walnut is still good you divided too much this will recruit a person vexed of (我觉得还是胡桃好 你太过分了 这只会招人烦的)


例句:Proteins expressed during rhizogenes is of walnut cotyledon were profiled with the techniques of proteomics. (利用蛋白质组学技术对核桃子叶不定根发生期间表达的蛋白质进行了解析。)


例句:Among the bending hickory and walnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water. (在弯弯曲曲的山核桃和核桃树之间,她的脚在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防着小龙虾。)


例句:A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. (翻译:核桃就像一个微型的头脑,有左半脑、右半脑、上部大脑和下部小脑。)


walnut一般作为名词使用,如在English walnut(英国胡桃木)、Persian walnut(na. 胡桃\n[网络] 波斯核桃;波斯胡桃木;波斯胡桃树)、persian walnut?(胡桃;核桃)等常见短语中出现较多。

English walnut英国胡桃木
Persian walnutna. 胡桃\n[网络] 波斯核桃;波斯胡桃木;波斯胡桃树
persian walnut?胡桃;核桃
sea walnut【动物】栉水母(= ctenophore)
Siebold walnut西博德氏胡桃
walnut aphid[植保] 胡桃蚜
walnut blight[网络] 核桃枯萎
walnut blights[网络] 核桃枯萎\n(walnut blight 的复数)
Walnut Bottom[地名] 沃尔纳特博特姆 ( 美 )


1. Among the bending hickory and walnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water. (翻译:在弯弯曲曲的山核桃和核桃树之间,她的脚在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防着小龙虾。)

2. A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. (翻译:核桃就像一个微型的头脑,有左半脑、右半脑、上部大脑和下部小脑。)

3. Silk suits and black walnut ice cream. (翻译:一套丝绸衣服 还有黑核桃仁冰淇凌 Silk suits and black walnut ice cream.)

4. Stability testing and compare of the Hydroextracting the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp of dry in the sun and by the airing and retting . (翻译:将同一采样点的样品分别晒干、晾干、沤干后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试与比较。)

5. Maybe, but... isn't sending Albert a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut? (翻译:可能是吧 但是 你叫Albert出马有些太夸张了吧)

6. These packages add custom color metallic paint, custom color Nappa leather interior and exotic burl walnut trim. (翻译:这些软件包添加自定义颜色的金属漆,自定义颜色纳帕真皮内饰和外来节胡桃木装饰。)

7. The antibacterial activities of enzymatic hydrolysate of walnut protein hydrolyzed with papain and neutral protease were studied. (翻译:研究了核桃蛋白木瓜蛋白酶和中性蛋白酶酶水解物的抑菌性能。)

8. vanilla-walnut, Constant Comment and Earl Grey. (翻译:香草杏仁茶、白松露茶、蓝莓甘菊茶 香草胡桃茶,康仕顿茶 还有格雷伯爵茶)

9. Shagbark hickory, pecan and walnut hulls were used in the old times for coloring clothes, baskets, leathers and yarns. (翻译:古时候,薄皮山核桃、美洲山核桃和胡桃的果皮都曾被用来给衣服、篮子、皮革,以及纺线染色。)

10. He pointed to a large perfect pearl the size of a small walnut that lay apart on a piece of chamois. (翻译:他指着一颗单独放在一块鹿皮上的大珠子,这珠子晶莹无瑕,有颗小核桃大小。)

11. Available finishes: walnut, cherry, maple, bianco and Nero. (翻译:可完成:胡桃木、樱桃木、枫木、完成和尼禄。)

12. McNally, you were right. Ice cream truck girl was running from the rec center over on walnut. (翻译:McNally 你是对的 偷冰激淋车的女孩 是要逃出一个叫Wallnut的游戏中心)

13. In my day, a pat on the back, and a walnut, went a long way. (翻译:我那时候,一个鼓励,一个核桃, 就可以让我走得很远)

14. The floor is a herringbone of Asian Walnut timber. (翻译:地板采用了人字形亚洲胡桃木板的铺装方式。)

15. The male prostate is usually around the size of a walnut, weighing about 23 grams. (翻译:男性的前列腺通常来说只有胡桃大小23克左右。)



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