learn to say no是什么意思 learn to say no的中文翻译、读音、例句

learn to say no是什么意思 learn to say no的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释方面:'learn to say no'是指学会拒绝,拒绝不必要的请求或各种无意义的事情,以便集中精力做更有价值的事情。


- Sometimes, you have to learn to say no to things that are not important.

- Learning to say no is a very important lesson in life.

- We should all learn to say no sometimes, in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

2. 应用场景方面:'learn to say no'常常用于工作、生活中,帮助人们掌控自己的时间和精力,避免过度承诺和压力。


- As a busy professional, it's important to learn to say no to unimportant meetings or tasks.

- Learning to say no to invitations you don't really want to accept can help you avoid social burnout.

- Sometimes, learning to say no to your own impulses can help you make better choices.

3. 实践技巧方面:'learn to say no'是一个需要实践和坚持的技巧,需要在沟通、心态、行动等方面进行培养与训练。


- The art of saying no requires practice and patience.

- To learn to say no, you need to be clear and concise in your communication.

- Saying no can be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with practice.


- 有时候,你必须学会拒绝那些不重要的事情。

- 学会说不是生活中非常重要的一课。

- 我们应该时常学会说不,以避免不必要的压力。


- 学会拒绝你不想接受的邀请可以帮助你避免社交疲劳。

- 有时候,学会拒绝自己的冲动可以帮你做出更好的选择。

- 学会说不需要练习和耐心。

- 要学会说不,你需要在沟通、心态、行动等方面进行培养与训练。

- 开始学会说不可能让你感到不适,但随着实践,会变得更容易。


读音:lèi n tū sāi nǒu


1. To avoid overcommitting, one needs to learn to say no sometimes. (为了避免过度承诺,有时需要学会说不。)

2. It's important for individuals to learn to say no when they feel uncomfortable or pressured. (当个人感到不舒服或受到压力时,学会说不很重要。)

3. Saying no doesn't make you a bad person, it just means that you prioritize your own needs. (说不并不意味着你是个坏人,它只是表示你优先满足自己的需求。)

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