telepathy是什么意思 telepathy的中文翻译、读音、例句

telepathy是什么意思 telepathy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和解释:


2. 源起和历史:


3. 研究和争议:



1. Some people believe that they have the ability of telepathy, but there is no scientific evidence to support it. 一些人相信自己拥有超能力的思维感应能力,但是没有科学证据来支持这种说法。

2. The idea of telepathy has been studied by many scientists and psychologists, but it remains a matter of conjecture. 许多科学家和心理学家研究了思维感应的理论,但是这一理论仍然是一个假设。

3. Some people believe that telepathy may be possible through certain kinds of meditation, but this has not been proven. 一些人认为通过某些特定类型的冥想可能实现思维感应,但这并没有得到证实。

4. The idea of telepathy is fascinating to many people, but there is no concrete evidence to support it. 思维感应的理论让许多人着迷,但是并没有任何实际的证据来证明它的存在。

5. Some people claim to have experienced telepathy in their lives, but these experiences are often dismissed as coincidence or imagination. 一些人声称在生活中经历过思维感应的经历,但是这些经历经常被认为是巧合或者是想象。




1. Some people believe in telepathy, the ability to communicate with others using only their minds.(有些人相信心电感应,即只用思维与他人进行交流的能力。)

2. The scientists are exploring the possibility of telepathy, but so far there is no concrete evidence to support it.(科学家正在探索心灵感应的可能性,但目前还没有具体的证据来支持它。)

3. Sarah and her twin sister Emily claim to have telepathy and can communicate with each other without speaking.(萨拉和她的孪生妹妹艾米莉声称自己有心灵感应能力,可以不说话就彼此交流。)




例句:Inside Minato's mind, Kushina uses something like telepathy. (妻子奇奈用心灵感应之术进入了水门的大脑。)


例句:Telepathy, singing bookcases, fairies at the bottom of the garden. (心灵感应,会唱歌的书架 花园地底下的精灵之类)


例句:Is it really easier to believe in that or clairvoyance or telepathy than it is life after the physical? (相信那种事,或超感官知觉 或心灵感应 是不是比相信死后的世界 要更容易?)


例句:When Giulio Aleni responded to the argument, he deemed the telepathy between human and everything as the sameness. (翻译:艾儒略对万物一体的回应,将人与物之间的感应相通理解为机械的性体相同。)


telepathy一般作为名词使用,如在mental telepathy(n. 看透他人心思(的能力))等常见短语中出现较多。

mental telepathyn. 看透他人心思(的能力)


1. Is it really easier to believe in that or clairvoyance or telepathy than it is life after the physical? (翻译:相信那种事,或超感官知觉 或心灵感应 是不是比相信死后的世界 要更容易?)

2. When Giulio Aleni responded to the argument, he deemed the telepathy between human and everything as the sameness. (翻译:艾儒略对万物一体的回应,将人与物之间的感应相通理解为机械的性体相同。)

3. My telepathy's been off lately. (翻译:你就一直不太正常 我的心灵感应最近不太灵)

4. In fact, one of the most famous fictional universal translators, the Babel fish from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", is not a machine at all but a small creature that translates the brain waves and nerve signals of sentient species through a form of telepathy. (翻译:但事实上,最著名的科幻小说通用翻译器 -“巴别塔” 是从“银河系漫游指南”中逐渐分离出来的 这翻译器不完全只是一个机器,而是一个 能以心电感应形式 从有意识生物那儿翻译他们的脑电波和神经信号的小生物 )

5. Most on earth are not spiritually ready to be able to walk through walls, and have the ability of mental telepathy. (翻译:地球上大部分人尚未在精神上准备好学会穿墙术,以及心灵感应。)

6. Fanfiction has further romanticized this by including telepathy or the sharing of memories etc. as part of the bonding process. (翻译:同人小说使它更加浪漫化,比如说成心灵感应或记忆共存什么的。这似乎是“联系”的部分表现。)

7. Therefore, there can be no telepathy, or apparitions, or flying saucers, nothing like that. (翻译:所以,不也存在心灵感应,神灵鬼怪, 或者不明飞行物 一切都是子虚乌有的)

8. Do you think only you two can use telepathy? (翻译:你以为只是你们才会用心声说话吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Do you think only you two can use telepathy?)

9. She met Arguelles in 1998 after a series of dreams in which he demonstrated time travel and telepathy . (翻译:她会见了列斯在xx年经过一系列的梦想,他表现出的时间旅行和心灵感应。)

10. Simple Mom has clearly had a few mental telepathy moments with me. (翻译:头脑简单的妈妈无疑已经清楚地看穿我的心思了。)

11. When Giulio Aleni responded to the argument, he deemed the telepathy between human and everything as the sameness. (翻译:艾儒略对万物一体的回应,将人与物之间的感应相通理解为机械的性体相同。)

12. But their main exercise of telepathy is to send out powerful signals to the rest of us that it doesn't exist. (翻译:但是他们使用心灵感应的主要目的 就是向外界传达这样一个强有力的信号:它不存在。)

13. But their main exercise of telepathy is to send out powerful signals to the rest of us that it doesn't exist. (翻译:但是他们使用心灵感应的主要目的 就是向外界传达这样一个强有力的信号:它不存在。)

14. The ironic consciousness came from his review of Chinese modern culture and his telepathy to the ideas of modern human beings. (翻译:反讽意识的产生缘于他对中国现代文化的反思及其与人类现代思想的感通。)

15. Seto members of double X unit they can exercise their telepathy together to amplify my brain waves (翻译:和司徒这班特异功能人士 能集合一起发功来增强我的脑电波)



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