sly是什么意思 sly的中文翻译、读音、例句

sly是什么意思 sly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义


2. 用法和搭配

sly通常用来形容人或人的行为,常常与介词on或with连用,表示“施加诡计、搞鬼、在……背后捣鬼”的意思。另外,sly还可以和其他形容词或副词连用,表示程度或情境的不同,如slyly(巧妙地、狡猾地)、supremely sly(极其狡诈)、a sly smile(狡黠的微笑)等。

3. 例句

1) He gave me a sly look before turning away.


2) She managed to get what she wanted through a sly scheme.


3) The politician was known for his sly and manipulative tactics.


4) The fox moved slyly through the forest, trying not to be noticed.


5) He gave her a sly smile before disappearing into the crowd.





1. He gave her a sly grin and walked away.


2. She had a sly way of getting what she wanted.


3. The politician had a sly way of answering questions without really giving a straight answer.





例句:To make matters worse, all the foxes except Tenko are sly and cunning. (麻烦的是 除了天狐大人外 狐妖一族的其它人都很狡猾)


例句:Sly, where are you? Ah, I... (希尔 你在哪 Sly, where are you?)


例句:Starring: Sly Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet li, Bruce Willis, Brittany Murphy and Arnold Schwarzenegger. (主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙,杰森·斯坦森,李连杰,布鲁斯·威利斯,布莱特妮·墨菲,阿诺·施瓦辛格。)


例句:Why, the sly fellow. He did not tell me he had spoken to you. (翻译:这个狡猾的老家伙居然 没有告诉我 , 他已经问过你了)


sly一般作为形容词使用,如在on the sly(诡秘地)、sly fox([网络] 狡猾的狐狸;狡猾狐;狡诈的狐狸)、sly puss([戏谑语]狡黠的姑娘)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the sly诡秘地
sly fox[网络] 狡猾的狐狸;狡猾狐;狡诈的狐狸
sly puss[戏谑语]狡黠的姑娘
Sly syndrome黏多糖贮积症Ⅶ型
Sly.adj. 诡诈的;狡诈的;诡秘的(表示自己知道别人不知道的秘密)\n[网络] 狡猾的;偷偷摸摸的;淘气的


1. Starring: Sly Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet li, Bruce Willis, Brittany Murphy and Arnold Schwarzenegger. (翻译:主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙,杰森·斯坦森,李连杰,布鲁斯·威利斯,布莱特妮·墨菲,阿诺·施瓦辛格。)

2. Why, the sly fellow. He did not tell me he had spoken to you. (翻译:这个狡猾的老家伙居然 没有告诉我 , 他已经问过你了)

3. She is devious and sly and manipulative. (翻译:她阴险、狡诈,而且爱操纵他人。)

4. I'm headed back to the garage to help Sly process the tower data once you play your keytar. (翻译:我回车库去帮希尔 一旦你开始弹奏吉他键盘 我们就开始分析电塔数据 天啊)

5. Would Your Honor instruct counsel... to refrain from these sly and feminine hints? (翻译:庭上 请制止辩方律师 向陪审团作女性化的暗示)

6. From 40 to 50, grown easy and sly, I wined them and dined them, like pigs in a sty. (翻译:在40到xx岁,变得平易近人而且淘气, 我喝酒吃饭,就像猪圈中的猪一样。)

7. With all the presence of someone like Cooper or Lancaster, but combined with a sly wit (翻译:也就胸肌大过史泰龙 可加点肉麻有趣...)

8. Now that sly Russian will receive a proper walloping. That he will. (翻译:那个狡猾的俄国人将会 遭到我们的痛击,一定会)

9. This and only this, sometimes on the sly, sometimes rudely, sometimes gently, sometimes brutally, but it has been going on and on. (翻译:就这样 也只能这样 时而隐忍 时而粗暴 时而温和 时而野蛮)

10. So I had to do all my research on the sly, (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}所以不得不偷偷的做我自己的研究)

11. And there was me thinking I was being sly, sneaking off into his office all by myself. (翻译:我也想过 当时自己鬼鬼崇崇的样子 独自一人潜入他的办公室)

12. After confirming the child’s origins, the sly king entrusted the boy with a letter for the queen. (翻译:在确认了这个孩子的由来之后, 狡猾的国王于是委托他 给皇后送一封信。)

13. Give me back the stone, you sly fox! (翻译:死老头 把那石头还给我 快还给我 你这混蛋!)

14. All right, now, give me a Sly and Robbie kind of groove, you know? (翻译:好的 现在 演奏一段史莱和 罗比的曲子 你知道吧)

15. Grand as the watch was, he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain. (翻译:尽管这只表华丽珍贵,因为用的是旧皮带取代表链,他有时只偷偷地瞥上一眼。)

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