grossprofit是什么意思 grossprofit的中文翻译、读音、例句

grossprofit是什么意思 grossprofit的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义及用途:

Gross profit是指企业在销售商品或提供服务后,扣除所有直接成本(如原材料、人工、出口税等)后的收入与直接成本之差,即是企业的毛利润。Gross profit是一个重要的财务指标,能够反映企业的盈利能力和经营管理水平。

2. 计算方法:

Gross profit=销售额-直接成本

3. 应用范围:

Gross profit通常用于计算企业的盈利能力,可以用来评估企业的经济健康程度、运营效率和增长潜力。它还可以帮助管理者做出决策,比如对于产品定价、成本控制、营销策略等方面的决策。


1. The gross profit margin for this quarter was 35%, which was a slight decrease from the previous quarter.(这个季度的毛利率为35%,比上一个季度稍微下降了一点。)

2. The company's gross profit has increased by 10% since last year, which is a good indication of its growth potential.(公司的毛利润自去年以来增加了10%,这是一个良好的增长潜力指标。)

3. The CEO is concerned about the decrease in gross profit and plans to implement cost-saving measures to improve the situation.(CEO对毛利润的下降感到担忧,并计划实施成本节约措施来改善情况。)

4. The gross profit of the company's online store is significantly higher than that of its physical stores, indicating that the company should focus more on its online sales.(该公司的网店毛利润显著高于实体店,表明公司应该更多地关注在线销售。)

5. The accountant was able to calculate the gross profit quickly and accurately using the company's financial records.(会计师能够使用公司的财务记录快速准确地计算出毛利润。)


读音:ɡrəʊs ˈprɒfɪt


1. The company's gross profit increased by 10% this quarter. (这家公司的毛利润本季度增长了10%。)

2. We need to calculate the gross profit margin to determine the profitability of this product. (我们需要计算毛利润率来确定该产品的盈利能力。)

3. The retailer's gross profit was affected by the increase in production costs. (零售商的毛利润受到生产成本上涨的影响。)

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