snails是什么意思 snails的中文翻译、读音、例句

snails是什么意思 snails的中文翻译、读音、例句


1.词义解释: 'snails'指的是蜗牛,它是一种软体动物,通常有一只螺旋形的壳。

2.词源及发音: 'snails'源自古英语“snægl”,发音为/sneɪlz/。

3.单复数形式: 'snails'是复数形式,单数形式是'snail'。

4.用法和搭配: 'snails'常用于生物学或动物学中的文本中,也可以用作食材或药材。


例句1: The garden is full of snails after the rain.(雨后花园到处都是蜗牛。)

例句2: She picked up a snail and showed it to the class.(她捡起了一只蜗牛,向班级展示。)

例句3: The snail's shell is used in traditional Chinese medicine.(蜗牛壳在中医中被用作药材。)

例句4: The restaurant serves escargots, a French delicacy made from snails.(这家餐厅供应法式美食——鲜蜗牛肉。)

例句5: The scientist is studying the behavior of snails in different environments.(科学家正在研究蜗牛在不同环境中的行为。)





1. I saw some snails crawling on the leaves.(我看到一些蜗牛在叶子上爬行。)

2. The French cuisine is famous for its escargots, or cooked snails.(法式美食以其蜗牛或煮熟的蜗牛而闻名。)




例句:One point three million eggs per square meter inside the marine reserve where these snails are very abundant. (在保护区里面有很多蜗牛。它们产了每平方米130万个蛋 )


例句:The ability of amoebocytes from snails of both localities to phagocytose sheep red blood cells was confirmed in vitro. (两地螺的阿米巴细胞均具有体外吞噬羊红细胞的能力。)


例句:Why do snails, the coldest of all creatures... circle interminably around each other? (为什么最冷血的动物蜗牛 会一直环绕着对方?)


例句:There are fish and snails that eat starfish, particularly the giant triton snail, which is the main predator of the starfish. (翻译:有些鱼和蜗牛以海星为食,特别是巨型法螺蜗牛,它是海星的主要天敌。)


snails一般作为名词、动词使用,如在the snails([网络] 蜗牛)、edible snails([网络] 食用蜗牛)、garden snails(【无脊椎动物】花园大蜗牛)等常见短语中出现较多。

the snails[网络] 蜗牛
edible snails[网络] 食用蜗牛
garden snails【无脊椎动物】花园大蜗牛
land snails[网络] 蜗牛
moon snails[网络] 月亮蜗牛
pulmonate snails肺螺类
ramshorn snails[网络] 拉姆斯霍恩蜗牛
sea snailsn. 【鱼类】狮子鱼属(Liparis)鱼;【动物】腹足纲软体动物(如蛾螺),海螺


1. Why do snails, the coldest of all creatures... circle interminably around each other? (翻译:为什么最冷血的动物蜗牛 会一直环绕着对方?)

2. There are fish and snails that eat starfish, particularly the giant triton snail, which is the main predator of the starfish. (翻译:有些鱼和蜗牛以海星为食,特别是巨型法螺蜗牛,它是海星的主要天敌。)

3. Volcanic eruptions regularly convulsed the area at the time, entombing untold millions of reptiles, fish, snails and insects in ash. (翻译:但火山喷发震撼了大地,将数不清的爬行类、鱼类、腹足类和昆虫类动物埋入灰烬之中。)

4. The infection rate, mortality, precercarial period and cercarial production of test snails were observed and compared. (翻译:观察的内容包括:钉螺感染率、死亡率、尾蚴逸出前期及逸出尾蚴数量等。)

5. Liver, kidneys, snails, brussels sprouts, sardines with their faces on 'em. (翻译:肝脏 肾脏 蜗牛 还有球芽甘蓝 整条沙丁鱼)

6. ...and Everhappy got wet toes, and therefore she was knocking - on the snails tiny roof. (翻译:... 高兴的打湿了脚趾 然后敲着 - - 蜗牛的小壳)

7. I ate snails, vultures, rabbits, snakes, and anything that had life. (翻译:我吃过蜗牛、秃鹰、兔子 蛇以及其他有生命的动物 )

8. These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae, the infective form for man. (翻译:这些毛蚴进体螺体,繁殖和发育对人类有传染性的尾蚴。)

9. This is a very fast movement. This is a Dionaea, a Venus fly trap hunting snails. (翻译:这个动作非常地快,这是蒂纳即捕蝇草,正在捕食蜗牛。)

10. That's right, you know when all the animals got on the Ark, none took care of the snails... so, the snails crawled and crawled... (翻译:是啊 不是说那艘船上什么动物都有吗 但是 这蜗牛却没人管 所以 这蜗牛 就日以继夜自己慢慢的 慢慢的爬)

11. I ate snails, vultures, rabbits, snakes, and anything that had life. (翻译:我吃过蜗牛、秃鹰、兔子 蛇以及其他有生命的动物)

12. Now, the other type of mantis shrimp is the smasher stomatopod, and these guys open up snails for a living. (翻译:现在,来看看另一种“球棍型”螳螂虾是什么样的。这些家伙以吃敲开蜗牛壳吃蜗牛为生 )

13. The weather had exacerbated another problem by now: mildew, oidium and...... snails. (翻译:到现在,天气加剧了另一个问题:霉菌,粉泡菌和……蜗牛。)

14. Enzyme-histochemical observation on influence of suspension concentrate of niclosamide in Oncomelania hupensis snails (翻译:氯硝柳胺悬浮剂对钉螺影响的酶组织化学观察)

15. There's even a variety that subsists on the slime left by snails. (翻译:有一个金龟变种甚至靠蜗牛留下的粘液来生存。)



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