enable是什么意思 enable的中文翻译、读音、例句

enable是什么意思 enable的中文翻译、读音、例句



- The new software will enable us to work more efficiently.(新软件将使我们更高效地工作。)

- The scholarship enabled her to attend the prestigious university.(奖学金使她得以就读名校。)



- enable + 名词 + to do sth.(使某人能够做某事)

- enable + 名词/代词 + to be/become + 形容词(使某物变得某种状态)

- enable + 名词 + for + 名词/代词(使某物有资格、适合做某事)


- The new technology will enable us to communicate more easily.(新技术将使我们更容易交流。)

- The training program enables employees to be more productive.(培训计划使员工更有生产力。)

- The grant enabled her to pursue her research interests.(资助使她得以追求她的研究兴趣。)



- enable sb./sth. to do sth.(使某人/某物能够做某事)

- enable sb. to achieve sth.(使某人取得某种成就)

- enable sb. to overcome sth.(使某人克服某个问题、困难)

- enable sb. to cope with sth.(使某人应对某种情况)

- enable sb. to adapt to sth.(使某人适应某种环境、情况)


- The new equipment enabled us to complete the project on time.(新设备使我们能够按时完成项目。)

- Her perseverance enabled her to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.(她的毅力使她实现了成为医生的梦想。)

- His positive attitude enabled him to overcome his fear of public speaking.(他的积极态度使他克服了公共演讲的恐惧。)



- “enable”通常没有被动语态,只能用主动语态。

- “enable”是一个正式用词,适合用于学术、商务或正式场合。

- “enable”常常与“to”连用,但有时也可以与其他介词连用,比如“for”、“with”等。


- The new program will enable us to accomplish more with less effort.(新程序将使我们用更少的努力完成更多任务。)

- The grant enabled the organization to expand its services to underserved communities.(资助使该组织将服务范围扩大到弱势社区。)


- The new training program will enable employees to develop new skills and improve productivity.(新的培训计划将使员工发展新技能,提高生产力。)

- The charity's donations enabled the construction of several new schools in rural areas.(慈善组织的捐款使建立了几所新的农村学校。)

- The latest scientific breakthroughs will enable researchers to better understand the human brain.(最新的科学突破将使研究人员更好地了解人类大脑。)

- The scholarship enabled him to pursue a degree in engineering, which he had always been passionate about.(奖学金使他得以追求他一直热爱的工程学位。)

- Effective communication skills are vital in today's workplace, as they enable collaboration and teamwork.(在当今的工作场所,有效的沟通技巧至关重要,因为它们使协作和团队合作成为可能。)




1. The new software will enable our team to work more efficiently. (新软件将使我们的团队更加高效。)

2. Adding this feature will enable users to customize their experience. (添加这项功能将使用户能够自定义体验。)

3. The government is working to enable more people to access affordable housing. (政府正在努力使更多人能够获得经济适用房。)

4. The password is required to enable access to the secure folder. (需要密码才能启用安全文件夹的访问。)




例句:Enter enable sntp-client — Turns on NTP. (输入enable sntp - client——启动ntp。)


例句:Enable DTP on an Oracle service by executing this command. (通过执行以下命令在Oracle服务上启用dtp。)


例句:So experiment with different tools that enable collaboration, see what works. (所以要去尝试用来增强协作的不同工具, 看看什么有效。)


例句:We already compiled in support for the SysRq key. Enable it with. (翻译:为了支持sysrq键,我们已经进行了编译。)


enable一般作为动词使用,如在enable buffer(使能缓冲器)、enable channel(赋能通道)、enable condition([计] 允许条件)等常见短语中出现较多。

enable buffer使能缓冲器
enable channel赋能通道
enable condition[计] 允许条件
enable gate赋能闸
enable input[计] 允许输入
enable interrupt许中断
enable interruption允许中断
enable level允许电平
enable logic[计] 启动逻辑


1. So experiment with different tools that enable collaboration, see what works. (翻译:所以要去尝试用来增强协作的不同工具, 看看什么有效。)

2. We already compiled in support for the SysRq key. Enable it with. (翻译:为了支持sysrq键,我们已经进行了编译。)

3. Tap the checkbox for Swype to enable it. (翻译:点击Swype对应的复选框,以启用它。)

4. A magneto-hydrodynamic drive, or caterpillar, that would enable the sub to run virtually silent. (翻译:磁性压水式推进器 又名履带式推进器 A magneto -hydrodynamic drive, or caterpillar... 所以潜艇可以无声无息地航行 that would enable the sub to run virtually silent.)

5. That might enable the SIFIs to borrow more cheaply. (翻译:其结果可能是SIFI能够以更低廉的成本借款。)

6. The purpose of defining the normalized format is to enable interoperation between BCs. (翻译:定义规范化格式的目的是允许BC之间相互操作。)

7. Is there any way to enable using background when the dialog is appeard on background? (翻译:有什么办法,当对话框是背景时,使用背景? )

8. I was given an unofficial directive to find creative ways to enable us to use that information, make it actionable. (翻译:我接到了秘密指令 I was given 要我们找到能 an unofficial directive to find creative ways 正当使用那些信息的 to enable us to use that information,)

9. Now the challenge is to enable user-generated wisdom. (翻译:而现在挑战在于让学生自己学习其所需的智慧。)

10. As you proceed, remember that Access does not enable these controls until you enable rich text editing for a Memo field. (翻译:执行操作时,请记住,在您为“备注”字段启用格式文本编辑之前,Access不会启动这些控件。)

11. To enable you to see all the action at once I object (翻译:能够同时看见在现场的 全部疑犯逃走过程 我反对 我反对辩方律师)

12. Since these laws are trustworthy, they enable technological achievements. (翻译:现在,这些规律,因为它们是如此可信 它们可以造就难以置信的科技成果)

13. Why not have the quick twitch muscle that will enable you to run faster and longer? (翻译:为什么不要快速的收缩肌肉 能让我们跑得更快更持久? )

14. All of these would enable, in principle -- be amenable to enhancement. (翻译:所有的这些,从原则上说,都可以以某些方式改进。)

15. It's your rods which enable you to see in the dark. (翻译:只能探测到影像的微小部分 它们将这些影像碎片传递到大脑)



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