1. 词性和定义方面:'entailed' 是过去分词形式的动词 'entail',意为“需要,导致,使必要”。它通常用于描述一种结果或者情况是由于之前的某个行动或者决定而产生的。
- The new policy entails a lot of paperwork.
- The project's success will entail a lot of hard work.
2. 法律方面:在法律用语中,'entailed' 可能指某个财产或资产的限制转移,例如,如果一个遗嘱规定了某个财产必须在家族内部传承,那么这个财产就被称为 'entailed property'。
- The family's entailed estate was passed down through several generations.
- The trust entailed the transfer of ownership to the beneficiary after a certain date.
3. 历史方面:在英国中古时期,'entailed estates' 指的是一种继承模式,所有权必须传给最近的男性亲属,通常是兄弟或儿子,以确保财产能够继续在家族内部传承。
- In the 18th century, entailed estates accounted for a significant portion of the landed aristocracy's wealth.
- The practice of entailing estates was eventually abolished in the 20th century.
1. The inheritance entailed selling the family home to pay off debts.
2. The royal property was entailed to the eldest male member of the family.
3. The new law entails stricter penalties for securities fraud.
4. He entailed his collection of rare books to the local library.
5. The estate is an entailed asset, and cannot be sold without the approval of all family members.
英 [ɪnˈteɪld] 美 [ɪnˈteɪld]
1. The job entails a lot of responsibility. 这项工作涉及到很多责任。
2. Buying a car entails a significant financial commitment. 买车需要承担很大的经济压力。
3. This decision entails careful consideration of all the options. 这个决定需要认真考虑所有的选项。
例句:The expenses and losses thus entailed shall be borne by the liquidator. (由此产生的费用和损失,由清算人承担和赔偿。)
例句:Your father's estate is entailed on Mr. Collins, I think. (你父亲的财产得由柯林斯先生继承吧,我想? )
例句:This entailed not only creating her own company, Harpo, but also her own production studio. (这包括不仅是创造了她自己的公司Harpo,而且包括她自己的制作工作室。)
例句:Stanford's entailed increasing the faculty by 10-15%. (翻译:斯坦福增加了10 - 15%的教学人员。)
entailed一般作为名词使用,如在entailed forest(世袭林)、entailed interest([法] 限定继承的利益)、entailed forest property(世袭林财产)等常见短语中出现较多。
entailed forest | 世袭林 |
entailed interest | [法] 限定继承的利益 |
entailed forest property | 世袭林财产 |
1. This entailed not only creating her own company, Harpo, but also her own production studio. (翻译:这包括不仅是创造了她自己的公司Harpo,而且包括她自己的制作工作室。)
2. Stanford's entailed increasing the faculty by 10-15%. (翻译:斯坦福增加了10 - 15%的教学人员。)
3. The next difficulty level entailed trying to catch the more clued-up, older gulls. (翻译:接下来的一级难度是抓住见多识广的老海鸥。)
4. Do you mind telling us what that session entailed? (翻译:session. 介意告诉我们治疗内容具体是什么吗 Do you mind telling us what that session entailed?)
5. He has income from a little entailed property... so we still manage to keep our appearances. (翻译:他现在在一家小房地产公司挣点钱 所以我们还是能维持原貌)
6. Chinese officials said the issues entailed numerous violations, including fraudulent advertising and selling expired food. (翻译:中国官员说,这些问题涉及多起违规,包括虚假宣传、出售过期食品。)
7. Her father's estate is entailed on Mr Collins, I understand. (翻译:据我所知,科林斯先生 将继承她父亲的产业)
8. The thing is, his understanding of what justice entailed was very different from my own. (翻译:问题是,他理解的正义 与我自己的理解非常不同。)
9. Snower (2008) recently criticised this case-by-case approach, expressing concerns about the moral hazard, and excessive taxpayer sacrifice it entailed, and also about potential exit strategy problems. (翻译:Snower最近批评了这种有一件办一件的方式,并担忧道德风险和过度牺牲纳税人,以及潜在的退出战略的问题。)
10. The son would inherit the estate, no part of which would be entailed away, so providing for my widow and any other children. (翻译:儿子可以继承产业 用不着传给外人 我死后 孤儿寡妇生活就有保障了)
11. I just received your brochure, which I found extremely informative, and I was curious about what was entailed, precisely, in your-- (翻译:我发现非常有益 我想知道你们急需什么...)
12. The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby. (翻译:姑娘们学的正是怎样照看新生儿。)