lausanne是什么意思 lausanne的中文翻译、读音、例句

lausanne是什么意思 lausanne的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名称来源:Lausanne这个名字来源于拉丁语“laus omnes”(所有人都在赞美)。

例句:Lausanne is a beautiful town located on Lake Geneva.(Lausanne是位于日内瓦湖的美丽城镇。)

2. 地理位置:Lausanne位于瑞士法语区的梅里桑州,被称为瑞士的奥林匹克之都,是瑞士第四大城市。

例句:I’m going to Lausanne for a conference next week.(下周我要去Lausanne参加会议。)

3. 文化特色:Lausanne是一个有着悠久历史和丰富文化的城市,它有许多博物馆、历史古迹和音乐节等文化活动。

例句:The Lausanne Opera House is one of the best in Europe.(Lausanne歌剧院是欧洲最好的之一。)

4. Lausanne大学:Lausanne大学是瑞士一所著名的研究型大学,共有七个学院,主要研究生命科学、工程学和自然科学等领域。

例句:I’m currently doing my PhD at Lausanne University in the field of biochemistry.(我目前正在Lausanne大学攻读博士学位,研究生物化学领域。)

5. 缩写词:LAUSANNE还可以作为缩写词,代表瑞士无线电电视广播公司(Swiss Broadcasting Corporation)的法语服务。

例句:I always tune into LAUSANNE when I’m in Switzerland to stay up-to-date with the news.(当我在瑞士的时候,我总是收听LAUSANNE电台,以保持对最新新闻的了解。)



1. Lausanne est une ville magnifique située au bord du lac Léman. (法语:洛桑是位于莱芒湖畔的美丽城市。中文翻译:Lausanne is a beautiful city located on the shores of Lake Geneva.)

2. J'ai visité le musée olympique de Lausanne, c'était passionnant! (法语:我参观了洛桑的奥林匹克博物馆,非常有趣!中文翻译:I visited the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, it was fascinating!)

3. Lausanne est réputée pour son université prestigieuse. (法语:洛桑以其著名的大学而闻名。中文翻译:Lausanne is known for its prestigious university.)

4. Il y a beaucoup de cafés et de restaurants agréables à Lausanne. (法语:在洛桑有很多舒适的咖啡馆和餐馆。中文翻译:There are many nice cafés and restaurants in Lausanne.)

5. Lausanne est facilement accessible en train depuis Genève. (法语:从日内瓦乘火车到洛桑很方便。中文翻译:Lausanne is easily accessible by train from Geneva.)

6. Lausanne est connue pour ses festivals de musique et de danse. (法语:洛桑以其音乐和舞蹈节而闻名。中文翻译:Lausanne is known for its music and dance festivals.)

7. J'ai acheté de délicieuses chocolats à Lausanne. (法语:我在洛桑买了美味的巧克力。中文翻译:I bought delicious chocolates in Lausanne.)

8. Le lac Léman offre des vues spectaculaires sur Lausanne. (法语:莱芒湖提供了壮丽的洛桑风景。中文翻译:Lake Geneva offers spectacular views of Lausanne.)

9. Lausanne est une destination populaire pour les sports d'hiver. (法语:洛桑是冬季运动的热门目的地。中文翻译:Lausanne is a popular destination for winter sports.)

Lausanne的中文翻译为洛桑,读音为 luó sāng。


1. Lausanne是瑞士重要的城市之一,拥有美丽的湖泊和山峰。

2. 我们可以在Lausanne的博物馆中了解到这个城市的历史和文化。

3. Lausanne的城市规划非常精美,建筑和自然环境相得益彰。




例句:And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne. (另外,我们还会近距离接触洛桑山城的奥林匹克博物馆。)


例句:Lausanne was by the ALPS on the North, Geneva Lake on the South with quite a few international companies headquartered here. (山城洛桑北靠阿尔卑斯山,南临日内瓦湖,很多国际性跨国公司的总部都设在这里。)


例句:Well, he was still helping her a year later, then; for somebody met 'em living at Lausanne together. (可xx年之后他仍然在继续帮助她呢。有人在洛桑亲眼看见他们住在一起。)


例句:By plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me. (翻译:我乘飞机换火车来到洛桑附近的湖边小镇莫尔日,盖勒柯斯从他的巢穴轻松骑车来会我。)


lausanne一般作为名词使用,如在Lausanne(洛桑(瑞士) )、Lausanne Conference([网络] 洛桑会议)、lausanne school(洛桑学派)等常见短语中出现较多。

Lausanne Conference[网络] 洛桑会议
lausanne school洛桑学派


1. Well, he was still helping her a year later, then; for somebody met 'em living at Lausanne together. (翻译:可xx年之后他仍然在继续帮助她呢。有人在洛桑亲眼看见他们住在一起。)

2. By plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me. (翻译:我乘飞机换火车来到洛桑附近的湖边小镇莫尔日,盖勒柯斯从他的巢穴轻松骑车来会我。)

3. International Olympic Committee headquarters in the world "garden city, " said the Lausanne, Switzerland. (翻译:国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。)

4. Major cities: Zurich Basel Geneva Bern lausanne winterthur lucerne bienne thun. (翻译:主要城市:苏黎世,巴塞尔,日内瓦,伯尔尼,洛桑,温特图尔,卢塞恩,比安,图恩。)

5. Zagreb, Brod, Trieste, Venice, Milan, Lausanne, (翻译:萨格勒布 布罗德 的里雅斯特 威尼斯 米兰 洛桑)

6. A hugely energetic man, he was responsible for the new IOC headquarters building in Vidy and for inaugurating The Olympic Museum in Lausanne. (翻译:他十分精力充沛,负责在瑞士沃州建立新的奥委会总部,同时在洛桑为奥林匹克博物馆举行了开幕式。)

7. The Lausanne-based IOC retains about 8 per cent of quadrennial revenues in all to cover its own administration and operational costs. (翻译:总部设在洛桑的国际奥委会在每xx年收入中保留约8%,作为自身行政和运营费用。)

8. the headquarters of IOC and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next years. (翻译:年,国际奥委会的总部和博物馆的收藏品被转移到洛桑的蒙雷珀别墅,并从此在那里安顿下来。)

9. The seventh Diamond League meeting of the year took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on Thursday. (翻译:今年钻石联赛的第七站比赛周四在瑞士的洛桑举行。)

10. We have spent time in Zurich, Lucern, Lausanne, Interlaken and Geneve along with Lugano and Lucarno over the past 5 years of travel. (翻译:过去xx年的旅行中,我们在苏黎世、卢塞恩、洛桑、因特拉肯、日内瓦、卢伽诺和洛加诺都度过了时光。)

11. On April 17th of this year, you went to Lausanne under the name Sanders and reactivated him. (翻译:今年xx月xx日 你化名为桑德斯 潜入洛桑 让他重出江湖)

12. "EPF Lausanne, which offers courses in French, opens up access for students in half of Africa, " Ms. Koller said. (翻译:“开设法语课程的洛桑联邦理工学院,使我们能够吸引非洲一半地区的学生,”科勒说。)

13. Its domicile is in Lausanne, Switzerland, The mission of the IOC is to lead the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic charter. (翻译:其总部设在瑞士洛桑。国际奥林匹克委员会的任务是按照《奥林匹克宪章》领导奥林匹克运动。)

14. Lausanne, says Mr Schulz, therefore became irrelevant. (翻译:按舒尔茨先生的话说,洛桑会议因此变得有点不着边际。)



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