plucky xiong是什么意思 plucky xiong的中文翻译、读音、例句

plucky xiong是什么意思 plucky xiong的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Plucky Xiong' 不是一个常见的单词或短语,因此无法从字典中找到该词的确切含义和词性。根据上下文推断,可能是一个人名或昵称,其中'plucky'表示勇敢或果敢。'Xiong'可能是一个姓氏或名字。


1. Plucky Xiong faced her fears and climbed the tall mountain. (勇敢的熊面对恐惧,爬上了高山。)

2. Xiong is a common surname in China. (熊是中国的一个常见姓氏。)

3. The plucky volunteer dove into the river to rescue the drowning child. (勇敢的志愿者跳入河中救出溺水的孩子。)

4. I met a woman named Xiong on my trip to China. (我在去中国的旅行中遇到了一个叫熊的女人。)

5. Plucky Xiong refused to give up, even when faced with many obstacles. (勇敢的熊即使面临很多障碍也拒绝放弃。)

6. Xiong's coworkers admired her bravery in standing up to the difficult boss. (熊的同事们钦佩她在面对难搞的老板时的勇气。)

7. The plucky young girl saved her pennies to buy a new bike. (勇敢的小女孩攒了很多钱买了一辆新自行车。)

'plucky xiong' is not a commonly used term or phrase in either English or Chinese, so there is no exact translation, pronunciation or example sentence available. It may be a personal name or a made-up term/phrase.

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