robot是什么意思 robot的中文翻译、读音、例句

robot是什么意思 robot的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:robotics(机器人技术),robotic arm(机械臂),robotic surgery(机器人手术)

短语:a fleet of robots(机器人队伍),robotic automation(机器人自动化)

发音拼写:/ˈroʊbɑt/ (美式)


1. The factory has installed a fleet of robots to help with production.


2. The development of robotics has greatly increased the efficiency of manufacturing.


3. The robotic arm was used to perform delicate surgical procedures.


4. The future of industry is in robotic automation.


5. The robotics competition attracted teams from all over the world.




1. The robot is designed to perform repetitive tasks in a factory. (这个机器人被设计用于在工厂中执行重复性任务。)

2. The future of medicine could involve robots performing surgeries. (医疗行业的未来可能涉及到机器人进行手术。)

3. The robots in the military are used to detect and dispose of explosives. (军队中的机器人用于探测和处理爆炸物。)

4. The robot vacuum cleaner can clean the floors while you relax. (机器人吸尘器可以在你休息时打扫地板。)

5. The robot waiter can deliver food and drinks to customers in the restaurant. (机器人服务员可以在餐厅内给客人送餐和饮料。)

6. The robot arm can be controlled remotely to pick up and move objects. (机器人臂可以远程控制来拾起和移动物品。)

7. The robot dog can assist people with disabilities in their daily life. (机器人狗能够帮助残障人士进行日常生活。)

8. The robots in the space exploration mission are designed to withstand extreme temperatures. (太空探索任务中的机器人被设计成能够承受极端温度。)

9. The robot soccer team consists of autonomous robots that can play against each other. (机器人足球队由自主式机器人组成,可以相互比拼。)


读音:ró bó


1. 这个工厂采用了大量机器人,以提高生产效率。

2. 我们可以利用机器人来执行危险和重复性工作。

3. 许多科幻小说中都有智能机器人的形象。


Chinese Translation: Machine person

Reading: ró bó


1. This factory uses a large number of robots to improve production efficiency.

2. We can use robots to perform dangerous and repetitive work.

3. Many science fiction novels have images of intelligent robots.




例句:When are we going to get robot eyes? (我们什么时候能用上机器眼? When are we going to get robot eyes?)


例句:This is the latest in robot technology. (这是最新的机器人技术。)


例句:However, the movie "Robot Wali" original, so that this story takes place in the robot body. (可是,电影《机器人瓦力》别出心裁,让这样的故事发生在机器人身上。)


例句:From robot welders to robot vacuum cleaners, the robotics industry at this point is essentially siloed. (翻译:从焊接机器人到吸尘器机器人,机器人制造业在这一方面几乎都是如此。)


robot一般作为名词使用,如在domestic robot([计] 家用机器人)、distributed robot([计] 送货机器人)、drive robot([网络] 驱动机器人)等常见短语中出现较多。

domestic robot[计] 家用机器人
distributed robot[计] 送货机器人
drive robot[网络] 驱动机器人
electric robot[计] 电动机器人
electromechanical robot[计] 机电传动机机器人
electromotive robot[计] 电动机器人
electronic robot[计] 电子机器人
everyday robot日常生活中的机器人
finishing robot机器人
fishing robot[计] 打捞机器人


1. However, the movie "Robot Wali" original, so that this story takes place in the robot body. (翻译:可是,电影《机器人瓦力》别出心裁,让这样的故事发生在机器人身上。)

2. From robot welders to robot vacuum cleaners, the robotics industry at this point is essentially siloed. (翻译:从焊接机器人到吸尘器机器人,机器人制造业在这一方面几乎都是如此。)

3. Before that has to come to be a mildly bad robot, and before that a not so bad robot. (翻译:在此之前,先得有个轻度的不良机器人, 而在此之前,会变成一个不那么坏的机器人。)

4. Why would you need both a robot girlfriend and a robot prostitute? (翻译:你为什么会想要机器人女友 又要机器人妓女呢?)

5. Cobot (collaborative robot) is a new kind of robot, and it can cooperate with an operator to accomplish a task. (翻译:人机合作机器人是一种新型的机器人,它通过与操作者合作共同完成作业任务。)

6. The control of a robot with unactuated joints is much more difficult than a conventional robot. (翻译:含有非驱动关节的机器人的运动控制比一般的机器人要困难得多。)

7. Then this robot... Shizuka-chan? (翻译:那这个机器人是... 我说我说 别说这么难的话题了 静香 你也来操纵试试?)

8. A robot may not harm a human being, a robot may not disobey a human being, and a robot may not allow itself to come to harm -- in this order of importance. (翻译:机器人不能伤害人类, 机器人不能违背人类的命令, 机器人不能擅自伤害自己—— 这是按重要性由高到低排序的。)

9. Maybe the robot had something to do with it. (翻译:可能那个机器人与这有关 Maybe the robot had something to do with it.)

10. This robot is a very recent project. (翻译:这个机器人是最近的项目。它叫RAPHaEL )

11. That robot was operated by more people than any other robot in history. (翻译:操纵这个机器人的人 比史上任何一个机器人都多 )

12. What if you are a manically depressed robot? (翻译:如果你是一个有抑郁症的机器人 你又会怎么样?)

13. And so that year, I started to build this robot, Kismet, the world's first social robot. (翻译:所以那xx年,我开始制造这个机器人,Kismet, 世界上第一个社交机器人。)

14. Yeah, and the scary robot voice. Oh. (翻译:是啊 还有很恐怖的机器人一般的声音 Yeah, and the scary robot voice.)

15. The Manual Carrier Robot may touch the Traveller Robot when the Traveller Robot alights from the Kago. (翻译:当旅行机器人下轿时,手动机器人可接触旅行机器人。)



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