go on是什么意思 go on的中文翻译、读音、例句

go on是什么意思 go on的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:go on既可以是动词短语,也可以缩写为gonna作为即将发生的事情的替代词。

2. 含义:go on可以指继续进行、持续发生、发言等。而gonna则是“将要做某事”的意思。

3. 用法:go on通常与介词或副词搭配,表示继续进行,而gonna则通常用于口语中,表示将要发生的事情。


1. She went on talking for hours, without taking a break. (她一直讲话,几个小时没有停过。)

2. After the rain stopped, the party went on inside. (雨停后,派对在室内继续进行。)

3. Just go on with your work and don't let the distractions bother you. (继续做你的工作,不要让干扰影响你。)

4. I'm gonna see my favorite band in concert next month. (下个月我要去看我最喜欢的乐队演唱会。)

5. He said he was gonna help me with my homework, but he didn't show up. (他说他会帮我做作业,但他没出现。)

go on的意思是“继续;说下去”。常用于口语中,表示鼓励对方继续说话或做某事。


读音:gəʊ ɒn


1. A: I don't know if I should take this job offer or not.

B: Well, think about it, and then let me know what you decide. Go on.

2. A: She kept interrupting me while I was trying to explain my point.

B: That's frustrating. What did you do?

A: I just had to politely ask her to let me finish. She eventually did. Go on.

1. A:我不知道是否应该接受这份工作。


2. A:她一直在打断我,而我在努力解释我的观点。



go on在中文中有"责骂、上"的意思,其次还有"电"的意思,读音为[goon],go on常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到90个与go on相关的句子。

Go on的中文翻译


例句:Go to see through the window (Go to see through the window)


例句:Looking out for the place to go (Looking out for the place to go)


例句:She wants you to go to Tucson for Thanksgiving, and not to go to DC. (and not to go to DC.)


例句:Be like this kind of affair, descend to go to and then become accustomed to (翻译:descend to go to and then become accustomed to)


go on一般作为名词使用,如在go go go([网络] 走走走;左手叉腰;加油加油)、go go([财]活跃信托)、go(围棋)等常见短语中出现较多。

go go go[网络] 走走走;左手叉腰;加油加油
go go[财]活跃信托
go and
go as打扮成…去赴会
go at扑向, 着手干
go at it努力奋斗
go by走过, 依照, 顺便走访
go for去找, 努力获取, 被认为, 主张, 拥护
go for it放手向前,努力争取


1. She wants you to go to Tucson for Thanksgiving, and not to go to DC. (翻译:and not to go to DC.)

2. Be like this kind of affair, descend to go to and then become accustomed to (翻译:descend to go to and then become accustomed to)

3. Alright, one, two and three and go... (翻译:two and three and go)

4. Well, where can I go then? (翻译:where can I go then?)

5. - No idea, go there and find him. (翻译:go there and find him.)

6. Katniss, Katniss, go, go, go. (翻译:凯妮丝 快走 Katniss, Katniss, go, go, go.)

7. Siuil go socair agus siuil go ciuin (翻译:♫Siúil go socair agus siúil go ciúin♫)

8. Go ahead, sir, you can go. (翻译:走吧 先生 你可以走了 Go ahead, sir. You can go.)

9. Yeah ♪ ♪are you gonna go my way (翻译:yeah♪ ♪Are you gonna go my way♪ ♪Are you gonna go my way♪)

10. - It's obvious what Frei's doing. (翻译:- And does Frei go along with it?)

11. He let his mind go blank, and his hand go where it wanted. (翻译:He let his mind go blank, and his hand go where it wanted.)

12. And we go on and on and on and on. And we go on and on and on and on. (翻译:And we go on and on and on and on.)

13. But really, why go on like this? (翻译:why go on like this?)

14. So you just kinda have to, like, let go and go with it. (翻译:let go and go with it.)

15. Go on, go on, I love to hear you whine. (翻译:走吧 我爱听你抱怨 Go on, go on, I love to hear you whine.)

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