1. 词义:Bonnie 是一个名词和形容词,指美丽和吸引人的女性,或形容美景和美好的事物。
2. 词性:Bonnie 可以用作名词和形容词。
3. 词组搭配:Bonnie 容易和其他形容词和名词搭配使用,如 Bonnie lass(美丽的女孩),Bonnie Scotland(美丽的苏格兰),Bonnie Prince Charlie(美丽的查理王子)等等。
4. 短语:没有特定的短语与 Bonnie 有关。
5. 发音拼写:Bonnie 的发音为 ['bɒni],拼写为 B-O-N-N-I-E。
1. She was a bonnie lass with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes.(她是一位红润的脸颊,闪亮的眼睛的美丽姑娘。)
2. The sunset over the lake was simply bonnie.(湖上的日落非常美。)
3. My grandmother used to sing me a bonnie song when I was a child.(我小时候,奶奶总是唱一首动听的歌给我听。)
4. The bonnie prince led his army into battle with great courage.(美丽的王子带领他的军队勇往直前。)
5. I visited Bonnie Scotland last summer and it was absolutely breathtaking.(我去年夏天去了美丽的苏格兰,那里真是令人叹为观止。)
1. Bonnie is a very kind and generous person. (波妮是一个非常善良和慷慨的人。)
2. I named my cat Bonnie because she has a beautiful coat. (我把我的猫取名为波妮,因为她有一身美丽的毛皮。)
例句:Bonnie, we need kai to get to 1903, (Bonnie 我们需要Kai带我们回1903)
例句:Bonnie, you already destroyed the ascendant. (邦妮 你已经毁掉了支配器 Bonnie, you already destroyed the ascendant.)
例句:Bonnie, the switch is on the left-hand side (邦妮 开关在左后方 Bonnie, the switch is on the left)
例句:Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos. (翻译:雌雄大盗 混小子约翰斯·塔莫斯 Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos.)
1. Bonnie, the switch is on the left-hand side (翻译:邦妮 开关在左后方 Bonnie, the switch is on the left)
2. Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos. (翻译:雌雄大盗 混小子约翰斯·塔莫斯 Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos.)
3. When bonnie bennett has a hunch, (翻译:邦妮·贝内特如果有了预感 When Bonnie Bennett has a hunch,)
4. Bonnie Belski, Chicago, FBI. (翻译:Bonnie Belski 芝加哥 FBI)
5. Bonnie has watched you have the summer of your life. (翻译:- Bonnie看到了你们夏天的生活琐事)
6. Damon and Bonnie died and he just left. (翻译:Damon和Bonnie死后 他就离开了)
7. I'm stefan. I'm a friend of bonnie's. (翻译:我叫Stefan 是Bonnie的一个朋友)
8. Bonnie is not here and shane's stuff is all gone. (翻译:Bonnie不在这里 Shane的行李也不见了)
9. Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back. (翻译:Katherine不知道 Bonnie的能力恢复了)
10. Damon and Bonnie died, and he just left. (翻译:Damon跟Bonnie死后 他就悄悄离开了)
11. Bonnie can fix this. Somebody just get me Bonnie! (翻译:Bonnie能治好他 谁给我把Bonnie找来)
12. No, he had plenty of time. I don't think Bonnie's his target anymore. (翻译:ぃ 丁肝 и谋眔ぃ跌Bonnieヘ夹)
13. Bonnie has been looking for you Do you want to call her? (翻译:Bonnie找了你很多次了,要回她电话吗?)
14. Bonnie, the eyewitness, linda morelli, (翻译:Bonnie 目击证人Linda Morelli)
15. Amara could see Bonnie, and Bonnie could touch her. (翻译:Amara能看到Bonnie Bonnie能碰到她)