eudora是什么意思 eudora的中文翻译、读音、例句

eudora是什么意思 eudora的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和用途:

Eudora是一款电子邮件客户端软件,它最初由Steve Dorner于xx年创建,如今还在继续更新和使用。Eudora是一种功能强大的电子邮件管理工具,可以帮助用户处理和管理邮件,并提供各种附加功能,例如过滤电子邮件、搜索邮件、自动回复等等。此外,Eudora也经常被用作一种缩写,例如'EUDORA'可以代表“End User Degree Oriented Requirements Analysis”,'EUDORA'可以代表“European Union Demolition and Recycling Association”等等。

2. 功能和特点:


- 支持多种邮件协议和格式,包括POP3和IMAP协议,以及HTML和纯文本格式;

- 提供强大的搜索功能,可以根据关键字搜索电子邮件,也可以按照特定的信箱和时间范围进行筛选;

- 允许用户自定义自动回复消息,例如当用户不在办公室时可以设置自动回复消息,告知发件人何时会回复邮件;

- 支持电子邮件过滤,可以根据发件人、主题、内容等条件进行筛选,帮助用户快速处理邮件;

- 提供多种电子邮件编辑工具,例如拼写检查、格式化、附件添加等等;

- 可以自定义电子邮件通知声音和图标,帮助用户及时掌握新邮件信息。

3. 应用范围:



1. Eudora is a powerful email client that can help you manage your emails more efficiently. (Eudora是一款功能强大的电子邮件客户端,可以帮助您更有效地管理您的邮件。)

2. EUDORA stands for End User Degree Oriented Requirements Analysis, which is a software engineering process for identifying and analyzing user requirements. (EUDORA代表着用户导向的需求分析,这是一种软件工程过程,用于识别和分析用户需求。)

3. I used to use Eudora as my primary email client, but now I prefer to use web-based email services like Gmail. (我曾经把Eudora作为我的主要邮件客户端,但现在我更喜欢使用像Gmail这样的基于网络的邮件服务。)

4. The European Union Demolition and Recycling Association (EUDORA) is an industry association that represents the interests of European companies involved in demolition and recycling activities. (欧洲拆除和再生利用协会(EUDORA)是一个行业协会,代表从事拆除和再生利用活动的欧洲企业的利益。)

5. Eudora allows you to filter your emails by sender, subject, and content, so you can easily find the messages you need. (Eudora允许您按发件人、主题和内容筛选电子邮件,以便您轻松找到需要的信息。)





1. Eudora 是一款功能强大的电子邮件软件。

Eudora is a powerful email software.

2. 我认识一个名叫 Eudora 的女孩,她非常聪明。

I know a girl named Eudora, she is very smart.




例句:No human was involved, and it did not required an E-mail client such as Eudora. (没有人工参与,并且不需要如Eudora这样的电子邮件客户机。)


例句:Eudora Fletcher is stunned by what she sees. (... 尤朵拉·弗莱彻对于她 看到的一幕,大吃一惊。)


例句:New York welcomes back Eudora Fletcher... and Leonard Zelig, the human chameleon. (纽约欢迎尤朵拉·弗莱彻... ...和“人类变色龙” 伦纳德·泽)


例句:At that time, I am a person does, and I say that I am the most eudora of this machine money I don't want it. (翻译:当时我一个人人生地不熟,也没有办法,我说我最多拉过来的这个机器钱我不要了。)


eudora一般作为名词使用,如在Eudora([计] Eudora程序)、eudora light(Eudora Light 电子邮件版本)、eudora lite(轻型 Eudora 软体)等常见短语中出现较多。

Eudora[计] Eudora程序
eudora lightEudora Light 电子邮件版本
eudora lite轻型 Eudora 软体
Eudora OSE[网络] 经典邮件客户端
eudora weltiesn. 尤多拉·韦尔蒂\n(eudora welty 的复数)
Eudora Weltyn. 尤多拉·韦尔蒂


1. New York welcomes back Eudora Fletcher... and Leonard Zelig, the human chameleon. (翻译:纽约欢迎尤朵拉·弗莱彻... ...和“人类变色龙” 伦纳德·泽)

2. At that time, I am a person does, and I say that I am the most eudora of this machine money I don't want it. (翻译:当时我一个人人生地不熟,也没有办法,我说我最多拉过来的这个机器钱我不要了。)

3. Eudora Fletcher stands by the man she loves, valiantly. (翻译:尤朵拉·弗莱彻一直 支持著她所爱的人,义无反顾。)

4. Everyone, meet Constance Angel Eudora Garvey. (翻译:大家都来见见Constance Angel Eudora Garvey.)

5. Outlook 2002 and 2003 do not support direct import of Qualcomm Eudora 6. X e-mail messages and address books. (翻译:Outlook2002和2003不支持直接导入QualcommEudora6.x电子邮件和通讯簿。)

6. you can use a standard email client like eudora or outlook express to download emails for any of the account that you create (翻译:您可以用普通的电子邮件客户端软件如eudora或outlookexpress等下载邮件)

7. It is clear that he is coming apart... when he and Eudora dine at a Greek restaurant... and in the midst of the meal, Zelig begins to turn Greek. (翻译:但是这变得越来越难了。很显然,他的精神开始崩溃, 当他和尤朵拉在一家 希腊餐厅用餐的时候,)

8. Eudora is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programs and is available for both Macintosh and IBM compatibles. (翻译:Eudora是最普及、最简单易用的程序之一,在Macintosh和IBM兼容机上都能使用。)

9. Steve, I want you to meet my old neighbor, Eudora Mixon. (翻译:史蒂芬 这是我的老邻居 伊多拉. 米克森)

10. Reading mail with EUDORA is simplicity itself, the hardest part is getting the mail into your mailbox. (翻译:用Eudora阅读邮件是简单易行的,最困难的是将信件放入你的信箱。)

11. At 7 a.m., Dr. Eudora Fletcher, a psychiatrist... makes her usual rounds. (翻译:晚上七点,尤朵拉·弗莱彻医生, 一位精神病学家, 来进行例行查房。)

12. Steve, Eudora owns a little building down in Montrose and... she's having terrible trouble with her builder. (翻译:小史 伊多拉在蒙特罗斯有栋房产... 但她和她的包工头起了纠纷)

13. Eudora Welty is one of the leading writers of South American Literature. (翻译:尤多拉·韦尔蒂是美国南方文学的代表作家之一。)

14. Eudora Fletcher arranges to keep a filmed record... of the proceedings. (翻译:尤朵拉·弗莱彻 准备用影片记录下... ...整个治疗过程。)

15. On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner. (翻译:几年前,在一次去纽约的旅行中,尤多拉·韦尔蒂决定带几个纽约的朋友出去吃饭。)



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