existence是什么意思 existence的中文翻译、读音、例句

existence是什么意思 existence的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. mere existence:仅仅存在

2. physical existence:物质存在

3. the existence of:存在,有

4. existence proof:真实存在的证据

5. existence value:存在价值



1. in existence:存在中

2. come into existence:开始存在

3. go out of existence:停止存在

4. bring into existence:使开始存在

5. the bare existence:生存本身


英[ɪɡˈzɪstəns] 美[ɪɡˈzɪstəns]


1. The existence of life on other planets has long been a topic of debate.(存在其他星球上的生命一直是一个争论的话题。)

2. The existence of the internet has changed the way people communicate.(互联网的存在改变了人们的交流方式。)

3. Our existence on this planet is fragile and we must take care of it.(我们在这个星球上的生存是脆弱的,我们必须保护它。)

4. The company's existence is threatened by the current economic downturn.(这家公司的存在受到当前经济低迷的威胁。)

5. Despite the challenges, the small town managed to maintain its existence.(尽管面临着挑战,这个小镇设法保持了它的存在。)




1. The existence of God is a matter of faith for many people. (上帝的存在对于许多人来说是信仰的问题。)

2. His existence was unknown until he was discovered by the scientists. (他的存在直到被科学家发现之前都是未知的。)

3. The company's existence was threatened by the economic downturn. (经济萧条威胁了公司的存在。)

4. The existence of life on other planets has always been a topic of interest for scientists. (其他星球上的生命存在一直是科学家感兴趣的话题。)




例句:Theworstthingthatever couldhavehappened toplanetEarth, humanexistence. (人类的存在 {\fs12\1cH0048DD\i1}human existence.)


例句:blip of an existence it made me happy. (渺小... 生命中 那一周的时间里 ...我是快乐的)


例句:The existence teaching practice rationality in reality is often not the reasonable existence that the curriculum reforms desires. (现实存在的教学实践理性,往往不是课程改革所欲求的合理存在。)


例句:Brahman is the only Real Existence. (翻译:梵天是唯一的真正存在。)


existence一般作为名词使用,如在in existence(存在, 现有)、the existence([网络] 存在;存在性;这个存在)、edge of existence(存在边缘)等常见短语中出现较多。

in existence存在, 现有
the existence[网络] 存在;存在性;这个存在
edge of existence存在边缘
duration of existence[经] 存在期间
existence condition存在[生存]条件;现状
existence conditions[计划] 现有条件
existence dependency存在相依
existence domain存在域
existence doubtful疑存


1. The existence teaching practice rationality in reality is often not the reasonable existence that the curriculum reforms desires. (翻译:现实存在的教学实践理性,往往不是课程改革所欲求的合理存在。)

2. Brahman is the only Real Existence. (翻译:梵天是唯一的真正存在。)

3. In a time of co-existence peaceful co-existence (翻译:在共处的这段时间里... 和平共处的这段时间里...)

4. It decided all humanity was a threat to its existence. (翻译:它认为所有人类的存在对于它来说都是威胁 It decided all humanity was a threat to its existence.)

5. His existence results in countless deaths. (翻译:甚至连活下去也办不到 人类为了生存导致无数的杀戮)

6. Richard Nixon's existence is threatened. (翻译:意识到理查德. 尼克松的存在 是一种威胁)

7. And of course, the existence of an economy is another idea. (翻译:当然, 这个经济体的存在性是另外一个话题)

8. Then, tell me now, do you believe in the existence of God? (翻译:那么告诉我 你相信上帝的存在吗 Then, tell me now, do you believe in the existence of God?)

9. - My existence is inevitable. (翻译:- 我的存在是不可避免的 - Go! - My existence is inevitable.)

10. Do you not believe in the existence of the devil? (翻译:你不相信魔鬼的存在吗 Do you not believe in the existence of the devil?)

11. For him, Caucasia was not only a kind of natural existence, but also a kind of social existence. (翻译:高加索对诗人来说既是一种自然存在,又是一种社会存在。)

12. - is wiped from existence! (翻译:- 毁灭殆尽! - 等等 等等! - is wiped from existence!)

13. Maybe, in fact, emotions have a collective existence, not just an individual existence. (翻译:也许事实上,情感是有一种共有的存在性, 不单单是个人的存在性。)

14. The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability... to handle incidents like this. (翻译:这间公园得以成立是因为我们有能力... The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability... 解决此类突发事件 to handle incidents like this.)

15. In other words, they are fundamental to human existence. (翻译:换言之,它们对人类生存 是不可或缺的。)



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