词组搭配:carsales business (汽车销售业); carsales manager (汽车销售经理); carsales showroom (汽车销售展厅)
1. The carsales business is highly competitive, with many dealerships fighting for customers.(汽车销售业竞争激烈,许多经销商争夺顾客。)
2. The carsales manager has to constantly monitor the market and adjust their pricing accordingly.(汽车销售经理必须不断监测市场,并适时调整价格。)
3. The carsales showroom was filled with shiny new cars, tempting potential buyers.(汽车销售展厅里摆满了亮闪闪的新车,吸引了许多潜在买家。)
4. Carsales have been hit hard by the economic downturn, with many dealerships struggling to make ends meet.(汽车销售因经济低迷而遭受重创,许多经销商难以维持生计。)
5. She decided to buy her new car through carsales website, as it offered a better deal than her local dealership.(她决定通过汽车销售网站购买新车,因为这比她本地的经销商更划算。)
6. The carsales representative was very knowledgeable about the various options and features available on the car.(汽车销售代表十分熟悉汽车上的各种选择和功能。)
7. He had been working in carsales for years, and had developed a keen eye for spotting a good deal.(他在汽车销售上工作多年,学会了看出好的交易。)
'carsales'意思是汽车销售。它的中文翻译是汽车销售,读音为/kɑrseɪlz/。例句:Carsales have been stagnant due to high fuel prices. (汽车销售因高油价停滞不前。)