struggles是什么意思 struggles的中文翻译、读音、例句

struggles是什么意思 struggles的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有struggles for/about/against,表示为…而奋斗/为…而斗争/反对…

短语:no struggles无法奋斗、keep up the struggles坚持斗争、struggles against oppression反对压迫等。



1. She faced many struggles in her career as a female executive. (她在作为女性高管的职业生涯中面临了许多挫折。)

2. The struggles of the working class have been ongoing for centuries. (工人阶级的斗争已经持续了几个世纪。)

3. He struggles to support his family on his meager salary. (他在微薄的薪水上艰难地支持着家人。)

4. The team had to overcome many struggles in order to win the championship. (为了赢得冠军,这个团队必须克服许多困难。)

5. The struggles against discrimination and inequality are far from over. (反对歧视和不平等的斗争还远远没有结束。)



1. He overcame many struggles in his life and became successful. (他在生活中克服了许多挣扎,取得了成功。)

2. The team's struggles showed the need for more practice. (团队的困难表明需要更多的练习。)

3. The struggles of the working class were highlighted in the documentary. (工人阶级的斗争在这部纪录片中得到了突出的表现。)




例句:In his struggles to discover it, he stumbled on a grave threat. (经过他的努力 In his struggles to discover it, 他无意间发现了一个极大的威胁 he stumbled on a grave threat.)


例句:Hong Kong people have gone through a lot of struggles. (香港人什么也经历过,挨过风浪 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Hong Kong people have gone through a lot of struggles.)


例句:My family has experienced firsthand the struggles of caring for an Alzheimer's patient. (我的家庭有着切身的体验 知道照顾一名老年痴呆患者的辛苦 )


例句:Neither one of us had ever talked to the other about our struggles. (翻译:我们也从未跟对方提起过 自己的挣扎与抗争。)


1. My family has experienced firsthand the struggles of caring for an Alzheimer's patient. (翻译:我的家庭有着切身的体验 知道照顾一名老年痴呆患者的辛苦 )

2. Neither one of us had ever talked to the other about our struggles. (翻译:我们也从未跟对方提起过 自己的挣扎与抗争。)

3. Nathaniel, you know, this is not... /...his series in the Times /on the struggles and the triumphs (翻译:纳撒尼 你知道 生活的艰难和成功... ...不是时报需要的系列)

4. I mean, boy were there struggles. (翻译:我的意思是, 生存在这儿本身就是困难的。)

5. Worked hard to refine his accent, still struggles with the T's. (翻译:费力改掉口音 发t音还有问题 父母都不在身边)

6. Life is at its most intense ... during the struggles between predator and prey. (翻译:掠食动物与猎物之间的搏斗 是最激烈的生死之争)

7. She had been there through all my struggles of being gay. (翻译:当我为自己是同性恋而挣扎时 她一直陪在我身边)

8. He remembers his early struggles, shared by his two loyal comrades. (翻译:他想起了与他的两位忠诚的朋友 所共同走过的艰苦日子)

9. Meanwhile, Delphine struggles to adjust to modern life. (翻译:同时,德尔·菲娜努力适应现代生活。)

10. An actor struggles to die onstage, but a puppet has to struggle to live. (翻译:演员试图在台上演死去 木偶在台上试图活过来)

11. Could we reach them with advice or training that would help them through these struggles? (翻译:我们是否能够带给他们建议与训练 来帮助他们度过这些挣扎呢? )

12. But Abreu's struggles are just a small sample of the entire team's struggles. (翻译:但是阿布的低潮看来只是整个球队的一小缩影。)

13. Caspere will get closed, the world will turn uncaring of our struggles. (翻译:Caspere的案子会结 世界还是会转 Caspere will get closed, the world will turn 没人在乎我们的困境 uncaring of our struggles.)

14. The Arab states are going through tremendous change, and the struggles women face are overwhelming. (翻译:阿拉伯国家正在经历 翻天覆地的变化, 而女性面临的斗争 是势不可挡的。)

15. Bad things - a job, a meagerly existence, sickness, financial struggles, etc. (翻译:物质精神方面的匮乏,疾病,财政危机等。)



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