depose是什么意思 depose的中文翻译、读音、例句

depose是什么意思 depose的中文翻译、读音、例句




- depose sb. (from power) 罢免某人(的职务)

- depose (a ruler) 废黜(一位统治者)

- depose to sth. 发誓作证证明某事

- depose one's weapons 放下武器

- depose a deposition 作出陈述


- depose of 投诉,丢弃,处理

- depose before 证明在法庭前作出宣誓陈述

- depose from 经官方或法律程序罢免或废黜



1. The president was deposed and replaced by the military government. 总统被罢免,由军政府接管了政权。

2. The witness deposed to the fact that he had seen the accused leaving the scene of the crime. 证人作证称他看到被告离开了犯罪现场。

3. The king was deposed by his own subjects. 国王被自己的臣民废黜了。

4. The defendant's deposition was read out in court. 被告的陈述在法庭上被宣读出来。

5. Before depose the weapon, make sure the enemy has surrendered. 在放下武器之前,确保敌人已经投降。




1. The Prime Minister was deposed by a vote of no confidence. (首相因无信任投票而被罢免。)

2. The dictator was deposed by a popular uprising. (独裁者被民众起义推翻。)

3. The CEO was deposed after a series of scandals. (CEO在一系列丑闻后被解职。)

4. The king was deposed and replaced by a republic. (国王被废黜,共和国取而代之。)

5. The governor was deposed for corruption. (省长因腐败被罢免。)

6. The president was deposed and exiled. (总统被废除并流亡他国。)

7. The judge was deposed for bias. (法官因偏见被罢免。)

8. The chairman was deposed in a hostile takeover. (董事长在敌意收购中被废除。)

9. The bishop was deposed for heresy. (主教因异端被废黜。)




1. The king was deposed and replaced by a republic.(国王被废黜,并被共和国取代。)

2. She was deposed as CEO for failing to meet the company's targets.(她因未能达到公司的目标而被免职。)

3. The mayor may be deposed if enough citizens sign a petition.(如果足够多的市民签署请愿书,市长可能会被罢免。)




例句:The right to elect chieftains and to depose them. (选举和撤换酋长的权利。)


例句:- The rules of the Conservative Party... make it possible for Conservative MP's to depose a sitting Prime Minister. (- 保守党的规则... 让保守党国会议员 有权免职现任的首相)


例句:It is vital for the lengthy and difficult reconstruction of Libya that Libyans themselves depose Colonel Qaddafi. (鉴于利比亚的重建将会漫长而困难,利比亚人民需要自己来罢黜卡扎菲,这十分重要。)

4.宣誓作证 、作证

例句:Your troops will depose the president and install Ivan Tretiak as leader of Russia. (翻译:你的军队把总统赶下台 然后拥护崔狄耶成为俄国领袖)


1. It is vital for the lengthy and difficult reconstruction of Libya that Libyans themselves depose Colonel Qaddafi. (翻译:鉴于利比亚的重建将会漫长而困难,利比亚人民需要自己来罢黜卡扎菲,这十分重要。)

2. Your troops will depose the president and install Ivan Tretiak as leader of Russia. (翻译:你的军队把总统赶下台 然后拥护崔狄耶成为俄国领袖)

3. I imagine, Mr. Gardner, you would like to depose said warden? (翻译:那我想 Gardner先生 会想要那位典狱官的宣誓作证?)

4. You know,arlington,katie connor,gregory malina-- let her depose me. (翻译:阿林顿 凯蒂 格里格瑞 让她出庭作证好了)

5. Rogers opposes my motion, so I have to make an argument as to why I'm allowed to depose. (翻译:罗杰斯反对我的动议 那我就得提交论据去说明为什么要允许我)

6. If anything happens to mr.Malina before I can depose him. (翻译:在我拿到马里纳先生的证词之前 如果有任何事发生的话)

7. To remove from the throne; depose. (翻译:从宝座上移走;免除。)

8. So I file a motion to depose Benzevich a second time. (翻译:我就去提交了动议要求 本泽维奇再次出庭作证)

9. I will depose every person you've ever been in contact with since the beginning of time! (翻译:我会提问你联系过的每一个人 从有时间记载的时候开始!)

10. For walking away, we will see them in court. (翻译:那我们就法庭上见 for walking away, we will see them in court. 我们要把他们每个人 We will depose)

11. From another country, we can depose you about Escobar and the siege. (翻译:在另一个国家 From another country, 我们可以让你远离埃斯科瓦尔和混战 we can depose you about Escobar and the siege.)

12. So I got ready for a reaction to a potential intervention rather than to depose a president. (翻译:And I would react. 所以我准备好了对一个潜在的干预作出反应 So I got ready for a reaction to a potential intervention 而不是推翻总统。)

13. Pardon the Εmperor, or depose and arrest him, but make a decision. (翻译:无论是赦免天皇、罢黜还是逮捕他 给我一个决定)

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