tcms是什么意思 tcms的中文翻译、读音、例句

tcms是什么意思 tcms的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:TCMS是“Traditional Chinese Medicine System(中医系统)”的缩写,指的是中医学中的整个体系。

2. 词性:TCMS是一个缩写词,属于名词。

3. 词组搭配:无。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/tiːsiːɛmɛs/


1. TCMS是中国文化的重要组成部分。

2. TCMS在世界范围内越来越受到重视和关注。

3. 中医药学是TCMS的重要分支之一。

4. TCMS中的针灸疗法在很多疾病的治疗中都取得了显著的效果。

5. 许多西方国家已经开始研究TCMS并将其应用于临床实践中。


1. TCMS is an important part of Chinese culture.

2. TCMS is receiving increasing attention and recognition worldwide.

3. Chinese herbal medicine is an important branch of TCMS.

4. Acupuncture therapy in TCMS has achieved significant results in the treatment of many diseases.

5. Many Western countries have begun to study TCMS and apply it in clinical practice.

TCMS的中文名是铁路车辆运行维护管理系统,读音为tè lù chē liàng yùn xíng wéi bǎo guǎn xì tǒng。例句:我们公司使用TCMS来管理列车运行和维护。 (Our company uses TCMS to manage train operation and maintenance.)




例句:However, edible bird's nest is different from most of the TCMs. (然而,食用燕窝不同于大多数中药。)


例句:CONCLUSIONS: Certain TCMs have cross antigenicity with Artemisia pollen, which can induce or worsen pollenosis symptoms. (结论某些中药制剂与蒿属花粉等有交叉抗原性,可以诱发或加重花粉症症状。)


例句:Hong Kong has issued safety warnings in connection with several TCMs contaminated with prescription only medicines and harmful impurities . (香港发布了关于几种污染杂质的中药和掺西药的安全警告。)


例句:Scientists also tested the capacity of the store-bought TCMs to widen blood vessels in an animal model. (翻译:科学家也检测了药店买的中药在动物模型上扩张血管的能力。)


1. Hong Kong has issued safety warnings in connection with several TCMs contaminated with prescription only medicines and harmful impurities . (翻译:香港发布了关于几种污染杂质的中药和掺西药的安全警告。)

2. Scientists also tested the capacity of the store-bought TCMs to widen blood vessels in an animal model. (翻译:科学家也检测了药店买的中药在动物模型上扩张血管的能力。)

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