goover是什么意思 goover的中文翻译、读音、例句

goover是什么意思 goover的中文翻译、读音、例句

'goover' 不是一个常见的英语单词,也无法在英语词典中找到对应的词义和搭配。根据语言学家的解释,'goover' 可能是一个拼写错误或口语化的表达,实际指的应该是 'go over',意为查看、细看、复习、审阅等。以下是 'go over' 的词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面的介绍:



1. go over to:走向;移动到

例句:I'll go over to the store to get some milk.(我会去店里买点牛奶)

2. go over well:受欢迎;得到认可

例句:Her presentation went over well with the audience.(她的演讲受到了听众的欢迎)

3. go over someone's head:绕过某人,不考虑某人的权威

例句:He went over his boss's head to complain to the CEO.(他不顾老板的权威,向公司CEO抱怨)

4. go over the top:过分地做某事

例句:He always goes over the top with his jokes.(他总是开过头,讲些过分的笑话)

短语: none

发音拼写: /ɡəʊ ˈəʊvə(r)/

以下是一些 'go over' 的中英文翻译例句:

1. Can you go over this document one more time before submitting it?(你能在提交之前再查看一下这份文件吗?)

2. The teacher asked us to go over the grammar rules before the test.(老师要求我们在考试之前复习语法规则)

3. I need to go over the meeting agenda with my team before the call.(我需要在电话之前与我的团队复习会议议程)

4. She always goes over the speed limit on this road.(她总是在这条路上超速行驶)

5. Let's go over to the park and have a picnic.(让我们去公园野餐吧)

6. His speech didn't go over well with the audience.(他的演讲没有得到听众的认可)

I didn't catch that. Can you go over it again。你能再重复一遍吗?)



1. Let's goover the details one more time before we finalize the agreement. (在最终确定协议之前,我们再次检查一下细节吧。)

2. She spent the afternoon goingover her notes for the exam. (她花了下午时间回顾考试笔记。)

3. The CEO asked the team to goover the sales figures and identify areas of improvement. (CEO要求团队审查销售数字,找到改进的区域。)

  • 声明:未经允许不得转载
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